最終更新:2018-06-05 (火) 17:14:33 (2144d)  

Top / Task.Run


  • Task.Run(Action)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a Task object that represents that work.
    Task.Run(Action, CancellationToken?)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a Task object that represents that work. A cancellation token allows the work to be cancelled.
    Task.Run(Func?<Task>)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a proxy for the task returned by function.
    Task.Run(Func?<Task>, CancellationToken?)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a proxy for the task returned by function.
    Task.Run<TResult?>(Func<TResult>)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a Task<TResult> object that represents that work.
    Task.Run<TResult?>(Func<TResult>, CancellationToken?)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a Task(TResult) object that represents that work. A cancellation token allows the work to be cancelled.
    Task.Run<TResult?>(Func<Task<TResult>>)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a proxy for the Task(TResult) returned by function.
    Task.Run<TResult?>(Func<Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken?)Queues the specified work to run on the thread pool and returns a proxy for the Task(TResult) returned by function.


  • await Task.Run(() => {