最終更新:2021-09-09 (木) 12:49:33 (959d)  

Top / BABYLON.GUI.Control.AddHeader

BABYLON.GUI.Control.AddHeader(control, text, size, options { isHorizontal, controlFirst }):
  • This function will create a StackPanel (horizontal or vertical based on options) and will add your control plus a TextBlock in it.
  • Options can also be used to specify if the control is inserted first of after the header.
  • Depending on the orientation, size will either specify the widht or the height used for the TextBlock.
     * Creates a stack panel that can be used to render headers
     * @param control defines the control to associate with the header
     * @param text defines the text of the header
     * @param size defines the size of the header
     * @param options defines options used to configure the header
     * @returns a new StackPanel
     * @ignore
     * @hidden
    static AddHeader: (control: Control, text: string, size: string | number, options: {
        isHorizontal: boolean;
        controlFirst: boolean;
    }) => any;
