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Top / systemd-analyze




  • systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] COMMAND ...
    Profile systemd, show unit dependencies, check unit files.
      [time]                   Print time required to boot the machine
      blame                    Print list of running units ordered by time to init
      critical-chain [UNIT...] Print a tree of the time critical chain of units
      plot                     Output SVG graphic showing service initialization
      dot [UNIT...]            Output dependency graph in dot(1) format
      dump                     Output state serialization of service manager
      cat-config               Show configuration file and drop-ins
      unit-files               List files and symlinks for units
      unit-paths               List load directories for units
      exit-status [STATUS...]  List exit status definitions
      capability [CAP...]      List capability definitions
      syscall-filter [NAME...] Print list of syscalls in seccomp filter
      condition CONDITION...   Evaluate conditions and asserts
      verify FILE...           Check unit files for correctness
      calendar SPEC...         Validate repetitive calendar time events
      timestamp TIMESTAMP...   Validate a timestamp
      timespan SPAN...         Validate a time span
      security [UNIT...]       Analyze security of unit
      -h --help                Show this help
         --version             Show package version
         --no-pager            Do not pipe output into a pager
         --system              Operate on system systemd instance
         --user                Operate on user systemd instance
         --global              Operate on global user configuration
      -H --host=[USER@]HOST    Operate on remote host
      -M --machine=CONTAINER   Operate on local container
         --order               Show only order in the graph
         --require             Show only requirement in the graph
         --from-pattern=GLOB   Show only origins in the graph
         --to-pattern=GLOB     Show only destinations in the graph
         --fuzz=SECONDS        Also print services which finished SECONDS earlier
                               than the latest in the branch
         --man[=BOOL]          Do [not] check for existence of man pages
         --generators[=BOOL]   Do [not] run unit generators (requires privileges)
         --iterations=N        Show the specified number of iterations
         --base-time=TIMESTAMP Calculate calendar times relative to specified time
    See the systemd-analyze(1) man page for details.