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openssl verify
Top / openssl verify

X.509 Certificate Verification. See also the openssl-verification-options(1) manual page.


  • -CApath directoryA directory of trusted certificates. The certificates should have names of the form: hash.0 or have symbolic links to them of this form ("hash" is the hashed certificate subject name: see the -hash option of the x509 utility). Under Unix the c_rehash script will automatically create symbolic links to a directory of certificates.
    -CAfile fileA file of trusted certificates. The file should contain multiple certificates in PEM format concatenated together.

man verify?


  • Usage: verify [options] cert.pem...
    Valid options are:
     -help                 Display this summary
     -verbose              Print extra information about the operations being performed.
     -CApath dir           A directory of trusted certificates
     -CAfile infile        A file of trusted certificates
     -no-CAfile            Do not load the default certificates file
     -no-CApath            Do not load certificates from the default certificates directory
     -untrusted infile     A file of untrusted certificates
     -trusted infile       A file of trusted certificates
     -CRLfile infile       File containing one or more CRL's (in PEM format) to load
     -crl_download         Attempt to download CRL information for this certificate
     -show_chain           Display information about the certificate chain
     -nameopt val          Various certificate name options
     -policy val           adds policy to the acceptable policy set
     -purpose val          certificate chain purpose
     -verify_name val      verification policy name
     -verify_depth int     chain depth limit
     -auth_level int       chain authentication security level
     -attime intmax        verification epoch time
     -verify_hostname val  expected peer hostname
     -verify_email val     expected peer email
     -verify_ip val        expected peer IP address
     -ignore_critical      permit unhandled critical extensions
     -issuer_checks        (deprecated)
     -crl_check            check leaf certificate revocation
     -crl_check_all        check full chain revocation
     -policy_check         perform rfc5280 policy checks
     -explicit_policy      set policy variable require-explicit-policy
     -inhibit_any          set policy variable inhibit-any-policy
     -inhibit_map          set policy variable inhibit-policy-mapping
     -x509_strict          disable certificate compatibility work-arounds
     -extended_crl         enable extended CRL features
     -use_deltas           use delta CRLs
     -policy_print         print policy processing diagnostics
     -check_ss_sig         check root CA self-signatures
     -trusted_first        search trust store first (default)
     -suiteB_128_only      Suite B 128-bit-only mode
     -suiteB_128           Suite B 128-bit mode allowing 192-bit algorithms
     -suiteB_192           Suite B 192-bit-only mode
     -partial_chain        accept chains anchored by intermediate trust-store CAs
     -no_alt_chains        (deprecated)
     -no_check_time        ignore certificate validity time
     -allow_proxy_certs    allow the use of proxy certificates
     -engine val           Use engine, possibly a hardware device
    Recognized usages:
    	sslclient 	SSL client
    	sslserver 	SSL server
    	nssslserver	Netscape SSL server
    	smimesign 	S/MIME signing
    	smimeencrypt	S/MIME encryption
    	crlsign   	CRL signing
    	any       	Any Purpose
    	ocsphelper	OCSP helper
    	timestampsign	Time Stamp signing
    Recognized verify names: