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Bluetooth Classic/ベースバンド/論理トランスポート/ACL

Asynchronous Connection Less


  • It is common for the suffix to be removed from the logical link without introducing ambiguity, thus a reference to the default ACL logical transport can be resolved to mean the ACL-C logical link in cases where the LMP protocol is being discussed, or the ACL-U logical links when the L2CAP layer is being discussed.


  • LMPの話題のときはACL-Cの意味
  • The default ACL is created between the Central and the Peripheral when a device joins a piconet (connects to the basic piconet physical channel).
  • This default ACL is assigned a logical transport address (LT_ADDR) by the piconet Central.
  • The LT_ADDR for the default ACL is reused for synchronous connectionoriented logical transports between the same Central and Peripheral.


  • The asynchronous connection-oriented (ACL) logical transport is used to carry LMP and L2CAP control signaling and best effort asynchronous user data.


DM? (エラー訂正機能:FEC あり)

  • Data Medium Rate

DH (エラー訂正機能:FEC なし)

  • Data High Rate