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Top / CyU3PUsbEventType_t

typedef enum CyU3PUsbEventType_t
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_CONNECT = 0,       /**< USB Connect event. The evData parameter is an integer value which
                                             indicates whether it is a 3.0 connection (evData = 1) or a 2.0
                                             connection (evData = 0). */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_DISCONNECT,        /**< USB Disconnect event. The evData parameter is not used and will
                                             be NULL. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SUSPEND,           /**< USB Suspend event for both USB 2.0 and 3.0 connections. The evData
                                             parameter is not used and will be NULL. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_RESUME,            /**< USB Resume event. The evData parameter is not used and will be
                                             NULL. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_RESET,             /**< USB Reset event. The evData parameter is an integer value which
                                             indicates whether it is a 3.0 connection (evData = 1) or a 2.0
                                             connection (evData = 0). */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SETCONF,           /**< USB Set Configuration event. evData provides the configuration
                                             number that is selected by the host. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SPEED,             /**< USB Speed Change event. The evData parameter is not used and will
                                             always be set to 1. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SETINTF,           /**< USB Set Interface event. The evData parameter provides the interface
                                             number and the selected alternate setting values.
                                             Bits  7 - 0: LSB of wValue field from setup request.
                                             Bits 15 - 8: LSB of wIndex field from setup request. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SET_SEL,           /**< USB 3.0 Set System Exit Latency event. The event data
                                             parameter will be zero. The CyU3PUsbGetDevProperty API
                                             can be used to get the SEL values specified by the host. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SOF_ITP,           /**< SOF/ITP event notification. The evData parameter is not used and
                                             will be NULL. Since these events are very frequent, the event
                                             notification needs to be separately enabled using the
                                             CyU3PUsbEnableITPEvent() API call. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_EP0_STAT_CPLT,     /**< Event notifying completion of the status phase of a control request.
                                             This event is only generated for control requests that are handled
                                             by the user's application; and not for requests that are handled
                                             internally by the USB driver. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_VBUS_VALID,        /**< Vbus power detected on FX3's USB port. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_VBUS_REMOVED,      /**< Vbus power removed from FX3's USB port. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_HOST_CONNECT,      /**< USB host mode connect event. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_HOST_DISCONNECT,   /**< USB host mode disconnect event. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_OTG_CHANGE,        /**< USB OTG-ID Pin state change. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_OTG_VBUS_CHG,      /**< VBus made valid by OTG host. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_OTG_SRP,           /**< SRP signalling detected from OTG device. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_EP_UNDERRUN,       /**< Indicates that a data underrun error has been detected on one
                                             of the USB endpoints. The event data will provide the endpoint
                                             number. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_LNK_RECOVERY,      /**< Indicates that the USB link has entered recovery. This event
                                             will not be raised if the recovery is entered as part of a
                                             transition from Ux to U0. This event is raised from the interrupt
                                             context, and the event handler should not invoke any blocking
                                             operations. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_USB3_LNKFAIL,      /**< Indicates that the USB 3.0 link from FX3 to the USB host has
                                             failed. This event is only generated if the USB 2.0 operation
                                             of FX3 is disabled; and should be used to trigger a USB 2.0
                                             connection from the external controller. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SS_COMP_ENTRY,     /**< Indicates that the USB 3.0 link has entered the compliance state. */
    CY_U3P_USB_EVENT_SS_COMP_EXIT       /**< Indicates that the USB 3.0 link has exited the compliance state. */
} CyU3PUsbEventType_t;