最終更新:2016-12-05 (月) 13:45:38 (2962d)  

Android 7.1
Top / Android 7.1


  • Daydream VR のサポート
  • A/B システムアップデート (Seamless Update)
  • アプリ ショートカット
  • イメージ キーボードのサポート


Developer Preview 2


Android 7.1/パーティション

  • https://plus.google.com/ Chainfire/posts/fvEPo42GKXS
  • File-based encryption is now default, instead of full-disk encryption
  • New partition layout (Pixel and probably many future devices):
    • There are two of several Android partitions, boot?, system, vendor
      • odd partition structure (two system, two boot, two vendor, zero recovery, and zero cache partitions)
    • The recovery? and cache? partitions are gone
    • The root / directory for Android is now part of the system partition, instead of the boot? partition (initramfs)
    • Recovery is now inside the normal boot image, and uses its initramfs (which used to be used by Android)