最終更新:2014-12-04 (木) 01:16:29 (3437d)  

Top / Zend / Form / Form



  • $form->setAttribute("method","post");
  • $form->add(フォーム要素);


  • __clone?()Make a deep clone of a fieldset
    add?()Add an element or fieldset
    allowObjectBinding?()Checks if the object can be set in this fieldset
    allowValueBinding?()Checks if this fieldset can bind data
    attachInputFilterDefaults?()Attach defaults provided by the elements to the input filter
    bind()Bind an object to the form
    bindOnValidate?()Will we bind values to the bound object on successful validation?
    bindValues?()Bind values to the bound object
    clearAttributes?()Clear all attributes
    count?()Countable: return count of attached elements/fieldsets
    get()Retrieve a named element or fieldset
    getAttribute?()Retrieve a single element attribute
    getAttributes?()Retrieve all attributes at once
    getBaseFieldset?()Get the base fieldset to use when hydrating
    getData?()Retrieve the validated data
    getElements?()Retrieve all attached elements
    getFieldsets?()Retrieve all attached fieldsets
    getFormFactory?()Retrieve composed form factory
    getHydrator?()Get the hydrator used when binding an object to the fieldset
    getInputFilter?()Retrieve input filter used by this form
    getIterator?()IteratorAggregate?: return internal iterator
    getLabel?()Retrieve the label used for this element
    getLabelAttributes?()Get the attributes to use with the label
    getMessages?()Get validation error messages, if any
    getName?()Get value for name
    getObject?()Get the object used by the hydrator
    getOption?()Return the specified option
    getOptions?()Get defined options
    getValue?()Retrieve the element value
    has?()Does the fieldset have an element/fieldset by the given name?
    hasAttribute?()Does the element has a specific attribute ?
    hasValidated?()Check if the form has been validated
    isValid?()Validate the form
    populateValues?()Recursively populate values of attached elements and fieldsets
    prepare?()Ensures state is ready for use
    prepareElement?()Ensures state is ready for use.
    remove?()Remove a named element or fieldset
    setAttribute?()Set a single element attribute
    setAttributes?()Set many attributes at once
    setBaseFieldset?()Set the base fieldset to use when hydrating
    setBindOnValidate?()Set flag indicating whether or not to bind values on successful validation
    setData?()Set data to validate and/or populate elements
    setFormFactory?()Compose a form factory to use when calling add() with a non-element/fieldset
    setHydrator?()Set the hydrator to use when binding an object to the element
    setInputFilter?()Set the input filter used by this form
    setLabel?()Set the label used for this element
    setLabelAttributes?()Set the attributes to use with the label
    setMessages?()Set a hash of element names/messages to use when validation fails
    setName?()Set value for name
    setObject?()Set the object used by the hydrator
    setOptions?()Set options for a fieldset.
    setPriority?()Set/change the priority of an element or fieldset
    setUseAsBaseFieldset?()Set if this fieldset is used as a base fieldset
    setUseInputFilterDefaults?()Set flag indicating whether or not to scan elements and fieldsets for defaults
    setValidationGroup?()Set the validation group (set of values to validate)
    setValue?()Set the element value
    setWrapElements?()Are the form elements/fieldsets names wrapped by the form name ?
    useAsBaseFieldset?()Is this fieldset use as a base fieldset for a form ?
    useInputFilterDefaults?()Should we use input filter defaults from elements and fieldsets?
    wrapElements?()If true, form elements/fieldsets name's are wrapped around the form name itself