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Top / grabserial


  • Usage: grabserial -d <device> [options]
    Grabserial reads data from a serial port, processes it, and outputs it.
    It is much more flexible than a simple 'cat' command.
    It keeps track of timing data, and can record when a pattern is seen
    in the data. It can show timing data for every line received.
    It can save the data to a file and can quit or restart based on a
    timeout or when a pattern is seen.  It can split the data into multiple
    files based on timeout or a pattern.
    It supports interactive writing to the serial port during data collection.
    It is useful for things like:
     1. capturing and annotating data from a serial port
     2. logging data to multiple files
     3. timing events in a stream of data
        (such as how long it takes a Linux kernel to boot)
     4. executing commands to a serial console.
        -h, --help             Print this message
        -d, --device=<devpath> Set the device to read (default '/dev/ttyS0')
        -b, --baudrate=<val>   Set the baudrate (default 115200)
        -B <val>               Force the baudrate to the indicated value
                                 (grabserial won't check if the baudrate is legal)
        -w, --width=<val>      Set the data bit width (default 8)
        -p, --parity=<val>     Set the parity (default N)
        -s, --stopbits=<val>   Set the stopbits (default 1)
        -x, --xonxoff          Enable software flow control (default off)
        -r, --rtscts           Enable RTS/CTS flow control (default off)
        -f, --force-reset      Force pyserial to reset device parameters
        -e, --endtime=<secs>   End the program after the specified seconds have
        -c, --command=<cmd>    Send a command to the port before reading
        -t, --time             Print time for each line received.  The time is
                               when the first character of each line is
                               received by grabserial.
        -a, --again            Restart application after -e expires, -q is
                               triggered, or the serial device is disconnected.
        -R, --rotate=<time>    Rotate logs every <time> period. Time is in seconds.
        -T, --systime          Print system time for each line received. The time
                               is the absolute local time when the first character
                               of each line is received by grabserial.
        -F, --timeformat=<val> Specifies system time format for each received line
                               e.g. -F "%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S.%%f"
                               (default "%%H:%%M:%%S.%%f")
        -m, --match=<pat>      Specify a regular expression pattern to match to
                               set a base time.  Time values for lines after the
                               line matching the pattern will be relative to
                               this base time.
        -i, --inlinepat=<pat>  Specify a regular expression pattern to have its
                               time reported at end of run.  It works mid-line.
        -q, --quitpat=<pat>    Specify a regular expression pattern to end the
                               program.  It works mid-line.
        -l, --launchtime       Set base time from launch of program.
        -o, --output=<name>    Output data to the named file.
                               Uses: %%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S on "%%".
        -A, --append           Append (rather than overwrite) output data to the
                               file specifed with -o option
        -Q, --quiet            Silent on stdout, serial port data is only written
                               to file, if specified.
        -v, --verbose          Show verbose runtime messages
        -V, --version          Show version number and exit
        -S, --skip             Skip sanity checking of the serial device.
                               May be needed for some devices.
                               This option is required if you want grabserial to
                               continue running and attemp re-connections after
                               the serial device has been disconnected.
        -n, --nodelta          Skip printing delta between read lines.
            --crtonewline      Promote a carriage return to be treated as a
        -C, --command-mode     Perform a single command on the serial port, and
                               omit command echo and shell prompt from output.
                               Must be used with -c and -q options, with the
                               argument to -q being interpreted as the prompt
                               returned after the command completes.
    Ex: grabserial -e 30 -t -m "^Linux version.*"
    This will grab serial input for 30 seconds, displaying the time for
    each line, and re-setting the base time when the line starting with
    "Linux version" is seen.