最終更新:2013-09-25 (水) 05:32:31 (3866d)  

Top / lxc-create

lxc-create -n name [-f config_file] [-t template]

  • lxc-create -t ubuntu -n precise

lxc-create -t ubuntu -h

  • ...
    template-specific help follows: (these options follow '--')
    /usr/lib/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu -h|--help [-a|--arch] [-b|--bindhome <user>] [--trim] [-d|--debug]
       [-F | --flush-cache] [-r|--release <release>] [ -S | --auth-key <keyfile>]
    release: the ubuntu release (e.g. precise): defaults to host release on ubuntu, otherwise uses latest LTS
    trim: make a minimal (faster, but not upgrade-safe) container
    bindhome: bind <user>'s home into the container
              The ubuntu user will not be created, and <user> will have
              sudo access.
    arch: the container architecture (e.g. amd64): defaults to host arch
    auth-key: SSH Public key file to inject into container
