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Homebrew Cask
Top / Homebrew Cask

“To install, drag this icon…” no more!


Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to the installation and management of GUI macOS applications such as Atom and Google Chrome.




  • brew install — installs the given Cask
  • brew uninstall? — uninstalls the given Cask
  • brew reinstall? — reinstalls the given Cask
  • brew list --casks — lists installed Casks


  • brew info — displays information about the given Cask
  • brew fetch? — downloads remote application files for the given Cask to the local cache (with --force, re-download even if already cached)
  • brew --cache? — displays the path to Homebrew's local cache
  • brew doctor — checks for configuration issues
  • brew style? — checks Cask style using RuboCop
  • brew home? — opens the homepage of the given Cask; or with no arguments, the Homebrew project page
  • brew uninstall? --zap — try to remove all files associated with a Cask (may include resources shared with other applications)
  • brew outdated? — lists all outdated Casks
  • brew upgrade — updates all outdated Casks
