最終更新:2013-12-09 (月) 02:07:40 (4062d)
Cached Commons
Top / Cached Commons
Cached Commons is a collection of user-contributed JavaScript libraries that have been cached, optimized, and hosted on GitHub’s fast CDN. If a library is missing from this collection, post a request on Github and we’ll add it immediately. The readme has all the details.
HTML5 Javascripts
Internet Explorer
jQuery and Plugins
- jQuery
- jQuery Easing?
- jQuery Autocomplete?
- jQuery Autoscroll?
- jQuery Disqus?
- jQuery Picasa?
- jQuery BlockUI?
- jQuery Color?
- jQuery Corner?
- jQuery Cycle?
- jQuery EasyToolTip?
- jQuery FileTree?
- jQuery Form?
- jQuery HotKeys?
- jQuery HoverIntent?
- jQuery JEditable?
- jQuery Lavalamp?
- jQuery Magic Labels?
- jQuery Pretty Checkboxes?
- jQuery Pretty Photo?
- jQuery ScrollTo?
- jQuery Supersized?
- jQuery Transform?
- jQuery Upload Progress?
- jQuery Validate?
- jQuery HTML5 Dataset?
- jQuery Class?
- jQuery Classy?
- jCrop?
- jQuery Cookie?
- jQuery Scale 9 Grid?
- jQuery Anytime?
- jQuery Google Feed API?
- jQuery jParallax?
- jQuery Scrolling Parallax?
- jQuery String methods?
- Uniform?
- Nivo Slider?
- jQTouch
- Quicksand?
- Google Analytics
- jQuery Labelify?
- jQuery Fieldtag?
- Starfield Tag Cloud?
- jQuery In-Field Label?
- jLabel?
- Elastic TextArea?
- Facebox
- jQuery Timeago?
- jQuery Page Slide?
- jQuery Glow?
- jQuery MouseWheel?
- TinyTips?
- jQuery LiveFilter?
- jQuery LiveUpdate?
- jQuery Autosuggest?
- jQuery Table Sorter?
- JSTree?
- URLInternal?
- jQuery BBQurl?
- HighlightRegex?
- jQuery Simply Countable?
- Overscroll?
- jQuery SimpleTooltip?
- jQuery PostMessage?
- jQuery Approach?
- jQuery Image Preview?
- jQuery Inheritance?
- DatePicker?
- FullScreenr?
- Superfish?
- jQuery Metadata?
- jQuery DropShadow?
- jQuery LazyLoad?
- jQuery LocalScroll?
- jQuery RightClick?
Physics, 3D, and Motion
MVC Javascript
Sound-related Javascripts
- SoundManager2?
Swfs, Flash, Flex
- SWFObject
- SWFAddress
- SWFAddress Optimizer?
- SWFUpload
Testing Libraries
Text, Text Editors, and Markup
- Cufon?
- MarkItUp?
- Prettify? (google-code-prettify)
- Showdown?
- SyntaxHighlighter
- Webフォント
- WMD Editor Demo?
- Underscore.js