最終更新:2017-07-13 (木) 18:24:01 (2570d)  

ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint
Top / ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint


USB Prober

  • Full Speed device @ 3 (0x14100000): .............................................   Composite device: "ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint"
        Port Information:   0x001a
               Not Captive
               Attached to Root Hub
               External Device
        Number Of Endpoints (includes EP0):   
            Total Endpoints for Configuration 1 (current):   3
        Device Descriptor   
            Descriptor Version Number:   0x0200
            Device Class:   0   (Composite)
            Device Subclass:   0
            Device Protocol:   0
            Device MaxPacketSize:   8
            Device VendorID/ProductID:   0x17EF/0x6047   (Lenovo)
            Device Version Number:   0x0300
            Number of Configurations:   1
            Manufacturer String:   1 "Lenovo"
            Product String:   2 "ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint"
            Serial Number String:   0 (none)
        Configuration Descriptor (current config)   
            Length (and contents):   59
                Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 09 02 3B 00 02 01 00 A0  32 09 04 00 00 01 03 01  
                Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: 01 00 09 21 00 01 00 01  22 51 00 07 05 81 03 3F  
                Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 00 0A 09 04 01 00 01 03  01 02 00 09 21 00 01 00  
                Raw Descriptor (hex)    0030: 01 22 D3 00 07 05 82 03  3F 00 0A 
            Number of Interfaces:   2
            Configuration Value:   1
            Attributes:   0xA0 (bus-powered, remote wakeup)
            MaxPower:   100 mA
            Interface #0 - HID/Boot Interface   
                Alternate Setting   0
                Number of Endpoints   1
                Interface Class:   3   (HID)
                Interface Subclass;   1   (Boot Interface)
                Interface Protocol:   1
                HID Descriptor   
                    Descriptor Version Number:   0x0100
                    Country Code:   0
                    Descriptor Count:   1
                    Descriptor 1   
                        Type:   0x22  (Report Descriptor)
                        Length (and contents):   81
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 05 01 09 06 A1 01 05 07  19 E0 29 E7 15 00 25 01  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: 75 01 95 08 81 02 95 01  75 08 81 01 95 05 75 01  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 05 08 19 01 29 05 91 02  95 01 75 03 91 01 95 06  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0030: 75 08 16 00 00 26 AF 00  05 07 1A 00 00 2A AF 00  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0040: 81 00 05 0C 09 00 15 80  25 7F 75 08 95 08 B1 02  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0050: C0 
                        Parsed Report Descriptor:   
                              Usage Page    (Generic Desktop) 
                              Usage (Keyboard)    
                                  Collection (Application)    
                                    Usage Page    (Keyboard/Keypad) 
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (E0)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (E7)  
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (1)  
                                    Report Size.............    (1)  
                                    Report Count............    (8)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                    Report Count............    (1)  
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Input...................   (Constant, Array, Absolute) 
                                    Report Count............    (5)  
                                    Report Size.............    (1)  
                                    Usage Page    (LED) 
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (1)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (5)  
                                    Output..................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Nonvolatile, Bitfield) 
                                    Report Count............    (1)  
                                    Report Size.............    (3)  
                                    Output..................   (Constant, Array, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Nonvolatile, Bitfield) 
                                    Report Count............    (6)  
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (175)  
                                    Usage Page    (Keyboard/Keypad) 
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (0)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (175)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Array, Absolute) 
                                    Usage Page    (Consumer) 
                                    Usage 0 (0x0)    
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (-128)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (127)  
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Report Count............    (8)  
                                    Feature.................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Nonvolatile, Bitfield) 
                                  End Collection     
                Endpoint 0x81 - Interrupt Input   
                    Address:   0x81  (IN)
                    Attributes:   0x03  (Interrupt)
                    Max Packet Size:   63
                    Polling Interval:   10 ms
            Interface #1 - HID/Boot Interface   
                Alternate Setting   0
                Number of Endpoints   1
                Interface Class:   3   (HID)
                Interface Subclass;   1   (Boot Interface)
                Interface Protocol:   2
                HID Descriptor   
                    Descriptor Version Number:   0x0100
                    Country Code:   0
                    Descriptor Count:   1
                    Descriptor 1   
                        Type:   0x22  (Report Descriptor)
                        Length (and contents):   211
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 05 01 09 02 A1 01 85 01  05 09 19 01 29 05 15 00  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: 25 01 75 01 95 05 81 02  75 03 95 01 81 01 05 01  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 09 01 A1 00 09 30 09 31  15 81 25 7F 75 08 95 02  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0030: 81 06 C0 09 38 95 01 81  06 05 0C 0A 38 02 81 06  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0040: C0 05 0C 09 01 A1 01 85  10 15 00 26 3C 02 19 00  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0050: 2A 3C 02 75 10 95 01 81  00 C0 06 A3 FF 09 01 A1  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0060: 01 85 11 19 00 2A FF 00  15 00 26 FF 00 75 08 95  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0070: 02 81 02 C0 06 A0 FF 09  01 A1 01 85 15 1A F1 00  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0080: 2A FC 00 15 00 25 01 75  01 95 0D 81 02 95 03 81  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0090: 01 C0 06 A1 FF 09 01 A1  01 85 16 19 00 2A FF 00  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    00a0: 15 00 26 FF 00 75 08 95  02 81 02 C0 06 00 FF 09  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    00b0: 01 A1 01 85 13 09 01 15  00 26 FF 00 75 08 95 08  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    00c0: 81 02 09 02 75 08 95 08  91 02 09 03 75 08 95 08  
                            Raw Descriptor (hex)    00d0: B1 02 C0 
                        Parsed Report Descriptor:   
                              Usage Page    (Generic Desktop) 
                              Usage (Mouse)    
                                  Collection (Application)    
                                    ReportID................    (1)  
                                    Usage Page    (Button) 
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (1)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (5)  
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (1)  
                                    Report Size.............    (1)  
                                    Report Count............    (5)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                    Report Size.............    (3)  
                                    Report Count............    (1)  
                                    Input...................   (Constant, Array, Absolute) 
                                    Usage Page    (Generic Desktop) 
                                    Usage (Pointer)    
                                        Collection (Physical)    
                                          Usage (X)    
                                          Usage (Y)    
                                          Logical Minimum.........    (-127)  
                                          Logical Maximum.........    (127)  
                                          Report Size.............    (8)  
                                          Report Count............    (2)  
                                          Input...................   (Data, Variable, Relative, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                        End Collection     
                                    Usage (Wheel)    
                                    Report Count............    (1)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Relative, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                    Usage Page    (Consumer) 
                                    Usage 568 (0x238)    
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Relative, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                  End Collection     
                              Usage Page    (Consumer) 
                              Usage 1 (0x1)    
                                  Collection (Application)    
                                    ReportID................    (16)  
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (572)  
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (0)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (572)  
                                    Report Size.............    (16)  
                                    Report Count............    (1)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Array, Absolute) 
                                  End Collection     
                              Usage Page    (Vendor defined 163) 
                              Usage 1 (0x1)    
                                  Collection (Application)    
                                    ReportID................    (17)  
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (0)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (255)  
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (255)  
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Report Count............    (2)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                  End Collection     
                              Usage Page    (Vendor defined 160) 
                              Usage 1 (0x1)    
                                  Collection (Application)    
                                    ReportID................    (21)  
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (241)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (252)  
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (1)  
                                    Report Size.............    (1)  
                                    Report Count............    (13)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                    Report Count............    (3)  
                                    Input...................   (Constant, Array, Absolute) 
                                  End Collection     
                              Usage Page    (Vendor defined 161) 
                              Usage 1 (0x1)    
                                  Collection (Application)    
                                    ReportID................    (22)  
                                    Usage Minimum...........    (0)  
                                    Usage Maximum...........    (255)  
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (255)  
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Report Count............    (2)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                  End Collection     
                              Usage Page    (Vendor defined 0) 
                              Usage 1 (0x1)    
                                  Collection (Application)    
                                    ReportID................    (19)  
                                    Usage 1 (0x1)    
                                    Logical Minimum.........    (0)  
                                    Logical Maximum.........    (255)  
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Report Count............    (8)  
                                    Input...................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Bitfield) 
                                    Usage 2 (0x2)    
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Report Count............    (8)  
                                    Output..................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Nonvolatile, Bitfield) 
                                    Usage 3 (0x3)    
                                    Report Size.............    (8)  
                                    Report Count............    (8)  
                                    Feature.................   (Data, Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null Position, Nonvolatile, Bitfield) 
                                  End Collection     
                Endpoint 0x82 - Interrupt Input   
                    Address:   0x82  (IN)
                    Attributes:   0x03  (Interrupt)
                    Max Packet Size:   63
                    Polling Interval:   10 ms