最終更新:2023-10-12 (木) 13:15:38 (363d)
Top / X.500
X.500 ISO/IEC 9594-1? The Directory: Overview of concepts, models and services X.501? ISO/IEC 9594-2? The Directory: Models X.509 ISO/IEC 9594-8? The Directory: Authentication framework X.512? ISO/IEC 9594-3? The Directory: Abstract service definition X.518? ISO/IEC 9594-4? The Directory: Procedures for distributed operation X.519? ISO/IEC 9594-5? The Directory: Protocol specifications X.520? ISO/IEC 9594-6? The Directory: Selected attribute types X.521? ISO/IEC 9594-7? The Directory: Selected object classes X.525? ISO/IEC 9594-9? The Directory: Replication X.530? ISO/IEC 9594-10? The Directory: Use of systems management for administration of the Directory