最終更新:2017-07-12 (水) 13:56:57 (2498d)  

Top / GMSMarker

an icon placed at a particular point on the map's surface.




  • GMSMarker.position?Marker position.
    GMSMarker.snippet?Snippet text, shown beneath the title in the info window when selected.
    GMSMarker.icon?Marker icon to render.
    GMSMarker.iconView?Marker view to render.
    GMSMarker.tracksViewChanges?Controls whether the icon for this marker should be redrawn every frame.
    GMSMarker.tracksInfoWindowChanges?Controls whether the info window for this marker should be redrawn every frame.
    GMSMarker.groundAnchor?The ground anchor specifies the point in the icon image that is anchored to the marker's position on the Earth's surface.
    GMSMarker.infoWindowAnchor?The info window anchor specifies the point in the icon image at which to anchor the info window, which will be displayed directly above this point.
    GMSMarker.appearAnimation?Controls the animation used when this marker is placed on a GMSMapView (default kGMSMarkerAnimationNone?, no animation).
    GMSMarker.draggable?Controls whether this marker can be dragged interactively (default NO).
    GMSMarker.flat?Controls whether this marker should be flat against the Earth's surface (YES) or a billboard facing the camera (NO, default).
    GMSMarker.rotation?Sets the rotation of the marker in degrees clockwise about the marker's anchor point.
    GMSMarker.opacity?Sets the opacity of the marker, between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (default) inclusive.
    GMSMarker.layer?Provides the Core Animation layer for this GMSMarker.
    GMSMarker.panoramaView?The panoramaView specifies which panorama view will attempt to show this marker.
    GMSMarker.title?Title, a short description of the overlay.
    GMSMarker.map?The map this overlay is on.
    GMSMarker.tappable?If this overlay should cause tap notifications.
    GMSMarker.zIndex?Higher zIndex value overlays will be drawn on top of lower zIndex value tile layers and overlays.
    GMSMarker.userData?Overlay data.