最終更新:2022-08-15 (月) 17:55:43 (912d)
- 鍵生成のためECDH(Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman:楕円曲線ディフィー・ヘルマン鍵共有)と呼ばれるアルゴリズムと、鍵交換用に新しいペアリング手順を使用する
- Secure Connections on the LE physical transport upgrades LE Legacy Pairing to utilize FIPS-approved algorithms (AES-CMAC and P-256 elliptic curve) and adapts the Numeric Comparison association model of Secure Simple Pairing to be used on the Bluetooth LE physical transport.
- It also includes provisions for a key generated using Secure Connections on either physical transport to preclude the need for the user to pair a second time on the other physical transport.