最終更新:2009-09-13 (日) 07:23:01 (5338d)  

Top / Jelix


What is Jelix?

Jelix is an open-source PHP 5 framework which help you to develop any kind of web applications:

  • Designed for both little web sites and and huge-loaded web sites.
  • Fully object oriented, highly modular and extensible.
  • Made on known design pattern: MVC, DAO?..
  • Support natively many output format: XHTML, XUL, RSS, Atom, RDF, ZIP, XML, PDF, etc.
  • Make web services developement easier : XML-RPC?, JSON, and other Ajax stuffs.
  • Include a powerful form system to create all kind of forms, including CRUD forms.
  • Include many more other features...