最終更新:2024-11-22 (金) 03:41:03 (79d)
Module LLM/Ubuntu/opt/m5stack/scripts/text2token.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This script encode the texts (given line by line through `text`) to tokens and write the results to the file given by ``output``. Usage: If the tokens_type is bpe: python3 ./text2token.py \ --text texts.txt \ --tokens tokens.txt \ --tokens-type bpe \ --bpe-model bpe.model \ --output hotwords.txt If the tokens_type is cjkchar: python3 ./text2token.py \ --text texts.txt \ --tokens tokens.txt \ --tokens-type cjkchar \ --output hotwords.txt If the tokens_type is cjkchar+bpe: python3 ./text2token.py \ --text texts.txt \ --tokens tokens.txt \ --tokens-type cjkchar+bpe \ --bpe-model bpe.model \ --output hotwords.txt """ import argparse from sherpa_onnx import text2token def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--text", type=str, required=True, help="""Path to the input texts. Each line in the texts contains the original phrase, it might also contain some extra items, for example, the boosting score (startting with :), the triggering threshold (startting with #, only used in keyword spotting task) and the original phrase (startting with @). Note: extra items will be kept in the output. example input 1 (tokens_type = ppinyin): 小爱同学 :2.0 #0.6 @小爱同学 你好问问 :3.5 @你好问问 小艺小艺 #0.6 @小艺小艺 example output 1: x iǎo ài t óng x ué :2.0 #0.6 @小爱同学 n ǐ h ǎo w èn w èn :3.5 @你好问问 x iǎo y ì x iǎo y ì #0.6 @小艺小艺 example input 2 (tokens_type = bpe): HELLO WORLD :1.5 #0.4 HI GOOGLE :2.0 #0.8 HEY SIRI #0.35 example output 2: ▁HE LL O ▁WORLD :1.5 #0.4 ▁HI ▁GO O G LE :2.0 #0.8 ▁HE Y ▁S I RI #0.35 """, ) parser.add_argument( "--tokens", type=str, required=True, help="The path to tokens.txt.", ) parser.add_argument( "--tokens-type", type=str, required=True, choices=["cjkchar", "bpe", "cjkchar+bpe", "fpinyin", "ppinyin"], help="""The type of modeling units, should be cjkchar, bpe, cjkchar+bpe, fpinyin or ppinyin. fpinyin means full pinyin, each cjkchar has a pinyin(with tone). ppinyin means partial pinyin, it splits pinyin into initial and final, """, ) parser.add_argument( "--bpe-model", type=str, help="The path to bpe.model. Only required when tokens-type is bpe or cjkchar+bpe.", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", type=str, required=True, help="Path where the encoded tokens will be written to.", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = get_args() texts = [] # extra information like boosting score (start with :), triggering threshold (start with #) # original keyword (start with @) extra_info = [] with open(args.text, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f: extra = [] text = [] toks = line.strip().split() for tok in toks: if tok[0] == ":" or tok[0] == "#" or tok[0] == "@": extra.append(tok) else: text.append(tok) texts.append(" ".join(text)) extra_info.append(extra) encoded_texts = text2token( texts, tokens=args.tokens, tokens_type=args.tokens_type, bpe_model=args.bpe_model, ) with open(args.output, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: for i, txt in enumerate(encoded_texts): txt += extra_info[i] f.write(" ".join(txt) + "\n") if __name__ == "__main__": main()