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Top / idevicepair

Usage: idevicepair [OPTIONS] COMMAND

Manage host pairings with devices and usbmuxd.

Where COMMAND is one of:
  systembuid   print the system buid of the usbmuxd host
  hostid       print the host id for target device
  pair         pair device with this host
  validate     validate if device is paired with this host
  unpair       unpair device with this host
  list         list devices paired with this host

The following OPTIONS are accepted:
  -u, --udid UDID  target specific device by UDID
  -d, --debug      enable communication debugging
  -h, --help       prints usage information
  -v, --version    prints version information

Homepage:    <https://libimobiledevice.org>
Bug Reports: <https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice/issues>
