最終更新:2011-03-16 (水) 03:35:39 (4784d)  


The ERESI Reverse Engineering Software Interface



The ERESI Reverse Engineering Software Interface is a multi-architecture binary analysis framework with a tailored domain specific language for reverse engineering and program manipulation. ERESI features both process-specific and OS-wide support for instrumentation, debugging and analysis of Intel and SPARC machine programs (with features also available for ARM, MIPS and Alpha? processors). ERESI is enhanced for operating systems based on the Executable & Linking Format (ELF) in particular on the Linux OS. We also support for *BSD, Solaris, HP-UX?, IRIX? and BeOS? platforms to some extent. Finally, ERESI can trace into any OS in a virtual machine or emulator using the GDB serial protocol.

We prone modularity and reuse of code. You can create your own project on top of ERESI in just a few hours. Among a lot of many features, you can access and display program graphs without the need for symbols, executable data segments or native debug API (ERESI is also capable of using this information when available in the DWARF or STABS? debug formats).

  • Here are the projects that were developed on top of the ERESI framework:
    • elfsh? : An interactive and scriptable static program instrumentation tool for ELF binary files.
    • kernsh?: An interactive and scriptable runtime kernel instrumentation tool for live code injection, modification and redirection.
    • e2dbg? : An interactive and scriptable high-performance process debugger that works without standard OS debug API (without ptrace).
    • etrace? : A scriptable runtime process tracer working at full frequency of execution without generating traps.
    • kedbg?: An interactive and scriptable OS-wide debugger interfaced with the GDB server, VMware, QEMU, Bochs and OpenOCD (JTAG) via the GDB serial protocol.
    • Evarista?: A work-in-progress static binary program transformer entirely implemented in the ERESI language.
  • Beside those top-level components, ERESI contains various libraries that can be used from one of the previously mentioned tools, or in a standalone third-party program:
  • libelfsh? : the binary manipulation library used by ELFsh, Kernsh, E2dbg, and Etrace.
  • libe2dbg? : the embedded debugger library operating within the debuggee program.
  • libasm? : the smart disassembling engine (x86, sparc, mips, arm) that gives both syntactic and semantic attributes to instructions and their operands.
  • libmjollnir? : the control flow analysis and fingerprinting library.
  • librevm? : the Runtime ERESI virtual machine, that contains the central runtime environment implementation of the framework.
  • libstderesi? : the standard ERESI library containing more than 100 built-in analysis commands.
  • libaspect? : the aspect library brings its API to reflect code and data structures in the ERESI language.
  • libedfmt? : the ERESI debug format library which can convert dwarf and stabs debug formats to the ERESI debug format.
  • libetrace? : the ERESI tracer library, on which Etrace is based.
  • libkernsh? : the Kernel shell library is the kernel accessibility library on which Kernsh is based.
  • libgdbwrap? : The GDB serial protocol library, for compatibility between ERESI and GDB/VMware/Bochs/QEMU/OpenOCD
