最終更新:2017-06-16 (金) 17:58:42 (2597d)  

Embedded Linux Conference 2016
Top / Embedded Linux Conference 2016



  • From 96Boards to the Cloud?
  • IoT API: A Vision For 2020?
  • Dynamic Device Tree BoF ELC 2016?
  • Soletta Technical Introduction?
  • Snappy Ubuntu Core
  • Digitalization of Kernel Diversion from the Upstream?
  • Snappy Ubuntu Core
  • Modern Update Approaches for Embedded Linux?
  • Introduction to Memory Management in Linux?
  • Implementing GCC5’s Profile-based Performance Optimizations On Embedded Systems Using The Yocto Project?
  • Buildroot vs. OpenEmbedded/Yocto: a four hands discussion?
  • Using DT overlays to support the C.H.I.P.'s capes?
  • Static code checking in the Linux kernel?
  • Toasting the real world?
  • Modernizing the NAND framework: the big picture?
  • Debugging Custom Hardware with Linux – Tools to make your hardware engineers love you?
  • Memory Barriers in the Linux Kernel: Semantics and Practises?
  • Cryptography basics for embedded developers?
  • Devicetree Specification?
  • Devicetree BoFs?
  • Hardware Design for Linux Engineers?
  • Embedded Virtualization?
  • HDMI CEC: What? Why? How??
  • I2C hacking demistified?
  • Xenomai 3: An Overview of the Real-Time Framework for Linux?
  • Science Standardised Embedded Data infrastructure for Drones (SSEDD)?
  • How to port Linux to a new processor architecture?
  • Hacking a commercial Drone to run an open source autopilot - APM on Parrot Bebop?
  • SCHED_DEADLINE: a status update?
  • Project Artemis - Visual Navigation for Flying Robots?
  • kernelci.org: A million kernel boots and counting?
  • Build Embedded Linux systems with Clang/LLVM?
  • Debugging the Linux Kernel with GDB?
  • Designing a distro from scratch using OpenEmbedded?
  • Understand USB (in Linux)
  • libiio - Access to Sensor Devices made easy?
  • Lessons from Ion?
  • Linux and Dronecode?
  • Using Openembedded with Snapdragon Flight?
  • Stale data, or how we (mis-)manage modern caches?
  • Bringing display and 3D to the C.H.I.P computer?
  • Linux Power Management Optimization on the Nvidia Jetson Platform?
  • Drone simulation with gazebo?
  • Linux Integrated System Analysis (LISA) & Friends?
  • Google ProjectARA Power Management Challenges?
  • Automated Testing Laboratory for Embedded Linux Distributions?
  • Tizen based remote controller car using raspberry pi2?
  • OpenEmbedded in the Real World?
  • A quick survey of OSS licenses, tools, and compliance?
  • Embedded Systems meets real life -- The Orange Empire Railroad Museum Signal Garden?
  • Understanding a Real-Time System?
  • Bluetooth on modern Linux
  • IPv6 For Developers Used to IPv4?
  • Autotools: a demystification tutorial?
  • OpenBMC - a customized Linux distribution running on BMC?
  • Introduction to the Fuego test system?
  • Unchain Your Toolchains with CROPS?
  • Why is robotics converging on embedded linux and where’s it going next??
  • Developing a Standard Interface for Drones?
  • Increase test coverage in Linux based distros?
  • Swapping on Android: compression relieves the pressure??
  • Socio-Technical Aspects of Long Term Embedded Systems Maintenance?
  • The Latest status of CE Workgroup Shared Embedded Linux Distribution Project?
  • Introduction of Civil Infrastructure Platform Project? By Yoshitake Kobayashi