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Top / System.Windows.Automation.BasePattern

Provides the base implementation for control pattern classes.



  • System.Windows.Automation.DockPattern?Represents controls that expose their dock properties within a docking container.
    System.Windows.Automation.ExpandCollapsePattern?Represents controls that visually expand to display content and collapse to hide content.
    System.Windows.Automation.GridItemPattern?Represents child controls of containers that support GridPattern?.
    System.Windows.Automation.GridPattern?Represents controls that act as containers for a collection of child elements. The children of this control support GridItemPattern? and are organized in a two-dimensional logical coordinate system that can be traversed by row and column.
    System.Windows.Automation.InvokePatternRepresents controls that initiate or perform a single, unambiguous action and do not maintain state when activated.
    System.Windows.Automation.ItemContainerPattern?Represents an object that manages items and supports retrieving an item by property value.
    System.Windows.Automation.MultipleViewPattern?Represents controls that provide, and are able to switch between, multiple representations of the same set of information or child controls.
    System.Windows.Automation.RangeValuePattern?Represents a control that can be set to a value within a range.
    System.Windows.Automation.ScrollItemPattern?Represents child controls of containers that support the ScrollPattern? control pattern.
    System.Windows.Automation.ScrollPattern?Represents controls that act as scrollable containers for a collection of child elements. The children of this element support ScrollItemPattern?.
    System.Windows.Automation.SelectionItemPatternRepresents selectable child items of container controls that support SelectionPattern?.
    System.Windows.Automation.SelectionPatternRepresents a control that acts as a container for a collection of selectable child items. The children of this element support the SelectionItemPattern?.
    System.Windows.Automation.SynchronizedInputPattern?Represents objects that support synchronized input events.
    System.Windows.Automation.TableItemPattern?Represents the child controls of containers that support TablePattern?.
    System.Windows.Automation.TablePattern?Represents controls that act as containers for a collection of child elements. The children of this element support TableItemPattern? and are organized in a two-dimensional logical coordinate system that can be traversed by row and column.
    System.Windows.Automation.TextPatternRepresents controls that contain text.
    System.Windows.Automation.TogglePatternRepresents a control that can cycle through a set of states and maintain a state once set.
    System.Windows.Automation.TransformPatternRepresents a control that can be moved, resized, or rotated within a two-dimensional space.
    System.Windows.Automation.ValuePatternRepresents a control that has an intrinsic value that does not span a range and can be represented as a string. This string may or may not be editable depending on the control and its settings.
    System.Windows.Automation.VirtualizedItemPattern?Represents items inside containers that are virtualized and need to be made fully accessible as UI Automation elements.
    System.Windows.Automation.WindowPatternRepresents a control that provides fundamental window-based functionality within a traditional graphical user interface (GUI).