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Top / PyAudio.open

Open a new stream. See constructor for PyAudio.Stream?.

パラメータ (__init__と同じ)

  • https://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/docs/#pyaudio.Stream.__init__
    PA_managerA reference to the managing PyAudio instance
    rateSampling rate
    channelsNumber of channels
    formatSampling size and format. See PortAudio Sample Format.
    inputSpecifies whether this is an input stream. Defaults to False.
    outputSpecifies whether this is an output stream. Defaults to False.
    input_device_indexIndex of Input Device to use. Unspecified (or None) uses default device. Ignored if input is False.
    output_device_indexIndex of Output Device to use. Unspecified (or None) uses the default device. Ignored if output is False.
    frames_per_bufferSpecifies the number of frames per buffer.
    startStart the stream running immediately. Defaults to True. In general, there is no reason to set this to False.
    input_host_api_specific_stream_infoSpecifies a host API specific stream information data structure for input.
    output_host_api_specific_stream_infoSpecifies a host API specific stream information data structure for output.
    stream_callbackSpecifies a callback function for non-blocking (callback) operation. Default is None, which indicates blocking operation (i.e., Stream.read() and Stream.write()).