最終更新:2023-05-26 (金) 06:01:00 (483d)
Firebase 8.0.0
Top / Firebase 8.0.0
- BREAKING: Removes firebase list command (replacement: firebase projects:list).
- BREAKING: Removes firebase tools:migrate? command.
- BREAKING: Removes firebase setup:web command? (replacement: firebase apps:sdkconfig web?).
- BREAKING: Increases the minimum version of firebase-admin in the Cloud Functions for Firebase emulator from 8.0.0 to 8.9.0.
- BREAKING: Increases the minimum version of firebase-functions in the Cloud Functions for Firebase emulator from 3.0.0 to 3.3.0.
- BREAKING: Removes support for top-level Firebase Hosting config in firebase.json. Firebase Hosting configuration must be under the hosting key in firebase.json.
- BREAKING: firebase serve can no longer start the Cloud Firestore or Realtime Database emulators.
- BREAKING: Unifies the Cloud Functions for Firebase emulator within firebase serve and firebase emulators:start.
- BREAKING: Removes support for separate WebChannel? port in the Cloud Firestore emulator. Use the main port instead.
- BREAKING: Rejects Firebase project IDs with invalid format.
- Updates underlying logging infrastructure.
- Replaces deprecated google-auto-auth package with google-auth-library.
- Fixes file output of apps:sdkconfig.
- Replaces instances of firebaseapp.com with web.app for Firebase Hosting URLs.