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Android Studio/バージョン
Top / Android Studio / バージョン




http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system ?


Android Studio 1.4

Android Studio 1.4.1?

Android Studio 1.4.0?

Android Studio 1.3

Android Studio 1.3.2

Android Studio 1.3.1

  • Creating Android Wear AVDs broken on Windows
  • New Project Wizard ignores package name edits
  • "The SDK path is not writable": Allow the SDK directory to be read-only
  • Switch default Gradle plugin version for newly created projects from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0
  • Several fixes for LLDB debugging
  • Fix Java package renaming to not involve OCHandler

Android Studio 1.3

Android Studioの魅力