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Top / Buildroot / make

start the build process

  • ステップ
    • download source files (as required);
    • configure, build and install the cross-compilation toolchain, or simply import an external toolchain;
    • configure, build and install selected target packages;
    • build a kernel image, if selected;
    • build a bootloader image, if selected;
    • create a root filesystem in selected formats.
  • 出力先
    • output/


  • Buildroot/makeデフォルトはall
    Buildroot/make all?make world
    Buildroot/make toolchain?build toolchain
    Buildroot/make sdk?build relocatable SDK
    Buildroot/make reinstall?reinstall all



  • make 2>&1 | tee build.log
  • or Buildroot/utils/brmake?を使う
  • use a wrapper script provided by Buildroot:
    $ ./utils/brmake

一覧 (Buildroot 2022.02)

  • Build:
    • Buildroot/make all? - make world
    • Buildroot/make toolchain? - build toolchain
    • Buildroot/make sdk? - build relocatable SDK
  • Configuration:
    • Buildroot/make menuconfig - interactive curses-based configurator
    • Buildroot/make nconfig? - interactive ncurses-based configurator
    • Buildroot/make xconfig - interactive Qt-based configurator
    • Buildroot/make gconfig? - interactive GTK-based configurator
    • Buildroot/make oldconfig? - resolve any unresolved symbols in .config
    • Buildroot/make syncconfig? - Same as oldconfig, but quietly, additionally update deps
    • Buildroot/make olddefconfig? - Same as syncconfig but sets new symbols to their default value
    • Buildroot/make randconfig? - New config with random answer to all options
    • Buildroot/make defconfig? - New config with default answer to all options; BR2_DEFCONFIG, if set on the command line, is used as input
    • Buildroot/make savedefconfig - Save current config to BR2_DEFCONFIG (minimal config)
    • Buildroot/make update-defconfig? - Same as savedefconfig
    • Buildroot/make allyesconfig? - New config where all options are accepted with yes
    • Buildroot/make allnoconfig? - New config where all options are answered with no
    • Buildroot/make alldefconfig? - New config where all options are set to default
    • Buildroot/make randpackageconfig? - New config with random answer to package options
    • Buildroot/make allyespackageconfig? - New config where pkg options are accepted with yes
    • Buildroot/make allnopackageconfig? - New config where package options are answered with no
  • Package-specific:
    • Buildroot/make <pkg> - Build and install <pkg> and all its dependencies
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-source? - Only download the source files for <pkg>
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-extract? - Extract <pkg> sources
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-patch? - Apply patches to <pkg>
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-depends? - Build <pkg>'s dependencies
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-configure? - Build <pkg> up to the configure step
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-build? - Build <pkg> up to the build step
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-show-info? - generate info about <pkg>, as a JSON blurb
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-show-depends? - List packages on which <pkg> depends
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-show-rdepends? - List packages which have <pkg> as a dependency
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-show-recursive-depends? - Recursively list packages on which <pkg> depends
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-show-recursive-rdepends? - Recursively list packages which have <pkg> as a dependency
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-graph-depends? - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s dependencies
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-graph-rdepends? - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s reverse dependencies
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-dirclean - Remove <pkg> build directory
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-reconfigure? - Restart the build from the configure step
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-rebuild? - Restart the build from the build step
    • Buildroot/make <pkg>-reinstall? - Restart the build from the install step
  • Documentation:
    • Buildroot/make manual? - build manual in all formats
    • Buildroot/make manual-html? - build manual in HTML
    • Buildroot/make manual-split-html? - build manual in split HTML
    • Buildroot/make manual-pdf? - build manual in PDF
    • Buildroot/make manual-text? - build manual in text
    • Buildroot/make manual-epub? - build manual in ePub
    • Buildroot/make graph-build? - generate graphs of the build times
    • Buildroot/make graph-depends? - generate graph of the dependency tree
    • Buildroot/make graph-size? - generate stats of the filesystem size
    • Buildroot/make list-defconfigs - list all defconfigs (pre-configured minimal systems)
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Buildroot/make source - download all sources needed for offline-build
    • Buildroot/make external-deps? - list external packages used
    • Buildroot/make legal-info? - generate info about license compliance
    • Buildroot/make show-info? - generate info about packages, as a JSON blurb
    • Buildroot/make pkg-stats? - generate info about packages as JSON and HTML
    • Buildroot/make missing-cpe? - generate XML snippets for missing CPE identifiers
    • Buildroot/make printvars? - dump internal variables selected with VARS=...
    • Buildroot/make show-vars? - dump all internal variables as a JSON blurb; use VARS=... to limit the list to variables names matching that pattern
  • make V=0|1 - 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build
  • make O=dir - Locate all output files in "dir", including .config


  • Buildroot/make <pkg>-*
     <pkg>                  - Build and install <pkg> and all its dependencies
     <pkg>-source           - Only download the source files for <pkg>
     <pkg>-extract          - Extract <pkg> sources
     <pkg>-patch            - Apply patches to <pkg>
     <pkg>-depends          - Build <pkg>'s dependencies
     <pkg>-configure        - Build <pkg> up to the configure step
     <pkg>-build            - Build <pkg> up to the build step
     <pkg>-show-info        - generate info about <pkg>, as a JSON blurb
     <pkg>-show-depends     - List packages on which <pkg> depends
     <pkg>-show-rdepends    - List packages which have <pkg> as a dependency
                            - Recursively list packages on which <pkg> depends
                            - Recursively list packages which have <pkg> as a dependency
     <pkg>-graph-depends    - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s dependencies
     <pkg>-graph-rdepends   - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s reverse dependencies
     <pkg>-dirclean         - Remove <pkg> build directory
     <pkg>-reconfigure      - Restart the build from the configure step
     <pkg>-rebuild          - Restart the build from the build step
     <pkg>-reinstall        - Restart the build from the install step

Buildroot/make help (Buildroot 2022.02.5?)

  • Cleaning:
      clean                  - delete all files created by build
      distclean              - delete all non-source files (including .config)
      all                    - make world
      toolchain              - build toolchain
      sdk                    - build relocatable SDK
      menuconfig             - interactive curses-based configurator
      nconfig                - interactive ncurses-based configurator
      xconfig                - interactive Qt-based configurator
      gconfig                - interactive GTK-based configurator
      oldconfig              - resolve any unresolved symbols in .config
      syncconfig             - Same as oldconfig, but quietly, additionally update deps
      olddefconfig           - Same as syncconfig but sets new symbols to their default value
      randconfig             - New config with random answer to all options
      defconfig              - New config with default answer to all options;
                                 BR2_DEFCONFIG, if set on the command line, is used as input
      savedefconfig          - Save current config to BR2_DEFCONFIG (minimal config)
      update-defconfig       - Same as savedefconfig
      allyesconfig           - New config where all options are accepted with yes
      allnoconfig            - New config where all options are answered with no
      alldefconfig           - New config where all options are set to default
      randpackageconfig      - New config with random answer to package options
      allyespackageconfig    - New config where pkg options are accepted with yes
      allnopackageconfig     - New config where package options are answered with no
      <pkg>                  - Build and install <pkg> and all its dependencies
      <pkg>-source           - Only download the source files for <pkg>
      <pkg>-extract          - Extract <pkg> sources
      <pkg>-patch            - Apply patches to <pkg>
      <pkg>-depends          - Build <pkg>'s dependencies
      <pkg>-configure        - Build <pkg> up to the configure step
      <pkg>-build            - Build <pkg> up to the build step
      <pkg>-show-info        - generate info about <pkg>, as a JSON blurb
      <pkg>-show-depends     - List packages on which <pkg> depends
      <pkg>-show-rdepends    - List packages which have <pkg> as a dependency
                             - Recursively list packages on which <pkg> depends
                             - Recursively list packages which have <pkg> as a dependency
      <pkg>-graph-depends    - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s dependencies
      <pkg>-graph-rdepends   - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s reverse dependencies
      <pkg>-dirclean         - Remove <pkg> build directory
      <pkg>-reconfigure      - Restart the build from the configure step
      <pkg>-rebuild          - Restart the build from the build step
      <pkg>-reinstall        - Restart the build from the install step
      manual                 - build manual in all formats
      manual-html            - build manual in HTML
      manual-split-html      - build manual in split HTML
      manual-pdf             - build manual in PDF
      manual-text            - build manual in text
      manual-epub            - build manual in ePub
      graph-build            - generate graphs of the build times
      graph-depends          - generate graph of the dependency tree
      graph-size             - generate stats of the filesystem size
      list-defconfigs        - list all defconfigs (pre-configured minimal systems)
      source                 - download all sources needed for offline-build
      external-deps          - list external packages used
      legal-info             - generate info about license compliance
      show-info              - generate info about packages, as a JSON blurb
      pkg-stats              - generate info about packages as JSON and HTML
      missing-cpe            - generate XML snippets for missing CPE identifiers
      printvars              - dump internal variables selected with VARS=...
      show-vars              - dump all internal variables as a JSON blurb; use VARS=...
                               to limit the list to variables names matching that pattern
      make V=0|1             - 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build
      make O=dir             - Locate all output files in "dir", including .config
    For further details, see README, generate the Buildroot manual, or consult
    it on-line at http://buildroot.org/docs.html

Buildroot/make help (Buildroot 2018.02)

  • Cleaning:
      clean                  - delete all files created by build
      distclean              - delete all non-source files (including .config)
      all                    - make world
      toolchain              - build toolchain
      sdk                    - build relocatable SDK
      menuconfig             - interactive curses-based configurator
      nconfig                - interactive ncurses-based configurator
      xconfig                - interactive Qt-based configurator
      gconfig                - interactive GTK-based configurator
      oldconfig              - resolve any unresolved symbols in .config
      silentoldconfig        - Same as oldconfig, but quietly, additionally update deps
      olddefconfig           - Same as silentoldconfig but sets new symbols to their default value
      randconfig             - New config with random answer to all options
      defconfig              - New config with default answer to all options
                                 BR2_DEFCONFIG, if set, is used as input
      savedefconfig          - Save current config to BR2_DEFCONFIG (minimal config)
      allyesconfig           - New config where all options are accepted with yes
      allnoconfig            - New config where all options are answered with no
      alldefconfig           - New config where all options are set to default
      randpackageconfig      - New config with random answer to package options
      allyespackageconfig    - New config where pkg options are accepted with yes
      allnopackageconfig     - New config where package options are answered with no
      <pkg>                  - Build and install <pkg> and all its dependencies
      <pkg>-source           - Only download the source files for <pkg>
      <pkg>-extract          - Extract <pkg> sources
      <pkg>-patch            - Apply patches to <pkg>
      <pkg>-depends          - Build <pkg>'s dependencies
      <pkg>-configure        - Build <pkg> up to the configure step
      <pkg>-build            - Build <pkg> up to the build step
      <pkg>-show-depends     - List packages on which <pkg> depends
      <pkg>-show-rdepends    - List packages which have <pkg> as a dependency
      <pkg>-graph-depends    - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s dependencies
      <pkg>-graph-rdepends   - Generate a graph of <pkg>'s reverse dependencies
      <pkg>-dirclean         - Remove <pkg> build directory
      <pkg>-reconfigure      - Restart the build from the configure step
      <pkg>-rebuild          - Restart the build from the build step
      manual                 - build manual in all formats
      manual-html            - build manual in HTML
      manual-split-html      - build manual in split HTML
      manual-pdf             - build manual in PDF
      manual-text            - build manual in text
      manual-epub            - build manual in ePub
      graph-build            - generate graphs of the build times
      graph-depends          - generate graph of the dependency tree
      graph-size             - generate stats of the filesystem size
      list-defconfigs        - list all defconfigs (pre-configured minimal systems)
      source                 - download all sources needed for offline-build
      external-deps          - list external packages used
      legal-info             - generate info about license compliance
      printvars              - dump all the internal variables
      make V=0|1             - 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build
      make O=dir             - Locate all output files in "dir", including .config
    For further details, see README, generate the Buildroot manual, or consult
    it on-line at http://buildroot.org/docs.html