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Android NDK/バージョン
Top / Android NDK / バージョン
Android NDK r23?
Android NDK r22
- The deprecated <NDK>/platforms and <NDK>/sysroot directories have been removed.
Android NDK r21?
Android NDK r20?
Android NDK r19? (2019/01)
Android NDK r18b? (2018/09)
- GCC has been removed.
- LLD is now available for testing
- gnustl?, gabi++?, and stlport? have been removed.
- Support for ICS (android-14 and android-15) has been removed.
Android NDK r17c?
- GCC is no longer supported. It will be removed in NDK r18.
- libc++ is now the default STL for CMake and standalone toolchains.
Android NDK r17b? (2018/06)
- GCC is no longer supported. It will be removed in NDK r18.
Android NDK r16b? (2017/12)
- Android 8.1
- Neural Networks API
- JNI Shared Memory API?
- The deprecated headers have been removed. Unified Headers are now simply "The Headers".
Android NDK r15c? (2017/07)
Android NDK r14 (2017/03)
Android NDK r14b? (2017/03)
Android NDK r13 (2016/09)
- https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r13-windows-x86_64.zip
- GCC is no longer supported.
- ndk-build command defaults to using Clang