最終更新:2023-06-26 (月) 06:51:57 (316d)  

Top / db.collection.count


  •     /**
         * Returns a query that counts the documents in the result set of this
         * query.
         * The returned query, when executed, counts the documents in the result set
         * of this query without actually downloading the documents.
         * Using the returned query to count the documents is efficient because only
         * the final count, not the documents' data, is downloaded. The returned
         * query can even count the documents if the result set would be
         * prohibitively large to download entirely (e.g. thousands of documents).
         * @return a query that counts the documents in the result set of this
         * query. The count can be retrieved from `snapshot.data().count`, where
         * `snapshot` is the `AggregateQuerySnapshot` resulting from running the
         * returned query.
        count(): AggregateQuery<{count: AggregateField<number>}>;