最終更新:2016-01-29 (金) 15:50:48 (3008d)  

Top / HidD_GetFeature

returns a feature report from a specified top-level collection.

BOOLEAN __stdcall HidD_GetFeature(
  __in   HANDLE HidDeviceObject,
  __out  PVOID ReportBuffer,
  __in   ULONG ReportBufferLength

Requesting reports

char buffer[REPORT_SIZE + 1];
buffer[0] = MY_REPORT_ID;
HidD_GetFeature(handle, buffer, REPORT_SIZE + 1);


  • If you use report IDs, you must pass the ID in the first byte of buffer.
  • If the top-level collection includes report IDs, the caller must set the first byte of the ReportBuffer? parameter to a nonzero report ID.
  • If the top-level collection does not include report IDs, the caller must set the first byte of the ReportBuffer? parameter to zero.
