最終更新:2013-07-23 (火) 19:10:40 (3923d)  

Top / linux / wait.h


  • wake_up - 事象待ちのプロセスを1つ起床させる
  • wake_up_locked?
  • wake_up_interruptible - シグナル受信可状態で事象待ちのプロセスを1つ起床させる
  • wait_event(wq, condition) - sleep until a condition gets true
  • wait_event_timeout(wq, condition, timeout) - sleep until a condition gets true or a timeout elapses
  • wait_event_interruptible(wq, condition) - sleep until a condition gets true
  • wait_event_interruptible_timeout?(wq, condition, timeout) - sleep until a condition gets true or a timeout elapses
  • wait_event_interruptible_locked?(wq, condition) - sleep until a condition gets true
  • wait_event_interruptible_locked_irq?(wq, condition) - sleep until a condition gets true
  • wait_event_interruptible_exclusive_locked?(wq, condition) - sleep until a condition gets true
  • wait_event_interruptible_exclusive_locked_irq?(wq, condition) - sleep until a condition gets true
  • wait_event_killable?(wq, condition) - sleep until a condition gets true

old interfaces (DO NOT use them)

  • sleep_on?
  • sleep_on_timeout?
  • interruptible_sleep_on?
  • interruptible_sleep_on_timeout?


  • wait_on_bit? - wait for a bit to be cleared
  • wait_on_bit_lock? - wait for a bit to be cleared, when wanting to set it
