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Top / crossystem

Dell Chromebook 11

  • chronos@localhost / $ sudo crossystem --all
    We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
    Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
        #1) Respect the privacy of others.
        #2) Think before you type.
        #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
    arch                   = x86                            # Platform architecture
    backup_nvram_request   = 0                              # Backup the nvram somewhere at the next boot. Cleared on success.
    block_devmode          = 0                              # Block all use of developer mode
    clear_tpm_owner_request = 0                              # Clear TPM owner on next boot
    clear_tpm_owner_done   = 0                              # Clear TPM owner done
    cros_debug             = 1                              # OS should allow debug features
    dbg_reset              = 0                              # Debug reset mode request (writable)
    debug_build            = 0                              # OS image built for debug features
    dev_boot_usb           = 0                              # Enable developer mode boot from USB/SD (writable)
    dev_boot_legacy        = 0                              # Enable developer mode boot Legacy OSes (writable)
    dev_boot_signed_only   = 0                              # Enable developer mode boot only from official kernels (writable)
    devsw_boot             = 1                              # Developer switch position at boot
    devsw_cur              = 1                              # Developer switch current position
    disable_dev_request    = 0                              # Disable virtual dev-mode on next boot
    ecfw_act               = RW                             # Active EC firmware
    fmap_base              = 0xffe10000                     # Main firmware flashmap physical address
    fwb_tries              = 0                              # Try firmware B count (writable)
    fw_vboot2              = 0                              # 1 if firmware was selected by vboot2 or 0 otherwise
    fwid                   = Google_Wolf.4389.24.62         # Active firmware ID
    fwupdate_tries         = 0                              # Times to try OS firmware update (writable, inside kern_nv)
    fw_tried               = A                              # Firmware tried this boot (vboot2)
    fw_try_count           = 0                              # Number of times to try fw_try_next (writable)
    fw_try_next            = A                              # Firmware to try next (vboot2,writable)
    fw_result              = unknown                        # Firmware result this boot (vboot2,writable)
    fw_prev_tried          = A                              # Firmware tried on previous boot (vboot2)
    fw_prev_result         = unknown                        # Firmware result of previous boot (vboot2)
    hwid                   = WOLF C5K-L4A-Q55               # Hardware ID
    kern_nv                = 0x00000000                     # Non-volatile field for kernel use
    kernkey_vfy            = sig                            # Type of verification done on kernel key block
    loc_idx                = 0                              # Localization index for firmware screens (writable)
    mainfw_act             = A                              # Active main firmware
    mainfw_type            = developer                      # Active main firmware type
    nvram_cleared          = 1                              # Have NV settings been lost?  Write 0 to clear
    oprom_needed           = 0                              # Should we load the VGA Option ROM at boot?
    platform_family        = Haswell                        # Platform family type
    recovery_reason        = 0                              # Recovery mode reason for current boot
    recovery_request       = 0                              # Recovery mode request (writable)
    recovery_subcode       = 0                              # Recovery reason subcode (writable)
    recoverysw_boot        = 0                              # Recovery switch position at boot
    recoverysw_cur         = (error)                        # Recovery switch current position
    recoverysw_ec_boot     = 0                              # Recovery switch position at EC boot
    ro_fwid                = Google_Wolf.4389.24.58         # Read-only firmware ID
    savedmem_base          = 0x00f00000                     # RAM debug data area physical address
    savedmem_size          = 1048576                        # RAM debug data area size in bytes
    sw_wpsw_boot           = 0                              # Firmware write protect software setting enabled at boot (Baytrail only)
    tpm_attack             = 0                              # TPM was interrupted since this flag was cleared
    tpm_fwver              = 0x00010001                     # Firmware version stored in TPM
    tpm_kernver            = 0x00010001                     # Kernel version stored in TPM
    tried_fwb              = 0                              # Tried firmware B before A this boot
    vdat_flags             = 0x00000c56                     # Flags from VbSharedData
    vdat_lfdebug           = Check A result=12
    Check B result=0
    Firmware index booted=0x00
    TPM combined version at start=0x00010001
    Lowest combined version from firmware=0x00010001
     # LoadFirmware() debug data (not in print-all)
    vdat_lkdebug           = Calls to LoadKernel()=1
    Call 1:
      Boot flags=0x01
      Boot mode=2
      Test error=0
      Return code=0
      Debug flags=0x00
      Drive sectors=31277232
      Sector size=512
      Check result=4
      Kernel partitions found=1
      Kernel 1:
        GPT index=4
        Start sector=53248
        Sector count=32768
        Combined version=0x00010001
        Check result=19
        Debug flags=0x01
     # LoadKernel() debug data (not in print-all)
    vdat_timers            = LFS=312116322,343231301 LF=343384804,490460131 LK=2842474392,4474541208 # Timer values from VbSharedData
    wipeout_request        = 0                              # Firmware requested factory reset (wipeout)
    wpsw_boot              = 1                              # Firmware write protect hardware switch position at boot
    wpsw_cur               = 1                              # Firmware write protect hardware switch current position


chronos@localhost / $ crossystem --help
Invalid parameter name: --help

  crossystem [--all]
    Prints all parameters with descriptions and current values.
    If --all is specified, prints even normally hidden fields.
  crossystem [param1 [param2 [...]]]
    Prints the current value(s) of the parameter(s).
  crossystem [param1=value1] [param2=value2 [...]]]
    Sets the parameter(s) to the specified value(s).
  crossystem [param1?value1] [param2?value2 [...]]]
    Checks if the parameter(s) all contain the specified value(s).
Stops at the first error.
Valid parameters:
  arch                    Platform architecture
  backup_nvram_request    Backup the nvram somewhere at the next boot. Cleared on success.
  block_devmode           Block all use of developer mode
  clear_tpm_owner_request  Clear TPM owner on next boot
  clear_tpm_owner_done    Clear TPM owner done
  cros_debug              OS should allow debug features
  dbg_reset               Debug reset mode request (writable)
  debug_build             OS image built for debug features
  dev_boot_usb            Enable developer mode boot from USB/SD (writable)
  dev_boot_legacy         Enable developer mode boot Legacy OSes (writable)
  dev_boot_signed_only    Enable developer mode boot only from official kernels (writable)
  devsw_boot              Developer switch position at boot
  devsw_cur               Developer switch current position
  disable_dev_request     Disable virtual dev-mode on next boot
  ecfw_act                Active EC firmware
  fmap_base               Main firmware flashmap physical address
  fwb_tries               Try firmware B count (writable)
  fw_vboot2               1 if firmware was selected by vboot2 or 0 otherwise
  fwid                    Active firmware ID
  fwupdate_tries          Times to try OS firmware update (writable, inside kern_nv)
  fw_tried                Firmware tried this boot (vboot2)
  fw_try_count            Number of times to try fw_try_next (writable)
  fw_try_next             Firmware to try next (vboot2,writable)
  fw_result               Firmware result this boot (vboot2,writable)
  fw_prev_tried           Firmware tried on previous boot (vboot2)
  fw_prev_result          Firmware result of previous boot (vboot2)
  hwid                    Hardware ID
  kern_nv                 Non-volatile field for kernel use
  kernkey_vfy             Type of verification done on kernel key block
  loc_idx                 Localization index for firmware screens (writable)
  mainfw_act              Active main firmware
  mainfw_type             Active main firmware type
  nvram_cleared           Have NV settings been lost?  Write 0 to clear
  oprom_needed            Should we load the VGA Option ROM at boot?
  platform_family         Platform family type
  recovery_reason         Recovery mode reason for current boot
  recovery_request        Recovery mode request (writable)
  recovery_subcode        Recovery reason subcode (writable)
  recoverysw_boot         Recovery switch position at boot
  recoverysw_cur          Recovery switch current position
  recoverysw_ec_boot      Recovery switch position at EC boot
  ro_fwid                 Read-only firmware ID
  savedmem_base           RAM debug data area physical address
  savedmem_size           RAM debug data area size in bytes
  sw_wpsw_boot            Firmware write protect software setting enabled at boot (Baytrail only)
  tpm_attack              TPM was interrupted since this flag was cleared
  tpm_fwver               Firmware version stored in TPM
  tpm_kernver             Kernel version stored in TPM
  tried_fwb               Tried firmware B before A this boot
  vdat_flags              Flags from VbSharedData
  vdat_lfdebug            LoadFirmware() debug data (not in print-all)
  vdat_lkdebug            LoadKernel() debug data (not in print-all)
  vdat_timers             Timer values from VbSharedData
  wipeout_request         Firmware requested factory reset (wipeout)
  wpsw_boot               Firmware write protect hardware switch position at boot
  wpsw_cur                Firmware write protect hardware switch current position
