最終更新:2022-08-15 (月) 22:41:56 (616d)  


used to state that a given request cannot be performed, and to provide the reason.


NameError CodeDescription
Invalid Handle0x01The attribute handle given was not valid on this server.
Read Not Permitted0x02The attribute cannot be read.
Write Not Permitted0x03The attribute cannot be written.
Invalid PDU0x04The attribute PDU was invalid.
Insufficient Authentication0x05The attribute requires authentication before it can be read or written.
Request Not Supported0x06ATT Server does not support the request received from the client.
Invalid Offset0x07Offset specified was past the end of the attribute.
Insufficient Authorization0x08The attribute requires authorization before it can be read or written.
Prepare Queue Full0x09Too many prepare writes have been queued.
Attribute Not Found0x0ANo attribute found within the given attribute handle range.