最終更新:2009-07-01 (水) 09:06:06 (5700d)
Top / cRARk
- RAR 3.0以降は暗号化にAESを使っているから効率的なアタック方法が無いっぽい。
- 6文字以上のパスワードのときは諦めること。
- english.defを好みにいじってpassword.defにリネーム
- ヘッダも暗号化されている場合はcrark-hpのほうを使う
Usage: CRARK [<options>] <rar_file> Options are: -l<number> - min password length (1 - 127, default = 1) } only if '*' -g<number> - max password length (1 - 127, default = 5) } presents -p<name> - use password definition filename, default = "password.def" -b - make benchmark -v - test charset and password definitions (do not crack) -c - disable CUDA engine -fWXYZ - set crypto functions #W,X,Y,Z (not recommended)
- Phenom II 940BE+GeForce 9800 GTX+で実行したときのログ
- -m64とか引数を足すと少し進むけど途中で止まる。
T:\Temp\crark32>crark.exe -m64 crark32.rar cRARk 3.2a (CUDA enabled) Freeware Copyright 1995-2001, 2006-09 by P. Semjanov, http://www.crark.net portions (c) 1993-2005 Eugene Roshal (c) PSW-soft Password Cracking Library PCL v. 2.0d by P. Semjanov Testing archive crark32.rar : version 2.9 Testing readme : file is not encrypted Testing crackme.def : file is not encrypted Testing english.def : file is not encrypted Testing russian.def : file is not encrypted Testing spanish.def : file is not encrypted Testing file_id.diz : file is not encrypted Testing cudart.dll : file is not encrypted Testing crark.exe : file is not encrypted Testing crark-hp.exe : file is not encrypted Testing cRARk.html : file is not encrypted Testing crark.rus.txt : file is not encrypted Testing readme.rus.txt : file is not encrypted Testing versions.txt : file is not encrypted Testing crackme CUDA device GeForce 9800 GTX+ found, multiprocessors = 16, GPU rate = 0.53 Choosing best crypto functions.................................................. .. Chosen: ASM (Prescott/AMD), SSE2 (P4/Core 2) (-f1444) Ticks per password expected = 17425714, theoretical = 27000000, CPU rate = 1.55 Processing line 56 of password definition file... Testing 1-chars passwords ... Testing 2-chars passwords ... Block size is: 64 x 64 (-m64) Testing 3-chars passwords ... Block size is: 64 x 64 (-m64) Testing 4-chars passwords ... Block size is: 64 x 64 (-m64) ! cudaThreadSynchronize() failed: unknown error Try to use -m32 option Testing 5-chars passwords ... ! cudaMemcpy() failed: unknown error Passwords tested = 370534 (time = 03:39.69, rate = 1687 p/s) Total tested = 370534, slow tests = 42 Password not found Total passwords tested = 370534, slow tests = 42