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flutter config
Top / flutter config

  • flutter config --no-analytics?
  • flutter config --list?


  • Configure Flutter settings.
    To remove a setting, configure it to an empty string.
    The Flutter tool anonymously reports feature usage statistics and basic crash reports to help improve Flutter tools over time. See Google's privacy policy: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/
    Global options:
    -h, --help                  Print this usage information.
    -v, --verbose               Noisy logging, including all shell commands executed.
                                If used with "--help", shows hidden options. If used with "flutter doctor",
                                shows additional diagnostic information. (Use "-vv" to force verbose logging in
                                those cases.)
    -d, --device-id             Target device id or name (prefixes allowed).
        --version               Reports the version of this tool.
        --enable-analytics      Enable telemetry reporting each time a flutter or dart command runs.
        --disable-analytics     Disable telemetry reporting each time a flutter or dart command runs, until it
                                is re-enabled.
        --suppress-analytics    Suppress analytics reporting for the current CLI invocation.
    Usage: flutter config [arguments]
    -h, --help                           Print this usage information.
        --list                           List all settings and their current values.
        --clear-ios-signing-cert         Clear the saved development certificate choice used to sign apps for
                                         iOS device deployment.
        --android-sdk                    The Android SDK directory.
        --android-studio-dir             The Android Studio installation directory. If unset, flutter will
                                         search for valid installations at well-known locations.
        --jdk-dir                        The Java Development Kit (JDK) installation directory. If unset,
                                         flutter will search for one in the following order:
                                         1) the JDK bundled with the latest installation of Android Studio,
                                         2) the JDK found at the directory found in the JAVA_HOME environment
                                         variable, and
                                         3) the directory containing the java binary found in the user's path.
        --build-dir=<out/>               The relative path to override a projects build directory.
        --[no-]enable-web                Enable or disable Flutter for web.
        --[no-]enable-linux-desktop      Enable or disable support for desktop on Linux.
        --[no-]enable-macos-desktop      Enable or disable support for desktop on macOS.
        --[no-]enable-windows-desktop    Enable or disable support for desktop on Windows.
        --[no-]enable-android            Enable or disable Flutter for Android.
        --[no-]enable-ios                Enable or disable Flutter for iOS.
        --[no-]enable-fuchsia            Enable or disable Flutter for Fuchsia.
                                         This setting applies only to the master channel.
        --[no-]enable-custom-devices     Enable or disable early support for custom device types.
        --[no-]cli-animations            Enable or disable animations in the command line interface.
        --[no-]enable-native-assets      Enable or disable native assets compilation and bundling.
                                         This setting applies only to the master channel.
        --[no-]enable-flutter-preview    Enable or disable Flutter preview prebuilt device.
                                         This setting applies only to the master and beta channels.
        --clear-features                 Remove all configured features and restore them to the default values.
    Run "flutter help" to see global options.
    Analytics reporting is currently enabled.


  • /. flutter_settings