最終更新:2024-12-06 (金) 14:28:34 (49d)
Solomon Systech
Top / Solomon Systech
Passive Matrix OLED Driver Controller
OLED Display IC (2024)
SSD1306 128 x 64 Mono OLED Driver with charge pump SSD1307? 128 x 39 Mono OLED Driver SSD1309? 128 x 64 Mono OLED Driver SSD1310? 160 x 72 Mono OLED Driver SSD1311? 100 x 32 Mono OLED Driver for 20 x 4 characters SSD1312? 128 x 64 Mono OLED Driver SSD1313? Mono OLED Driver for 128 / 256 Icon Lines SSD1315 128 x 64 Mono OLED Driver SSD1316? 128 x 39 Mono OLED Driver SSD1317? 128 x 96 Mono OLED Driver SSD1319? 160 x 160 Mono OLED Driver SSD1320? 160 x 160 Mono OLED Driver with 16 Gray Scale Levels SSD1322? 480 x 120 Mono OLED Driver with 16 Gray Scale Levels SSD1325? 128 x 80 Mono OLED Driver with 16 Gray Scale Levels SSD1326? 256 x 32 Mono OLED Driver with 16 Gray Scale Levels SSD1327? 128 x 128 Mono OLED Driver with 16 Gray Scale Levels SSD1331? 96RGB x 64 Color OLED Driver with 65K color SSD1333? 176RGB x 176 Color OLED Driver with 65K color SSD1351? 128RGB x 128 Color OLED Driver with 262K color SSD1352? 160RGB x 128 Color OLED Driver with 262K color SSD1353? 160RGB x 132 Color OLED Driver with 262K color SSD1355 128RGB x 160 Color OLED Driver with 262K color SSD1357? 128RGB x 128 Color OLED Driver with 65K color SSD1362? 256 x 64 OLED Driver with 16 Gray Scale Levels SSD1363? 320 x 160 OLED Driver with 16 Gray Scale Levels SSD7317? 128 x 96 Mono OLED Driver with Integrated Touch Controller