最終更新:2014-08-28 (木) 05:33:35 (3755d)
Top / フィジカルディスクリプタ
Physical descriptor sets are optional descriptors which provide information about the part or parts of the human body used to activate the controls on a device.
- 殆ど使われない
- 00 None
- 01 Hand
- 02 Eyeball
- 03 Eyebrow
- 04 Eyelid
- 05 Ear
- 06 Nose
- 07 Mouth
- 08 Upper lip
- 09 Lower lip
- 0A Jaw
- 0B Neck
- 0C Upper arm
- 0D Elbow
- 0E Forearm
- 0F Wrist
- 10 Palm
- 11 Thumb
- 12 Index finger
- 13 Middle finger
- 14 Ring finger
- 15 Little finger
- 16 Head
- 17 Shoulder
- 18 Hip
- 19 Waist
- 1A Thigh
- 1B Knee
- 1C Calf
- 1D Ankle
- 1E Foot
- 1F Heel
- 20 Ball of foot
- 21 Big toe
- 22 Second toe
- 23 Third toe
- 24 Fourth toe
- 25 Little toe
- 26 Brow
- 27 Cheek
- 28-FF Reserved