最終更新:2023-05-23 (火) 06:53:46 (502d)  

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Python 2.x のソースコードを読み込み、一連の 変換プログラム (fixer) を適用して正しい Python 3.x のコードに変換する Python プログラム




  • バージョン 3.11 で非推奨、バージョン 3.13 で削除予定


  • Usage: 2to3 [options] file|dir ...
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -d, --doctests_only   Fix up doctests only
      -f FIX, --fix=FIX     Each FIX specifies a transformation; default: all
      -j PROCESSES, --processes=PROCESSES
                            Run 2to3 concurrently
      -x NOFIX, --nofix=NOFIX
                            Prevent a transformation from being run
      -l, --list-fixes      List available transformations
      -p, --print-function  Modify the grammar so that print() is a function
      -e, --exec-function   Modify the grammar so that exec() is a function
      -v, --verbose         More verbose logging
      --no-diffs            Don't show diffs of the refactoring
      -w, --write           Write back modified files
      -n, --nobackups       Don't write backups for modified files
      -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR
                            Put output files in this directory instead of
                            overwriting the input files.  Requires -n.
      -W, --write-unchanged-files
                            Also write files even if no changes were required
                            (useful with --output-dir); implies -w.
                            Append this string to all output filenames. Requires
                            -n if non-empty.  ex: --add-suffix='3' will generate
                            .py3 files.