最終更新:2024-05-28 (火) 06:31:04 (265d)
Top / UIBackgroundModes
Services provided by an app that require it to run in the background.
Possible Values
- audio?
- location
- voip?
- external-accessory?
- bluetooth-central : Uses Bluetooth LE accessories
- bluetooth-peripheral : Acts as Bluetooth LE accessories
- fetch
- remote-notification?
- processing?
- nearby-interaction?
- network-authentication?
- newsstand-content?
- push-to-talk?
項目名 値 Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture audio? Location updates location Voice over IP voip? External accessory communication external-accessory? Uses Bluetooth LE accessories bluetooth-central Acts as a Bluetooth LE accessory bluetooth-peripheral Background fetch fetch Remote notifications remote-notification? Background processing processing? Uses Nearby Interaction near-interaction? Push to Talk push-to-talk?