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Top / GIMX
Game Input MultipleXer?
- the purpose of this software is to control a video game console with a PC. It works with the PS3 and there is experimental support for the Xbox 360.
- Ubuntuマシンのキーボードとマウス(と,ゲームパッド)でPS3を動かせるソフトウェア
It operates:
over Bluetooth
over USB
- works with Linux (PS3,Xbox 360) and Windows (PS3). A DIY USB adapter is required.
- http://gimx.fr/wiki/index.php?title=DIY_USB_adapter
- a USB to serial TTL converter that can work at 500kbps - chip examples: FT232R, CP2102
- a USB development board with a chip among the following: AT90USB82?, AT90USB162, AT90USB646?, AT90USB647?, AT90USB1286, AT90USB1287, ATmega16U2?, ATmega32U2?, ATmega16U4?, ATmega32U4