最終更新:2013-08-14 (水) 00:23:30 (4074d)
yum groupinstall/General Purpose Desktop
Top / yum groupinstall / General Purpose Desktop
A general purpose desktop that adds to Desktop and provides full GNOME features.
Default Packages:
- PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin?
- authconfig-gtk?
- brasero-nautilus?
- cheese (Cheese)
- compiz-gnome?
- evince
- evince-dvi?
- file-roller?
- gcalctool?
- gedit
- gnome-backgrounds
- gnome-bluetooth
- gnome-disk-utility
- gnome-power-manager?
- gnome-system-monitor
- gnome-themes?
- gnome-user-docs?
- gnome-user-share?
- gnome-utils?
- gnote?
- gthumb?
- gucharmap?
- gvfs-afc?
- gvfs-gphoto2?
- gvfs-obexftp?
- mousetweaks?
- nautilus-open-terminal
- nautilus-sendto?
- rhythmbox
- scenery-backgrounds?
- seahorse? (Seahorse)
- sound-juicer?
- system-config-firewall
- system-config-users
- totem (Totem)
- totem-nautilus?