最終更新:2021-12-28 (火) 22:23:56 (941d)  

Bluetooth/プロファイル/Windows 10


Advanced Audio Distribution ProfileA2DP (A2DP 1.2?)
Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol TargetAVCTP? (AVCTP 1.4?)
Audio/Video Distribution Transport ProtocolAVDTP (AVDTP 1.2?)
Audio/Video Remote Control ProfileAVRCP (AVRCP 1.6.1?)
Battery Service over GATT Profile(1.0)
Bluetooth LE Generic Attribute ClientGATT
Bluetooth LE Generic Attribute ServerGATT
Bluetooth Network Encapsulation ProtocolBNEP (BNEP 1.0?)
Device ID ProfileDID? (DID 1.3?)
Device Information Service over GATT ProfileDIS? (DIS 1.1?)
Dial-up Networking ProfileDUN (DUN 1.1?)
Generic Access ProfileGAP
Generic Audio/Video Distribution ProfileGAVDP (GAVDP 1.2?)
Hands-Free ProfileHFP (HFP 1.6)
Hardcopy Cable Replacement ProfileHCRP? (HCRP 1.2?)
HID over GATT ProfileHOGP (HOGP 1.0?)
Human Interface DeviceHID (HID 1.1?)
Human Interface Device ServiceHIDS?
Logical Link Control and Adaptation ProtocolL2CAP
Object Push ProfileOPP (OPP 1.1?)
Personal Area Networking User ProfilePANU? (PANU 1.0?)
RFCOMMRFCOMM 1.1? with TS (TS 07.10?)
Scan Parameters Profile Client over GATT ProfileScPP? (ScPP 2.1?)
Security Manager ProtocolSMP
Serial Port ProfileSPP (SPP 1.2?)
Service Discovery ProtocolSDP