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Top / rpi-eeprom-update



  • rpi-eeprom-update -a?



  • rpi-eeprom-update [options]... [FILE]
    Bootloader EEPROM update tool for the Raspberry Pi 4.
    Checks whether the Raspberry Pi 4 bootloader and the VL805 USB controller
    EEPROMs are up to date and optionally updates the EEPROMs at the next reboot.
    The default update mechanism writes recovery.bin and the EEPROM update
    image(s) (pieeprom.upd and vl805.bin) to the boot partition.
    The SHA256 hash of the corresponding images are written to pieeprom.sig
    and/or vl805.sig. This guards against file system corruption which could
    cause the EEPROM to be flashed with an invalid image. This is not a
    security check.
    At the next reboot the ROM runs recovery.bin which updates EEPROM(s).
    If the update was successful recovery.bin renames itself to recovery.000
    to prevent it from running a second time then resets the system.
    The system should then boot normally.
    If /boot does not correspond to the boot partition and this
    is not a NOOBS system, then the mount point for BOOTFS should be defined
    in /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update by defining the BOOTFS variable.
    A backup of the current EEPROM config file is written to /var/lib/raspberrypi/bootloader/backup
    before applying the update.
    Unless the -d flag is specified, the current bootloader configuration is
       -a Automatically install bootloader and USB (VLI) EEPROM updates.
       -A Specify which type of EEPROM to automatically update (vl805 or bootloader)
       -b Outputs the path that pending EEPROM updates will be written to.
       -d Use the default bootloader config, or if a file is specified using the -f
          flag use the config in that file. This option only applies when a
          bootloader EEPROM update is needed; if the bootloader EEPROM is up to date
          then its config will not be changed.
       -f Install the given file instead of the latest applicable update
          Ignores the FREEZE_VERSION flag in bootloader and is intended for manual
          firmware updates.
       -h Display help text and exit
       -i Ignore package checksums - for rpi-eeprom developers.
       -j Write status information using JSON notation (requires -m option)
       -l Returns the full path to the latest available EEPROM image file according
       -m Write status information to the given file when run without -a or -f
       -r Removes temporary EEPROM update files from the boot partition. This also
          cancels a pending update.
       -s Skips silent, automatic upgrades for default releases if the current
          bootloader release is newer than the version specified by
       -u Install the specified VL805 (USB EEPROM) image file.
    Environment variables should be defined in /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update
    Specifies the path of an optional script which post-processes the
    configuration file before it is applied to the new image. The modified
    output must contain at least 3 lines and should contain WAKE_ON_GPIO
    and POWER_OFF_ON_HALT settings.
    Specifies the release status of the firmware to apply.
    Before selecting a firmware release directory this script checks whether there
    is a board revision specific variant e.g. default-c03111. If present then the
    board-revision specific version is used in preference.
    Release status:
    Bootloader releases follow a pipeline where images are released to the 'beta'
    directory first. The binaries are then promoted to 'latest' and finally 'default'
    so the 'default' binary is always the most tested release.
    The default bootloader image which supports all current models and hardware
    If a critical bug fix is required then the minimum default version number
    (BOOTLOADER_AUTO_UPDATE_MIN_VERSION) in the rpi-eeprom package is updated
    causing the bootloader to be automatically updated.
    Contains the latest features which have undergone testing via the 'beta'
    release. Backwards compatiblity for configuration parameters is maintained
    once a feature is in the latest release directory.
    If the 'latest' release is selected then bootloader is automatically upgraded
    when the rpi-eeprom package is updated.
    As far as rpi-eeprom-update is concerned FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS is just
    the subdirectory mapping under /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader. Therefore, custom release
    directories are supported by creating the relevant directory and changing
    the FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS environment variable.
    The 'default' and 'latest' release names are symlinks to the old directory
    names of 'critical' / 'stable'.
    To extract the configuration file from an EEPROM image:
       rpi-eeprom-config pieeprom.bin --out bootconf.txt
    To update the configuration file in an EEPROM image:
       rpi-eeprom-config pieeprom.bin --config bootconf.txt --out pieeprom-new.bin
    To flash the new image:
       sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -f ./pieeprom-new.bin
    The syntax is the same as config.txt See online documentation for the list of parameters.
    The official documentation for the Raspberry Pi bootloader EEPROM is available at
    Compute Module 4 (CM4):
    CM4 is designed to support embedded applications where physical access to the CM4
    may be limited.  An invalid bootloader configuration or software bug could
    cause the system to fail to boot so automatic updates are disabled. We also
    recommend write-protecting the SPI EPPROM after flashing it using usbbrpi-eeprom-update [options]... [FILE]
    Bootloader EEPROM update tool for the Raspberry Pi 4.
    Checks whether the Raspberry Pi 4 bootloader and the VL805 USB controller
    EEPROMs are up to date and optionally updates the EEPROMs at the next reboot.
    The default update mechanism writes recovery.bin and the EEPROM update
    image(s) (pieeprom.upd and vl805.bin) to the boot partition.
    The SHA256 hash of the corresponding images are written to pieeprom.sig
    and/or vl805.sig. This guards against file system corruption which could
    cause the EEPROM to be flashed with an invalid image. This is not a
    security check.
    At the next reboot the ROM runs recovery.bin which updates EEPROM(s).
    If the update was successful recovery.bin renames itself to recovery.000
    to prevent it from running a second time then resets the system.
    The system should then boot normally.
    If /boot does not correspond to the boot partition and this
    is not a NOOBS system, then the mount point for BOOTFS should be defined
    in /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update by defining the BOOTFS variable.
    A backup of the current EEPROM config file is written to /var/lib/raspberrypi/bootloader/backup
    before applying the update.
    Unless the -d flag is specified, the current bootloader configuration is
       -a Automatically install bootloader and USB (VLI) EEPROM updates.
       -A Specify which type of EEPROM to automatically update (vl805 or bootloader)
       -b Outputs the path that pending EEPROM updates will be written to.
       -d Use the default bootloader config, or if a file is specified using the -f
          flag use the config in that file. This option only applies when a
          bootloader EEPROM update is needed; if the bootloader EEPROM is up to date
          then its config will not be changed.
       -f Install the given file instead of the latest applicable update
          Ignores the FREEZE_VERSION flag in bootloader and is intended for manual
          firmware updates.
       -h Display help text and exit
       -i Ignore package checksums - for rpi-eeprom developers.
       -j Write status information using JSON notation (requires -m option)
       -l Returns the full path to the latest available EEPROM image file according
       -m Write status information to the given file when run without -a or -f
       -r Removes temporary EEPROM update files from the boot partition. This also
          cancels a pending update.
       -s Skips silent, automatic upgrades for default releases if the current
          bootloader release is newer than the version specified by
       -u Install the specified VL805 (USB EEPROM) image file.
    Environment variables should be defined in /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update
    Specifies the path of an optional script which post-processes the
    configuration file before it is applied to the new image. The modified
    output must contain at least 3 lines and should contain WAKE_ON_GPIO
    and POWER_OFF_ON_HALT settings.
    Specifies the release status of the firmware to apply.
    Before selecting a firmware release directory this script checks whether there
    is a board revision specific variant e.g. default-c03111. If present then the
    board-revision specific version is used in preference.
    Release status:
    Bootloader releases follow a pipeline where images are released to the 'beta'
    directory first. The binaries are then promoted to 'latest' and finally 'default'
    so the 'default' binary is always the most tested release.
    The default bootloader image which supports all current models and hardware
    If a critical bug fix is required then the minimum default version number
    (BOOTLOADER_AUTO_UPDATE_MIN_VERSION) in the rpi-eeprom package is updated
    causing the bootloader to be automatically updated.
    Contains the latest features which have undergone testing via the 'beta'
    release. Backwards compatiblity for configuration parameters is maintained
    once a feature is in the latest release directory.
    If the 'latest' release is selected then bootloader is automatically upgraded
    when the rpi-eeprom package is updated.
    As far as rpi-eeprom-update is concerned FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS is just
    the subdirectory mapping under /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader. Therefore, custom release
    directories are supported by creating the relevant directory and changing
    the FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS environment variable.
    The 'default' and 'latest' release names are symlinks to the old directory
    names of 'critical' / 'stable'.
    To extract the configuration file from an EEPROM image:
       rpi-eeprom-config pieeprom.bin --out bootconf.txt
    To update the configuration file in an EEPROM image:
       rpi-eeprom-config pieeprom.bin --config bootconf.txt --out pieeprom-new.bin
    To flash the new image:
       sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -f ./pieeprom-new.bin
    The syntax is the same as config.txt See online documentation for the list of parameters.
    The official documentation for the Raspberry Pi bootloader EEPROM is available at
    Compute Module 4 (CM4):
    CM4 is designed to support embedded applications where physical access to the CM4
    may be limited.  An invalid bootloader configuration or software bug could
    cause the system to fail to boot so automatic updates are disabled. We also
    recommend write-protecting the SPI EPPROM after flashing it using usbboot.
    CM4 bootloader and EEPROM update instructions:
    usbboot instructions for flashing CM4 EMMC and bootloader EEPROM:
    The CM4 ROM does not support running recovery.bin from the EMMC on CM4 so this service
    is disabled by default. SELF_UPDATE from USB or Network boot is supported but this
    must first be enabled by removing ENABLE_SELF_UPDATE=0 from the EEPROM config
    via usbboot.
    After enabling self-update set the CM4_ENABLE_RPI_EEPROM_UPDATE=1 environment
    variable or define it in /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update.
    N.B. If there is a power failure during SELF_UPDATE the EEPROM write may fail and
    usbboot must be used to flash the bootloader EEPROM. SELF_UPDATE is not recommended
    for updating the bootloader on remote systems.
    CM4 bootloader and EEPROM update instructions:
    usbboot instructions for flashing CM4 EMMC and bootloader EEPROM:
    The CM4 ROM does not support running recovery.bin from the EMMC on CM4 so this service
    is disabled by default. SELF_UPDATE from USB or Network boot is supported but this
    must first be enabled by removing ENABLE_SELF_UPDATE=0 from the EEPROM config
    via usbboot.
    After enabling self-update set the CM4_ENABLE_RPI_EEPROM_UPDATE=1 environment
    variable or define it in /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update.
    N.B. If there is a power failure during SELF_UPDATE the EEPROM write may fail and
    usbboot must be used to flash the bootloader EEPROM. SELF_UPDATE is not recommended
    for updating the bootloader on remote systems.
