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Top / パイプ

パイプを通してプロセス間で通信を行うことができます。 これには、匿名パイプ名前付きパイプがあります。

Win32 API


  • CreatePipe? - Creates an anonymous pipe.


  • CallNamedPipe? - Connects to a message-type pipe, writes to and reads from the pipe, and then closes the pipe.
  • ConnectNamedPipe? - Enables a named pipe server process to wait for a client process to connect to an instance of a named pipe.
  • CreateNamedPipe - Creates an instance of a named pipe and returns a handle for subsequent pipe operations. A client process connects to a named pipe by using the CreateFile or CallNamedPipe? function.
  • DisconnectNamedPipe? - Disconnects the server end of a named pipe instance from a client process.
  • GetNamedPipeClientComputerName? - Retrieves the client computer name for the specified named pipe.
  • GetNamedPipeClientProcessId? - Retrieves the client process identifier for the specified named pipe.
  • GetNamedPipeClientSessionId? - Retrieves the client session identifier for the specified named pipe.
  • GetNamedPipeHandleState? - Retrieves information about a specified named pipe.
  • GetNamedPipeInfo? - Retrieves information about the specified named pipe.
  • GetNamedPipeServerProcessId? - Retrieves the server process identifier for the specified named pipe.
  • GetNamedPipeServerSessionId? - Retrieves the server session identifier for the specified named pipe.
  • ImpersonateNamedPipeClient? - Impersonates a named-pipe client application.
  • PeekNamedPipe? - Copies data from a named or anonymous pipe into a buffer without removing it from the pipe.
  • SetNamedPipeHandleState? - Sets the read mode and the blocking mode of the specified named pipe.
  • TransactNamedPipe? - Combines the functions that write a message to and read a message from the specified named pipe into a single network operation.
  • WaitNamedPipe? - Waits until either a time-out interval elapses or an instance of the specified named pipe is available for a connection.