最終更新:2014-02-13 (木) 11:50:33 (3988d)
Google Summer of Code 2013
Top / Google Summer of Code 2013
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH | Trajectory Analysis in R |
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH | 52°North Web Processing Service Admin Web Module |
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH | 52north - Open Sensor Search Idea proposal |
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH | Seismic Data Modeling in SOS |
abiword | Math improvements to Abiword |
abiword | Table Improvements |
abiword | OpenMedSpel? plugin for AbiWord |
AerospaceResearch?.Net | Space Top Trumps |
AerospaceResearch?.Net | Develop a reusable solution for numerical aerospace problems |
Ankur India | Improving accuracy of Bengali OCR tools |
Ankur India | Improving information retrieval methods for OCR data sets consisting of Indic scripts |
Ankur India | To implement a tool for improving the aesthetic quality of fonts of Indic scripts |
Ankur India | Speech based query and result retrieval system for Indian languages |
Apache Software Foundation | Freebase Entity Disambiguation in Apache Stanbol |
Apache Software Foundation | Incremental Graph Handling |
Apache Software Foundation | Implementing a HTML5 Whiteboard for Apache OpenMeetings? |
Apache Software Foundation | Bloodhound: Embeddable tickets/objects |
Apache Software Foundation | Apache Gora support for Oracle NoSQL datastore |
Apache Software Foundation | Giraph integration with Tinkerpop |
Apache Software Foundation | Generic Naked Objects app in JavaScript for Apache ISIS |
Apache Software Foundation | LUCENE-3069 Lucene should have an entirely memory resident term dictionary |
Apache Software Foundation | #TAJO-34 - Outer Join |
Apache Software Foundation | AMQP Messaging protocol support for Airavata WS-Messenger |
Apache Software Foundation | Apache Cassandra backend for Sling |
Apache Software Foundation | FOAF Co-reference Based Entity Disambiguation Engine In Apache Stanbol |
Apache Software Foundation | A generic (Naked Objects) Android app, to run against Isis' Restful Objects interface |
Apache Software Foundation | Benchmark and Framework for Parallel XQuery |
Apache Software Foundation | Refactor Apache Rat Core to a Classic Object Oriented Design |
Apache Software Foundation | James Administration Console |
Apache Software Foundation | Apache Celix Event admin implementation [GSoC] Event Admin Celix-48 |
Apache Software Foundation | Implementation of Online Collaborative Filtering on top of Hama |
Apache Software Foundation | Cloudstack: LDAP user provisioning |
Apache Software Foundation | XPath1.0 Implementation On Top of XMLStream |
Apache Software Foundation | jena-spatial: Simple Spatial Query with SPARQL |
Apache Software Foundation | Improving CloudStack Support for Apache Whirr and Incubator-provisionr in Hadoop Provisioning |
Apache Software Foundation | New Spring integration for Apache Axis2 |
Apache Software Foundation | Improve REST support for Axis2/C |
Apache Software Foundation | Agent Based Modeling based geo-profiling of criminology projects |
Apache Software Foundation | Add Xen/XCP support for GRE SDN controller |
Apache Software Foundation | CMIS(Content Management Interoperability Services) UCP(Univeral Content Provider) for Apache OpenOffice using Apache Chemistry |
Apache Software Foundation | OODT-219 [1] - Monitor that plugs into ganglia |
Apache Software Foundation | Wider spectrum of data sources for Apache Giraph using Apache Gora |
Apache Software Foundation | Implementation of a Semi-Clustering Algorithm In Apache Hama |
Apache Software Foundation | Apache OODT: Upgrade the CAS-Product Web Application to use JAX-RS via Apache CXF |
Apache Software Foundation | Xalan-J - Complete Support for StAXSource / StAXResult |
Apache Software Foundation | Web-based Workflow Execution Interface for Apache Airavata |
Apache Software Foundation | Implementing Hybrid Hash Join Operator in TAJO |
Apache Software Foundation | Introducing a JSON interface to Airavata Client side and Registry component |
Apache Software Foundation | A new modular UI for Apache CloudStack |
Apache Software Foundation | VXQuery integration with Apache Lucene |
Apache Software Foundation | Improve Derby's Code Coverage |
Apache Software Foundation | A Web-based Workflow Composition UI for Apache Airavata |
Apache Software Foundation | Versioning of Synapse Configuration Artifacts |
Apache Software Foundation | Create an Email connector for Apache ManifoldCF |
Apache Software Foundation | Web Based Workflow Monitoring Tool |
Apache Software Foundation | Apache Airavata Gateway Monitoring Dashboard |
Apache Software Foundation | A better plan/data flow visualizer |
Apertium | Apertium Turkish-Uzbek |
Apertium | Rule-based finite-state disambiguation |
Apertium | A Sliding-Window Drop-in Replacement for the HMM Part-of-Speech Tagger in Apertium |
Apertium | Improvements in lexical-selection module |
Apertium | Chinese-to-Spanish Apertium System |
Apertium | Danish-Norwegian (Bokmål) language pair |
Apertium | Visual interface for editing transfer rules |
Apertium | Hindi-English Language Pair |
Apertium | Ukrainian-Russian language pair |
Apertium | Application for "Interface for creating tagged corpora" GSOC 2013 |
Battle for Wesnoth | AI: Refactor recruitment algorithm |
Battle for Wesnoth | Rethink the addon server from scratch |
Battle for Wesnoth | Multiplayer campaign improvements |
BeagleBoard.org | Create Linux userspace libraries for use with Wiring/Processing environment using the Arduino IDE |
BeagleBoard.org | Arduino Libraries for the Beaglebone (in Userspace) |
BeagleBoard.org | Minix I2C drivers for the BeagleBone Black |
BeagleBoard.org | Android based boot system |
BeagleBoard.org | Beagle-ROS |
BeagleBoard.org | IIO, ADC, PMIC, LCD debug/patchwork |
BEAM Community | Erlang Package Manager (pakx) |
BEAM Community | Elixir - Debugger and Inspection |
BEAM Community | MongooseIM: Implementation of XEP-0313 Message Archive Management |
BEAM Community | Zotonic Moules Repository Integration |
BEAM Community | Rebalancing for Disco’s Distributed File System |
Benetech | Tecla Accessibility Support in Go Read |
Benetech | Achieve Word level Highlighting Synchronized with TTS |
Benetech | MathML Support for Go Read |
Bioconductor open source software for bioinformatics | Shiny Bioconductor Objects Project |
Bioconductor open source software for bioinformatics | Application for Project 3: BiocParallel? / BatchJobs? integration |
Blender Foundation | VSE Improvements |
Blender Foundation | Dependency Graph and Evaluation Engine Refactor |
Blender Foundation | Sketch Mesh Editing |
Blender Foundation | Cycles - Add new shader nodes and shading features |
Blender Foundation | Viewport FX II |
Blender Foundation | Painting tool improvements |
Blender Foundation | BGE Level of Detail and Bug Fixing/Polishing |
Blender Foundation | Texturing for Volume Rendering in Cycles |
Blender Foundation | Threaded dependency graph |
Blender Foundation | Rigid Body Simulation Improvements |
Blender Foundation | Expand and improve Blender's motion tracking module |
Blender Foundation | Towards a full action replay system |
Bloomington, IN, USA | Implementing an SMS-based interaction module for uReport based on Open311 Standard |
Bloomington, IN, USA | New user interface and map-based browsing or GeoReporter? for iPad |
Bloomington, IN, USA | Feature Enhancement to the GeoReporter? Android Open311 Client |
Bloomington, IN, USA | Mapping module on uReport - City of Bloomington |
Boost C++ Libraries | Boost.uBlas - Parallelized computations with MPI technology |
Boost C++ Libraries | Multiple-source shortest paths for planar graphs |
Boost C++ Libraries | Parallel Backends for odeint |
Boost C++ Libraries | Boost AFIO |
Boost C++ Libraries | Boost.Trie |
Boost C++ Libraries | Boost.Math Bernoulli Numbers and Applications to Special Functions |
Boost C++ Libraries | uBlas Performance Math Library |
BRL-CAD | Matrix Pull Routine for performing the opposite of the Matrix Push on Geometry. |
BRL-CAD | Web Interface of BRL-CAD |
BRL-CAD | Implementation of a heart primitive |
BRL-CAD | STEP Libraries |
BRL-CAD | NURBS Intersection |
BRL-CAD | New Cross-Platform 3D Display Manager |
BRL-CAD | Consolidating and Adding the Image Processing Functions to LIBICV |
Buildbot | New master-salve protocol |
Buildbot | Complete Master-Side Source Steps |
Catroid Project | Implementation of a simple object recognizer for Catroid |
Catroid Project | Create your own bricks and edit existing bricks in Catroid |
Catroid Project | Tagging and Recommender System |
Catroid Project | Remix Visualization |
Catroid Project | Brick cut, copy and paste functionality across projects + smart multiselection move |
Catroid Project | Layers in Paintroid |
Catroid Project | Sound- and Speechrecognition for Catroid |
Catroid Project | Catrobat textual language representation |
CERN SFT | HEPunion filesystem implementation as Linux module |
CERN SFT | Performance Monitoring on User-defined ROI |
CERN SFT | Marketplace for VM Contextualization Artifacts |
CERN SFT | Add the ability to accept LaTeX and Markdown/MathJax formulas in Indico abstract editor |
CERN SFT | Implement Pre-run Verification In Cling |
CERN SFT | Automatic Differentiation Library Using Cling |
CERN SFT | CERN app for Android proposal |
CERN SFT | TFormula class for CERN |
Cesium community | Adding support for the KML standard |
Cesium community | Navigation Widget for Cesium |
Chromium | Add Multi-line text rendering support to RenderText? |
Chromium | Develop a standalone GUI for running Dr. Memory |
Chromium | Dr. Memory Hybrid Native and Non-Native Execution |
Chromium | Implement Google Drive client as a Chrome App |
Chromium | SystemInfo? Storage "watch" API Implementation |
Chromium | System-wide hot key api support for platform app. |
Clojure | core.typed: Extensions and Documentation |
Clojure | Clojure Compiler port to clojure (CinC) |
Clojure | ClojureScript? optimization and source maps support |
Clojure | Algebraic Expressions |
Clojure | Implementation of core.matrix-compatible multidimensional array in Clojure |
Clojure | Enhance Neko for Android |
Code for America | Open311 Visualization Tools and 311 API Tools |
Code for America | Make Data Matching Easy |
Code for America | JReport: A java wrapper of the Open311 API |
Code for America | Automated Data Matching - Building Web Interface for Data Matching Client |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | Skeptik: subsumption-based proof compression algorithms |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | OpenPixi?: Parallelization of the Simulation Using OpenCL |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | VIM: Integration of Survey Design Facilities into a Gtk2-based R-package VIM |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | OpenEngSB: Query transformation for multiple tool models based on Common Concept Model |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | Python Interface for ViennaMesh? |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | Eclipse Array Explorer Improvement |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | [IoTSyS] A Discovery Service in OBIX Standardization |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | MOST: NoSQL Solution for Building Data Warehouses |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | GDAL/OGR: Rigorous Support of Vertical Datums within OGRSpatialReference? |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | [IOTSYS] oBIX 1.1 Specification WD Implementation |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | Nomacs Plug-in System |
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien | Integrating ViennaCL into the Python scientific ecosystem |
coreboot | Test set-up for the coreboot distributed firmware test environment featuring greater extensibility, enhanced automation, concurrent high speed firmware flashing and decentralized operation. |
coreboot | Prepare for the lack of super-io UARTs and serialports on new mainboards |
coreboot | A universal USB-based FWH/LPC/SPI programmer |
coreboot | flashrom: infrastructure improvements galore |
Creative Commons | Proposal - Media Fingerprint Library |
Creative Commons | Creative Commons Pasteboard |
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research Institute | Convert Gene Wiki Bot to write to Wikidata |
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research Institute | Developing an interactive decision tree builder for The Cure |
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research Institute | Semantic BioGPS |
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research Institute | New Version of the Game Dizeez as a Facebook Application |
Crypto Stick | OpenPGPjs integration |
Crypto Stick | True Crypt improvement |
Crystal Space | Advanced Post-Processing Techniques |
Crystal Space | OpenGL ES renderer support |
Crystal Space | Water Simulation |
Crystal Space | Improving hardware culling support |
Crystal Space | Video recording support |
DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight | HadyElsahar? - WikiData?+DBpedia Idea proposal |
DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight | Type inference to extend coverage |
DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight | Interface / Power tool for DBpedia testing metadata |
DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight | DBpedia: Design a better / interactive display page (+ Search) |
DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight | Input Formats Generalization and Graph-Based Disambiguation Integration and Improvements |
Debian Project | Improvements to Debian Search and the Search Interface |
Debian Project | Bootstrappable Debian |
Debian Project | ZFS on Linux integration |
Debian Project | MIPS N32/N64 ABI Port |
Debian Project | Leiningen & Clojure packaging |
Debian Project | Add OCRA support to oath-toolkit and dynalogin |
Debian Project | OpenRC init system in Debian |
Debian Project | Implementation of message passing in the Debian infrastructure |
Debian Project | scan-build on the Debian archive |
Debian Project | Redesign metapackage creation for Debian Blends |
Debian Project | PTS rewrite in Django |
Debian Project | OpenJDK and Debian |
Debian Project | Debian GNU/Hurd Debianish initialization |
Debian Project | Debian Android Application |
Debian Project | Enabling free multimedia real-time communications (RTC) with Debian |
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University | Interactive Visual Interface Development to Explore Large Quantities of Time Series Data and Patient State in Intensive Care Units |
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University | A Timeline Viewer of Patient Medical Records |
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University | High Performance CPU and GPU Microscopy Image Analysis Algorithms and Implementations |
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University | Customized XML to JSON & JSON to XML Conversion Utility |
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University | Large Scale Biomedical Data Integration |
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University | Proposal for Hadoop-GIS: Extending Hive with Spatial Queries |
Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) | Attach the PSurface Library of DUNE to ParaView? |
Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) | Performance testing framework |
Django Software Foundation | Revamping validation functionality and merging django-secure |
Django Software Foundation | Composite Fields, vol. 2 |
Django Software Foundation | Add Google App Engine support and improvement for django-deployer |
DragonFly? BSD | Block compression feature in HAMMER2 |
DragonFly? BSD | Capsicum kernel implementation |
DragonFly? BSD | Userland System V Shared Memory / Semaphore / Message Queue implementation |
DragonFly? BSD | Implement hardware nested page table support for vkernels |
DragonFly? BSD | Make vkernels checkpointable |
Drizzle Database | Improving Replication Policy in drizzle |
Drizzle Database | MySQL Replication into Drizzle |
Drizzle Database | "AlsoSQL":Extend JSON server to support more than just key-value operations |
Drizzle Database | Parallelization and Automation of Drizzle Continuous Integration Infrastructure |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Spec platform/framework Independence |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Mars 1.0 |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Debugger Improvements |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Graph-ET |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | UIPainter |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Better rewriting rule tool |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Improving Roassal Scalability |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Athens implementation in Amber with HTML5 Canvas |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | SciSmalltalk? - Solving Ordinary Differential Equations in Smalltalk |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | DBXTalk on NativeBoost? |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | A new trait implementation |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Animation Library based on Athens |
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) | Tools for developing Amber web clients from Pharo |
FreeBSD | Intelligent Download manager service for the Ports Collection |
FreeBSD | packagekit backend for pkgng |
FreeBSD | PkgNG pluggable solver framework |
FreeBSD | Port data compression services and video codecs to Capsicum |
FreeBSD | Port GlusterFS to FreeBSD |
FreeBSD | VirtualBox shared folder support for FreeBSD guests |
FreeBSD | Write new features for Capsicum |
FreeBSD | net80211 rate control API - 802.11n extensions |
FreeBSD | USB device passthrough support on BHyVe? |
FreeBSD | AHCI device model in userspace for bhyve |
Freenet Project Inc | Android support for darknet connections |
Freenet Project Inc | Transport Layer Improvements project |
Freenet Project Inc | The Tahrir Project |
Freenet Project Inc | Distributed Version Control Improvements with WoT and Infocalypse |
Freenet Project Inc | File sharing/searching for Freenet |
Funf.org | External peripherals and high bandwidth probe support |
Funf.org | Customizable Push Surveys for Funf |
Ganeti | Better openvswitch Ganeti support |
Ganeti | Allocate or rebalance VMs based on CPU load metrics |
GCC - GNU Compiler Collection | Optimizing large applications with LTO |
GCC - GNU Compiler Collection | Completing C++11 regex |
Genome Informatics | Reactome Smartphone Application |
Genome Informatics | WormBase? iOS App/Mobile web site |
Genome Informatics | Genome Informatics - Improving UX of GMOD |
Genome Informatics | eQTL Pipeline and Visualisation For The Galaxy Project |
Gentoo Foundation | LDAP front-end web interface |
Gentoo Foundation | R_Overlay: Automated overlay maintenance |
Gentoo Foundation | Gentoo On Android |
Gentoo Foundation | Framework for automated ebuild generators |
Gentoo Foundation | identity.gentoo.org OpenID provider |
Gentoo Foundation | Puppet module for gentoo |
Gephi Consortium | Statistics Unit Tests |
Gephi Consortium | Graphstore benchmark and Tuning |
Gephi Consortium | Completing Legend Module |
GNOME | Add Bookshelf View & Tiling support to Evince |
GNOME | Gnome Tweak Tool UI Refresh |
GNOME | GXml: easy and ready-to-use |
GNOME | Implement a new avatar picker dialog that will pull from online sources |
GNOME | Design implementation of Gnome Music |
GNOME | Complete redesign of GNOME Shell's app picker |
GNOME | Break Timer application for GNOME 3 |
GNOME | Improve gnome-clocks world view (pictures, geolocation) |
GNOME | Implement support for custom functions in GNOME Calculator |
GNOME | GObject Introspection for java-gnome |
GNOME | GSoC 2013 - Porting GTG and Liblarch to Gtk3 and Python3 |
GNOME | Overhaul the Date & Time panel in System Settings |
GNOME | GNOME Archives Integration |
GNOME | GNOME Sound Recorder |
GNOME | Implement Caret and Focus Tracking for GNOME Shell |
GNOME | Redesign and port Gtranslator to Vala |
GNOME | General bug fixing in pitivi. |
GNOME | Trip planning in GNOME Maps |
GNOME | A Web Application for Getting Things GNOME! |
GNOME | Google Tasks support to libgdata and Evolution |
GNOME | RAW developer integration for the f-spot photo manager |
GNOME | Modular encryption support |
GNOME | Dual screen capable presentation in gnome-documents |
GNOME | Support advanced operations (rebase, format-patch) in Gitg |
GNOME | Implementation of Gnome Music |
GNOME | GtkSourceView?: add regex search and modernize existing features |
GNOME | Banshee: Integrate with more REST API Services (SongKick? and FanArt?.TV) |
GNOME | Add Lua support for Grilo plugins |
GNOME | Support for Wayland in WebKit2GTK+ |
GNSS-SDR | Improve the acquisition sensitivity of a GNSS receiver |
GNU Image Manipulation Program | Implement the combined Selection Tool |
GNU Image Manipulation Program | Refinement of support for PSD files in GIMP |
GNU Image Manipulation Program | n-point image deformation |
GNU Project | Blogging System for MediaGoblin? |
GNU Project | GNU Octave The "Agora" |
GNU Project | Octave - Tex/LaTeX markup |
GNU Project | GNU Octave: Improve binary packaging |
GNU Project | LibreDWG Decode Refactoring |
GNU Project | Guile-Emacs |
GNU Project | Octave: Fix audio processing |
GNU Project | Octave - image processing of ND images |
GNU Project | Improving GNUnet's adhoc connectivity with a bluetooth transport |
GNU Project | Emacs XWidgets |
GNU Project | Wget: Move Test Bench Suite from Perl to Python. |
GNU Project | [GNU Classpath] New Gtk3 Look and Feel for OpenJDK |
GNU Project | API for LibreDWG |
GNU Project | Octave Numerical Project - General purpose Finite Element library |
GNU Project | [HURD] Improve the GDB Port for GNU Hurd |
GNU Project | [GNU Classpath] Caciocavallo Jenkins-Plugin and Merging to OpenJDK |
GNU Project | Gnucap |
GNU Project | GNUstep: Opal-backed rendering system for gnustep-gui in gnustep-back |
GNU Project | GNU Octave: Improve JIT compiling |
GNU Project | Recutils - Add Python bindings to Recutils |
GNU Project | [GNU Classpath] Port the GTK+ AWT support for GTK+ 3 |
GNU Project | Bison - partial orders precedence and associativity |
GNU Project | Search Interface for MediaGoblin? |
GNU Project | Prolog For Java - Rewrite The Parser |
GNU Project | Mediagoblin Pluggable User Authentication & Implementations |
GNU Project | Emacsy, An Embeddable Emacs-like Library for GNU Guile Scheme |
GNU Project | GNU Octave - Incomplete sparse factorizations ichol, ilu |
GNU Project | GNUnet - Creation of a GUI for the GNUnet PlanetLab?/Parallel Deployment tool |
GNU Project | Integrating GNUnet and PSYC |
GNU Project | Emacs - VC Modernization |
GNU Radio | Improving the GNU Radio companion (GRC) |
GNU Radio | GNU Radio FPGA Co-processing with the Xilinx Zynq System-on-Chip |
GNU Radio | LDPC codes and more FEC in GNURadio |
GNU Radio | GNU Radio: 802.11a/n/g Receiver and Wireshark Connector |
GNU Radio | Implementation of LDPC encoder and decoder in GNU Radio |
Google Open Source Programs Office | Typed Lua |
haskell.org | Overloaded record fields for GHC |
haskell.org | Enhancing Darcsden |
haskell.org | interactive-diagrams and a paste site with the ability for dynamic rendering of diagrams |
haskell.org | Haddock extension for Pandoc compatibility |
haskell.org | Port Charts to use Diagrams |
haskell.org | Communicating with mobile devices |
haskell.org | Improve the feedback of the cabal-install dependency solver |
haskell.org | Haskell Qt Binding Generator |
haskell.org | Extending GHC to support building modules in parallel |
haskell.org | Parallelise 'cabal build' |
Health Information Systems Programme | Android application for DHIS 2 |
Health Information Systems Programme | Mobile visualizer |
Health Information Systems Programme | Dialplan (PBX) generation for patient communication |
Health Information Systems Programme | Create Metadata sharing tools to Export & Import subsets of DHIS2 Metadata |
illumos | Unionfs Implementation |
illumos | Rearchitect and replace interrupt distribution |
illumos | File system disturber |
Inclusive Design Institute | Accessible WebRTC Collaboration with Infusion |
Inclusive Design Institute | AContent LTI OAuth Integration |
Inclusive Design Institute | tagin! API on Google App Engine |
Inclusive Design Institute | GitHub Based Patcher |
Inclusive Design Institute | Media Player Update for ATutor |
Inclusive Design Institute | TypeOver? for communication |
Inclusive Design Institute | Drupal Plugins for Infusion Components Project |
Inclusive Design Institute | Inclusive Web-Based Music Development Environment |
Inclusive Design Institute | UI Redesign (Usability Research and Development) |
Inclusive Design Institute | Admin Tools to create custom templates in AContent |
Inkscape | Recolor Artwork Interactive Tool: Proposal for Inkscape - GSoC 2013 |
Inkscape | Electronics CAD support |
Inkscape | Refactoring and Improvement of Unit Support |
Inkscape | New from Template widget |
Inkscape | Implement a new raster-to-vector algorithm and integrate it in Inkscape as a new option aside from Potrace |
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility | BrianDROID - Neural simulation on mobile devices |
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility | Smart image uploader |
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility | G-Node Client for INCF Dataspace |
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility | Algorithm Improvements to Diffusion Guided Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping |
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility | Open source, cross simulator, models of cortical circuits. |
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility | Android Conference Mobile Application |
Iowa Flood Center | Augmented Reality Application for Interactive Flood Simulation |
Iowa Flood Center | Flood Inundation Simulator on Google Maps using WebGL |
Italian Mars Society | Using an EEG neuroheadset to control rovers |
Italian Mars Society | Implementing three optimized artificial neural networks with back propagation for 'Solar storms forecasting' |
JBoss Community | Support for the Gradle build system as a plugin for Forge |
JBoss Community | Improved Ceylon support for the JS-VM Ecosystem |
JBoss Community | JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate |
JBoss Community | The chart component for RichFaces? |
JBoss Community | Integration and functional testing of native Android applications on Arquillian testing platform |
JBoss Community | JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | Improve Form Fields |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | Support for Cloud Storage APIs |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | Convert JavaScript from MooTools to jQuery |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | Creating com_services for front end website administration for CMS 3 |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | Improvements to the Template Manager for CMS 3 |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | Module Modernization |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | Improve Joomla! frontend Semantics & Accessibility |
Joomla! (Open Source Matters) | WebDriver System Test for CMS |
JRuby | Implementing Ruby 2.0 DTrace Support and other new features for JRuby |
JRuby | Implementation of krypt Provider API for JRuby and Refactor the ASN.1 parser/encoder to use more Ruby code |
JRuby | RSense, JRuby-Parser : Better Tooling for Rubyists |
JRuby | Bringing JRuby up-to-date and faster than ever! |
JRuby | Shoes4 support for Hackety Hack |
JRuby | Visualization of the JRuby Interpreter and Compiler |
JRuby | JRuby for Embedded |
JRuby | Krypt Cipher development |
JRuby | Ruboto: JRuby on Android |
JRuby | Shoes4 - pushing towards 1.0 |
KDE | Marble KML Map Editor |
KDE | Improvements and enhancements for Plasma Media Center |
KDE | Integrate Android with KDE |
KDE | Send SMS messages using ModemManagerQt? and Telepathy |
KDE | Marble meets ownCloud |
KDE | Extending Muon to different platforms |
KDE | Localization team management Tool |
KDE | Revamp Amarok Scripting Interface |
KDE | Port a KDE game to QML/QtQuick? |
KDE | Improve Cantor Backend for Scientific Programming in Python |
KDE | Port Image Editor Canvas Classes to Qt Model/View for digiKam |
KDE | Image Quality Sorter for digiKam |
KDE | KStars GSOC: data pipelining and OpenCL |
KDE | Porting plasmoids to plasma2 |
KDE | [Plasma/KWin] Shell switching and conditional component loading |
KDE | Improve ePub support for Okular |
KDE | Touchscreen friendly NetworkManager applet and network settings module |
KDE | Polishing Calligra (Sheets) |
KDE | Rewrite KWin Desktop Effects (kcmkwincompositing) |
KDE | Reimplement Amarok importers on top of StatSyncing? framework, add Amarok 2.x and Rhythmbox as synchronization targets. |
KDE | Implement Change Tracking Backend |
KDE | Video Metadata Write support for Digikam |
KDE | Polish Kontact Touch “Mail” to fit Plasma Active UI / UX |
KDE | Improving polkit integration in KDE |
KDE | Amarok: Audio СD collection refactoring. |
KDE | Exiv2 "Cloud Ready" Project |
KDE | KMix2 Sound Menu |
KDE | Port libqzeitgeist to libzeitgeist2 |
KDE | Assisting in the first release of Artikulate |
KDE | Integrate Trojita to KDE |
KDE | Polishing file structure, Application Actions and UI features in Khipu. |
KDE | Marble: An OpenGL SceneGraph? for Marble |
KDE | Improving the filter module of Krita and adding more filters to it |
KDE | Better touchpad support |
KDE | digiKam:Cloud Integration Export Plugin |
KDE | Local Adjustment Tool in digiKam |
KDE | Collaborative text editor based on KTextEditor? and kde-telepathy |
KDE | Adding Friction force and Pulley-cord Object in STEP |
KDE | improve keyboard layout preview. |
KDE | digiKam - Tag Manager |
KDE | Make the Create > Play > Discuss workflow work in Gluon Porject |
KDE | Animation support in Krita |
KDE | HDR Composer for Digikam |
KDE | A New Query Parser and Auto-Completed Input Field for Nepomuk |
KDE | Amarok MTP Collection Rewrite With Emphasis on Android Device Support |
KDE | Enchantments to Bodega Content System |
KDE | Web interface plus service - Simple Project Report |
KDE | [digiKam] Port Showfoto Thumb bar to Qt4 Model/View |
KDE | ownCloud storage and synchronization for Marble |
KDE | Keyboard Layouts Project: Provide "in-line" keyboard layout indicator |
LibreOffice | Implement Firebird SQL connector for LibreOffice Base |
LibreOffice | Implementing Proper Table Styles in Writer |
LibreOffice | Improved Android / Impress Remote Control |
LibreOffice | Implementing an about:config functionality |
LibreOffice | Improve toolbars in LibreOffice |
LibreOffice | Impress Remote Control for iOS |
LibreOffice | Extend support for Document Management Systems |
LibreOffice | VLC integration into LibreOffice |
LibreOffice | Use Widget Layout for the Start Center |
LibreOffice | Slide Layout Extendibility |
LibreOffice | Writer: Border around characters |
Linux Trace Toolkit next generation project (LTTng) | Dynamic instrumentation support in UST |
Liquid Galaxy Project | System, Network and Caching Performance Benchmarking |
Liquid Galaxy Project | Open Data & Open Dai link to Liquid Galaxy |
Liquid Galaxy Project | Immersive multi-screen video conference |
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure | Flang. |
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure | Enhancing Giri: Dynamic Slicing in LLVM |
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure | Improving Clang C++ Modernizer (f.k.a C++11 Migrator) |
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure | FastPolly?: Reducing LLVM-Polly Compile-Time Overhead |
lmonade: scientific software distribution | New decoding error-correcting codes algorithm for Sage |
lmonade: scientific software distribution | A C++ wrapper for FLINT using expression templates |
lmonade: scientific software distribution | Nightly testing for maths software based on lmonade & Buildbot |
lmonade: scientific software distribution | Binary decision diagrams for Boolean polynomial rings |
LyX – The Document Processor | Horizontal scrollbar for tables and math for LyX |
LyX – The Document Processor | Improved XHTML Export and ePub Support |
MacPorts | Consolidation of the testing framework |
MariaDB | Kerberize MariaDB -- add kerberos authentication support to MariaDB |
MariaDB | Regex enhancements |
MariaDB | Roles Project |
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities | Data presentations and interactive demos MITHgrid |
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities | MEI to VexFlow? |
Measurement Lab (M-Lab) | Rewrite M-Lab-ns in Go |
Measurement Lab (M-Lab) | An alternate client for the NDT |
Measurement Lab (M-Lab) | Add RTT-based metric to mlab-ns |
Melange | Implement a Messaging System in Melange |
Melange | Functional Testing focusing on BDD |
Melange | Lists Enhancement in Melange |
Mercurial | Advanced hgweb features |
Mercurial | C implementation of command server API |
Mercurial | Improvement of record API and User Interface |
MetaBrainz Foundation Inc. | Rearchitect/Improve the Release Editor |
MetaBrainz Foundation Inc. | Repository for music reviews |
MetaBrainz Foundation Inc. | MBS-6200: Add a "place" entity |
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance) | Server-side pagination and Sorting |
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance) | Data Import Tool for Mifos X |
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance) | User Generated Documents at MifosX platform |
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance) | XBRL Reporting Integration |
Mixxx DJ Software | Mixxx Loop Recorder |
Mixxx DJ Software | Track Suggestions Based On Last.fm Data, Set History, and Sonic Similarity |
Mixxx DJ Software | Non-Blocking Database Access |
Mixxx DJ Software | Perfect the MIDI Mapping Workflow: Support Searching Presets from API Engine Server |
mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning library | Automatic benchmarking of mlpack methods |
mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning library | Collaborative Filtering Framework for mlpack |
mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning library | MLPACK: Bindings |
MLton.org | SIMD Support for MLton |
MLton.org | MLRTEMS: Embedded Standard ML |
MoinMoin Wiki | Mail/Notification related functionality |
MoinMoin Wiki | Changing API and UI for itemids and revids / Improving the namespaces and multiple names support |
MoinMoin Wiki | Improvements to the User Interface |
Monkey Project | Future-proof Monkey for new Protocols. |
Monkey Project | Proxy Reverse Plugin |
Monkey Project | Add MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL extensions to Duda I/O |
Monkey Project | Caching Filesystem |
Mono Project | Adding features to Pinta |
Mono Project | Implement a replacing write barrier for sgen |
Mono Project | MonoDevelop / Xamarin Studio - CSS Support |
Mono Project | Improve Rainy, the Tomboy sync server, and bring to a deployable state |
Mono Project | A Workflow Foundation 4 Implementation |
Mono Project | Inspect MonoDevelop - More C# Code Actions and Code Issue Inspections |
Mono Project | FSharp Refactor |
Mono Project | Source Analysis Improvements in MonoDevelop |
Mono Project | Improve mono-fastcgi, allowing use in massive shared hosting |
Mono Project | On the Fly Formatting and Indentation Engine |
Mono Project | cocos3d for XNA |
Mono Project | Adding positional tags and face detection to F-Spot |
Mono Project | Improved analysis UI for Xamarin Studio |
Mono Project | Automated bindings using GObject introspection |
Moodle | Self-assessment activity using the question bank |
Moodle | Scorm Player Rewrite |
Moodle | Global Search |
Moodle | Course Search |
Moodle | Portfolio Plugin for Evernote |
Moodle | A Moodle Plugin for Determining Quiz Authorship |
Mozilla | about:memory For Real People |
Mozilla | Firefox OS Sample apps for Firefox Marketplace Developer Hub |
Mozilla | Localization Dashboard |
Mozilla | Backend Connectors for Ensemble |
Mozilla | Unit Tests for Mozbase |
Mozilla | MDN CSS Generation Tools |
Mozilla | Security Report |
Mozilla | Make Firefox Developer Tools compatible to Thunderbird |
Mozilla | Implement Branch Prediction in IonMonkey |
Mozilla | Rust Debug Symbol Generation |
Mozilla | HTTP/2 prototype server implementation |
Mozilla | Implementation of Profile in the Cloud (PiCl?) Client for Firefox OS |
Mozilla | Instantbird Awesometab |
Mozilla | Additional JavaScript Protocol Plug-ins (Yahoo!) |
Mozilla | Enhanced Customization APIs |
Mozilla | Clearer Add-on Installation |
Mozilla | Autosuggest Search Engines |
Mozilla | Dynamically Configurable actions add on |
Mozilla | Design Hacktivities |
Mozilla | Improving text selection and rotation in PDF.js |
MuseScore | MuseScore in the browser (EmScripten?) |
MuseScore | Improved MIDI import for MuseScore notation program |
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | Imran's proposal to Extend PhyML to use the BEAGLE library |
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification and Feature Selection in mothur |
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | Identifying problems with gene predictions |
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | Extend PartitionFinder? to automatically partition DNA and protein alignments. |
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | Codon Alignment and Analysis in Biopython |
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) | Phylogenetics in Biopython: Filling in the gaps |
National Library of the Czech Republic | Overhauling the Web Interface |
National Library of the Czech Republic | Extending and Improving DIFFER features |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Implementation of Fuzzy Clusters in Cytoscape |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | iPhone application for viewing of public/private results in the Virtual Cell |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Implementing a Cytoscape 3.0 app for the HyperModules? algorithm |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Bird's eye view pan control for Cytoscape.js |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Automated pathway-creation plugin for PathVisio? |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Multiplication of nodes and directed graphs in Cytoscape 3 |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Idea 26: CentiScaPe? Development and addition of extra Centrality parameter called Eigenvector Centrality. |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Idea 24: Compound Graph Layout Algorithm for Cytoscape.js |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | IDEA 25: Specialized Layout Algorithm for SBGN Process Description Diagrams |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | SBML Importer Plugin for PathVisio? |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | WikiPathways? client plugin for PathVisio? |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Identifier Mapping App for Cytoscape 3.0 |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Idea 31 : Visualization of Dynamic Graphs in Cytoscape |
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) | Idea 27: Modeling and Visualizing Cell Signaling Networks with SigViz? |
Netfilter Project | Rule-set synchronization daemon |
Netfilter Project | GSoC 2013, Detect rule-set inconsistencies |
Netfilter Project | Support for JSON in libnftables |
Network Time Foundation | Testing of NTP and study how it works |
Network Time Foundation | New Timestamp Format and API |
Network Time Foundation | Improve ./scripts directory in NTP distribution |
Network Time Foundation | Gsoc 2013 Proposal : System clock startup analysis |
Network Time Foundation | Improving NTP's logging/debugging system |
Nmap Security Scanner | Bringing Lua to ncat. |
Nmap Security Scanner | Improve WinPcap library for Nmap |
Nmap Security Scanner | Nmap Scripting Engine - Web scanning specialist |
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework | Efficient Optimal Bend Minimization |
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework | Adding Support for Widely Used Graph File Formats |
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework | Multi-Layer Crossing Minimization |
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework | Porting OGDF to Web - OGDF.js |
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) | Ogre 2.0 |
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) | OpenGL 3+ and Advanced Graphic Samples |
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) | Resource System Redesign & Replacement |
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) | DirectX 11,Tessellation Samples |
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) | Improve Progressive Mesh algorithm |
Open Lighting Project | OLA tk User Interface for the Lighting Designer |
Open Networking Lab | Automated creation of virtual network based on real network |
Open Networking Lab | FlowVisor? GUI |
Open Networking Lab | Replace SQL DB by NOSQL DB |
Open Networking Lab | Web Interface to Share Mininet Systems |
Open Networking Lab | Link (wire & wireless) simulator support using ns-3 |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | OpenCV-Python Tutorials |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | High Dynamic Range imaging |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Hand Tracking with Kinect |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Matlab Code Generator for OpenCV |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Implementation and Validation of the Shape Context Descriptor |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Long-term optical tracking api in OpenCV |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Implementation of Neumann & Matas algorithm for scene text detection and recognition |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Generic numerical optimization module |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Augmented Reality OpenCV Android Sample |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Visualizer for Structure From Motion |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | Implementation of "Parallel Tracking and Mapping" |
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) | SfM integration: PTAM implementation project |
Open Source Robotics Foundation | Develop new Parameter API for C++ ROS client |
Open Source Robotics Foundation | Fluid Dynamics |
Open Source Robotics Foundation | Generic layer for different cloud providers and OpenStack for using CloudSim? in local clouds |
OpenMRS | Data Comparison Module |
OpenMRS | Intuitive User interfaces for Report Designer |
OpenMRS | Chart Search |
OpenMRS | Patient Narratives Upload |
OpenMRS | Patient Matching Module Strategy Enhancements |
OpenMRS | OpenMRS SDK |
OpenMRS | Data integrity workflow module |
OpenMRS | Validation Module Enhancements |
OpenMRS | OpenMRS+DHIS2+SDMX-HD integration |
OpenMRS | Improving Mobile Development - Security |
OpenMRS | De-Identified Patient Data Export |
OpenNMS | Use key-value store for service assurance with pollerd |
OpenNMS | Distribute an instance of OpenNMS across different physical machines to improve availability and scalability. |
OpenNMS | New REST API for OpenNMS |
OpenNMS | Integrate OpenNMS with Open Computers and Software Inventory Next Generation (OCS) |
OpenNMS | OpenNMS Android client improvements |
OpenNMS | Finish converting OpenNMS to use Hibernate |
openSUSE | Automatic Resizing of LVM and File Systems |
openSUSE | OSEM (Open Source Event Manager) Improvements & Enhancements |
openSUSE | ownCloud - Media app replacement - introduce a RESTful API for music |
openSUSE | Profile management tool for AppArmor |
openSUSE | [Hedgewars] New Mission Campaign |
openSUSE | syslog-ng: MySQL destination driver |
openSUSE | Improving the User Interface for the Files and User Management modules in ownCloud. |
openSUSE | Build a discussion system for the Open Build Service |
openSUSE | syslog-ng: redis destination |
openSUSE | Git-review: A Github code review tool for CLI lovers |
Openwall | Support for coprocessor boards for John the Ripper |
Openwall | Support for coprocessor boards for John the Ripper |
Openwall | Low-level GPU programming for John the Ripper |
Openwall | Implementation of candidate password generation on GPU for fast hashes. |
Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL) | Modularity, packaging and installation of Ganeti Web Manager |
Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL) | Adding Visualization to Clusters, Nodes and Virtual Machines in Ganeti Web Manager |
Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL) | Adding Ganeti provider to Vagrant - GSOC 2013 OSUOSL Proposal |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Design and implement an API for tiled vectorial support of POIProxy for gvSIG Mini |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Support for UTFGrid output in MapServer |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | ScribeUI: A GUI and tools for MapServer mapfile editing |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Enhancements to the DebianGIS and UbuntuGIS packages and repositories |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Java Surface Model Library/API For GeoTools? |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Add Raster Format to scripting in gvSIG |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Profile dataset support for istSOS |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Temporal GIS Algebra for raster and vector data in GRASS |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Hydrologically controlled shallow landslides - a statistical forecasting algorithm for the uDig Spatial Toolbox |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Object based Image Fusion and Change Detection tools for Opticks. |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | A partitioned approach to on demand increment graph assembly for pgRouting. |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | OSM: Cached API proxy |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Surveying mobile application for OpenStreetMap mappers (Field Papers-like) |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Oceanography Circulatory model using PyOSSIM and PlanetSasha? for OSSIM |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Extend OSGeo4W Installer |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Repository and Tool for Resource Sharing in Quantum-GIS |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | GRASS GIS Interactive Scatter Plot Tool |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Create a title block from the library in the Layout of gvSIG |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Adding Voronoi Diagrams to GEOS |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Creating a stable and improved OpenTripPlanner? Android client for walk, bike, and transit routing based on OpenStreetMap and GTFS data |
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation | Implementation of VRP Solution in pgRouting |
OWASP | OWASP OWTF - Unit Test Framework |
OWASP | OWASP OWTF - Multiprocessing |
OWASP | OWASP OWTF - Reporting |
OWASP | Enhanced HTTP Session Handling and users/roles awareness |
OWASP | ZAP - Exploring Advanced reporting using BIRT |
OWASP | ZAP Proxy : CMS Scanner |
OWASP | OWASP ModSecurity CRS - Port to Java |
OWASP | OWASP ZAP - SAML 2.0 Support |
OWASP | OWASP PHP Security Project |
OWASP | Plugin api and plugin actions interface in OWASP Hackademic Challenges |
PaGMO / PyGMO | Interactive Cloud Optimisation via Google Talk (XMPP) |
PaGMO / PyGMO | Hyperfast hypervolumes for Multi-objective optimization |
PaGMO / PyGMO | Constraints Handling Techniques in Evolutionary Algorithms |
PaGMO / PyGMO | Racing Population Individuals and Algorithms |
PaGMO / PyGMO | Expanding the multi-objective capabilities of PaGMO |
Parrot Foundation | Improve Web UI of app-parrot-create |
Parrot Foundation | JavaScript backend for NQP (and Rakudo Perl 6). |
Parrot Foundation | Parrot VM bindings to the libgit2 0.18 API |
phpBB Forum Software | Session Backend Abstraction & Integration into Existing Cache Framework |
phpBB Forum Software | Getting phpBB 3.1 to releasable state |
phpBB Forum Software | An API for phpBB |
phpBB Forum Software | Authentication Plugin Refactoring and OAuth Authentication |
phpBB Forum Software | Example Extension Implementing a Karma System |
phpMyAdmin? | Automated Testing |
phpMyAdmin? | Automated Testing |
phpMyAdmin? | phpMyAdmin? Interface Improvements |
phpMyAdmin? | AJAX error reporting with client and server sides |
phpMyAdmin? | Refactoring: SQL Executor, Column's Structure Manipulation |
phpMyAdmin? | Re-factoring: server view |
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurple | GObjectification Projects |
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurple | File Transfer between Libpurple/Non Libpurple Clients. |
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurple | Easy Plugins Website |
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurple | Quail - A Qt GUI for libPurple |
PiTiVi? video editor | Proxy editing |
PiTiVi? video editor | Motion ramping / Time stretching |
PiTiVi? video editor | Implement complex layer management and waveforms in pitivi. |
Plan 9 from Bell Labs | Dis interpreter for web browsers |
Plan 9 from Bell Labs | HTML5 based draw server |
Plan 9 from Bell Labs | Inferno: java on dis project |
PLASMA @ UMass | CheckCell? support for Google Spreadsheets |
PLASMA @ UMass | AWT/Swing support in Doppio |
PLASMA @ UMass | Add support for graphical Java applications using Swing to Doppio |
Plone Foundation | Proposal for Plone HUD display |
Plone Foundation | ReStructured? text parser for robot framework |
Portland State University | Extending the Weave Data Framework |
Portland State University | Real-time Analytics in Malls |
Portland State University | Control and Navigation of Autonomous Quadcopter |
Portland State University | Machine Learning, Clustering Analysis, Statistical Analysis, and Raster Algebra Modeling of image data for mineral identification, based on optical microscope images and/or elemental data from scanning electron microscopes from rock thin sections |
Portland State University | A Mobile App for Enhancing Scientific Field Research |
Portland State University | Implement Interactive Rendering of Medium-To-Large Graphs in Weave |
Portland State University | Port the Weave core code from ActionScript to Haxe. |
Portland State University | "Design and implementation of computational support for large datasets in Weave using the R project" |
PostgreSQL Project | Cube extension improvement |
PostgreSQL Project | Efficient KNN search through high-dimensional indexing with iDistance |
PRISM Model Checker | Model checking for stochastic games |
PRISM Model Checker | Markov decision process strategy/policy generation functionality for PRISM |
Processing | "TweakMode?" - a new mode for the Processing IDE |
Processing | Serial library revamping (64-bit etc) & Creation of a test suite |
Processing | A Graphical User Interface Library for Processing |
Processing | Experimental Mode Plus |
Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science | Web service for NDVI and NRG compositions from visible and infrared images. |
Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science | Find closest match spectra from database |
Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science | Android Aerial Acquisition App |
PulseAudio | Rewrite of module-tunnel |
PulseAudio | Resampling Improvements |
Python Software Foundation | scikit-image : Implementation of STAR and Binary Feature Detectors and Descriptors |
Python Software Foundation | Kivy: Kivy Designer |
Python Software Foundation | AstroPy?: Extending the functionality of the photutils package. |
Python Software Foundation | Statsmodels: Discrete choice models |
Python Software Foundation | SfePy?: Enhancing the solver to simulate solid-liquid phase change phenomenon in convective-diffusive situations |
Python Software Foundation | SciPy/NumPy : Performance parity between numpy arrays and Python scalars |
Python Software Foundation | Pyramid - Better Debug tools |
Python Software Foundation | scikit-image: Image Inpainting for Restoration |
Python Software Foundation | Improvements to the sparse package of Scipy: support for bool dtype and better interaction with NumPy |
Python Software Foundation | Data Driven Mentorship App |
Python Software Foundation | scikit-image: Segmentation Algorithms as a basis for an OpenCL feasible study |
Python Software Foundation | SunPy?: Database of local data |
Python Software Foundation | PySoy?: Improve Android and HTML5 Soy clients |
Python Software Foundation | Substance D improvements |
Python Software Foundation | Twisted: Switching to Formal Parsers |
Python Software Foundation | PyOBJus |
Python Software Foundation | IDLE Improvements |
Python Software Foundation | ASCEND: dynamic modelling improvements |
Python Software Foundation | Twisted: Deferred Cancellation |
Python Software Foundation | Astropy: Develop the Astroquery toolkit into a coherent package |
Python Software Foundation | Real-time Machine Learning for MEG in MNE-Python |
Python Software Foundation | Upload Strategy of Happiness in Tahoe-LAFS |
Python Software Foundation | GNU Mailman - Integration of OpenPGP |
Python Software Foundation | scikit-learn: Biclustering algorithms, scoring, and data generation |
Python Software Foundation | SunPy? - Interfacing with Heliocphysics Databases |
Python Software Foundation | Mailman: Authenticated REST-API in Postorius/Django. |
Python Software Foundation | Porting to gtk3 and GUI improvements |
Python Software Foundation | IDLE Improvements |
Python Software Foundation | Statsmodels: Time Series Analysis Extensions (esp. regime-switching models) |
Python Software Foundation | MNE-Python: Implement time-frequency beamformers |
Python Software Foundation | OpenHatch?: Rewrite training missions using oppia (Training missions, version 2) |
Python Software Foundation | PyDy?: Visualization of the simulated motion of multibody systems |
Python Software Foundation | wxPython Bindings for PyPy using CFFI |
QEMU.org | Add MTP emulation to QEMU |
QEMU.org | Converting coroutines to Continuation Passing C |
QEMU.org | More intelligent virsh auto-completion |
QEMU.org | Libvirt RPC protocol Wireshark dissector |
QEMU.org | Integrating Kconfig to Qemu |
QEMU.org | Introduce API to query IP addresses for given domain |
QEMU.org | Copy/Paste Integration |
QEMU.org | Integrated Copy/Paste |
QEMU.org | Apply for GSoC'13 - Nested Virtualization Project |
Quagga @ OpenSourceRouting? / ISC | IS-IS testing replay tool |
R Project for statistical Computing | Implement/Port Spectral Unmixing Methods to R |
R Project for statistical Computing | Linear factor model for asset returns |
R Project for statistical Computing | Improvements to data construction, subsetting, and manipulation for time series data. |
R Project for statistical Computing | Highfrequency: add inferential methods to highfrequency |
R Project for statistical Computing | A package extension for Exponential Random Graph Model with block structure |
R Project for statistical Computing | Profiling Tools for Parallel Computing with R |
R Project for statistical Computing | Improving rapport and pander packages |
R Project for statistical Computing | Collection of functionality ported from the MATLAB code of Attilio Meucci |
R Project for statistical Computing | Addressing IID Assumptions in Finance: Autocorrelation and Drawdowns in Performance Analysis |
R Project for statistical Computing | Proposal_PortfolioAnalytics_Ross _Bennett |
R Project for statistical Computing | R Interactive Graphics via HTml |
R Project for statistical Computing | Addressing IID Assumptions in Finance: Autocorrelation and Drawdowns in Performance Analysis |
R Project for statistical Computing | Improve display of imported vector graphics in R |
R Project for statistical Computing | Improve rendering of animated/interactive ggplots in d3 using animint |
R Project for statistical Computing | Handle parallel (vectorized) objective functions in a new optimization wrapper package |
R Project for statistical Computing | CAMEL: Calibrated Machine Learning |
R Project for statistical Computing | robgpu |
R Project for statistical Computing | Biodiversity data visualization in R |
Raxa | IVR and 2 way SMS for patients |
Raxa | Report Module |
Raxa | Implementing a faster, node.js-based search |
Raxa | Raxa - Patient Medical Timeline |
RoboComp? | Multi-physics support |
RoboComp? | Build a Model Driven Development (MDD-)based component management tool to connect, deploy and monitor graphs of RoboComp? components |
RouteFlow? | A Master/Slave configuration of OpenFlow controllers for IP routing with RouteFlow? |
RTEMS Project | Atomic Operations and SMP lock debug tool for RTEMS |
RTEMS Project | Enhance low-level API of libmm (Memory Protection & Caches) |
RTEMS Project | Porting CAN driver, LinCAN, to RTEMS |
RTEMS Project | RTEMS Runtime Loader |
RTEMS Project | Paravirtualization layer in RTEMS |
RTEMS Project | Application Configuration GUI for RTEMS. |
RTEMS Project | SMP Aware Scheduler |
RTEMS Project | Unified APIs |
Ruby on Rails | Rails Web Console |
Ruby on Rails | The Path to Faster And Better HTML Sanitization |
Ruby on Rails | Split out ActionView? from ActionPack and add Support for View classes. |
Ruby on Rails | REST Actions for Resource Collections |
Ruby on Rails | Reworking the Initialization of Rails |
Ruby Science Foundation | StatSample? Revamping |
Ruby Science Foundation | Machine Learning & Data Mining Algorithms for Ruby |
Ruby Science Foundation | Semantic Web Gem for Bioinformatics |
Ruby Science Foundation | Ruby port of D3 visualization package |
Sage Mathematical Software System | Mathematical Functions Library |
Sage Mathematical Software System | Get Sage ready for Linux distributions |
Sage Mathematical Software System | Overall improvement of the Sage Android application |
Sahana Software Foundation | Native Synchronization between Vesuvius Instances |
Sahana Software Foundation | Merge Kilauea and Vesuvius Trunks |
Sahana Software Foundation | Disaster Specific Resource Page |
Sahana Software Foundation | Simplifying ImageStats? Code |
Sahana Software Foundation | Translation |
Sahana Software Foundation | Portable App Dynamic Creation for Vesuvius Platform |
Sahana Software Foundation | Demo Instance(s) of vesuvius |
Sahana Software Foundation | Automatic Test Framework |
Sahana Software Foundation | Search Project |
Samba | Improve smbclient tar/archive support |
Samba | Making Samba 4 DC clients aware |
Samba | SMB3 durable handles and leases for CIFS Linux kernel module |
Scaffold Hunter | Visual Feature Selection/Dynamic Visualization |
Scaffold Hunter | Lappenschaar: Ramachandran Plots, Treemaps, and Heatmaps |
Scala Team | parboiled2: a macro-based PEG parser generator for Scala |
Scala Team | Comprehensive Comprehensions |
Scala Team | Specializing parallel collections with customized work-stealing and Scala Macros and developing micro-benchmarking suite for collections. |
Scala Team | Numerically Solving Partial Differential Equations |
Scala Team | Cross-language refactorings for the Scala IDE |
Scala Team | Constraint Solver in Scala |
Scala Team | Slick migration projects |
Scala Team | Script Tracing with Kojo IDE |
Scala Team | Scala Library as a Deep EDSL Module |
ScummVM | Integrating Marisa Chan's Z-Engine Implementation into the ScummVM set of Engines |
ScummVM | GUI Extensions and Improvements, mainly focusing on Touchscreen Devices |
ScummVM | Improve Wintermute Engine for Scummvm |
ScummVM | Avalanche Engine |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | Proposal for "Develop interactive machine learning demos" |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | Fast Reading and writing of shogun features / objects in standard file formats |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | Implement Metric Learning Algorithms with Applications to Metagenomics |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | Implement algorithms for Blind Source Separation (BSS) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based on Approximate Joint Diagonalization (AJD) of matrices. |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | Large-Scale Learning of General Structured Output Models |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | Implement estimators of large-scale sparse Gaussian densities |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | My Proposal for "Large Scale Learning: loglinear time kernel expansion (aka Fast Food)" |
Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox | Gaussian Processes for Classification |
Sigmah | Creation of Private Support System for sigmah.org |
Sigmah | Advanced project model and privileges management |
Sigmah | GWT Sigmah application [ A user-friendly reply to the need of flexible humanitarian projects ] |
Simple DirectMedia? Layer | Multi-platform meta-build system for SDL 2.0 |
Simple DirectMedia? Layer | Interactive and Visual Test Automation for SDL 2.0 |
SimpleCV | SimpleCV javascript companion product development |
SimpleCV | Core Developments in SimpleCV |
SimpleCV | Revisiting the Rendering System |
SimpleCV | Making SimpleCV faster |
SimpleCV | Revisiting the Rendering System |
Steel Bank Common Lisp | Modernising register allocation in SBCL |
Steel Bank Common Lisp | Efficient Interpretation for SBCL |
Sugar Labs | Project Sharing WebSite? for SugarLabs? |
Sugar Labs | Social Sugar |
Sugar Labs | Translation Server |
Sugar Labs | Implement help mechanism for activities using Mallard |
Sugar Labs | Open Video Chat Cross Platform Port |
Sugar Labs | Turtle Blocks Python export |
Sugar Labs | Sugar Framework for wrting HTML5 activities |
SuperTuxKart? | Graphical improvements |
SuperTuxKart? | Network core for SuperTuxKart?(STK) |
SuperTuxKart? | Networking Lobby |
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing | Porting remaining modules & separation of template dependencies in flask based silpa |
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing | GSoC 2013 Proposal : Building a system and API's for accessing and updating Malayalamgrandham Bibliography Data. |
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing | Automated rendering testing |
SymPy | Risch algorithm for symbolic integration |
SymPy | Faster Algorithms for Polynomials over Algebraic Number Fields |
SymPy | Improved ODE Solver |
SymPy | Lie Algebras |
SymPy | Vector calculus module |
SymPy | Addition of electromagnetism features to sympy.physics |
SymPy | Diophantine Equation Module for SymPy |
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community | Modern Web Interface for Systers member's area |
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community | Administrative Features - create/modify monthly dlist stat scripts |
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community | Implementing RSS feed for Mailman and increasing test coverage |
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community | Implementing New Administrative Features |
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community | Setting up automated test environment for the Systers Mailman Project |
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community | User Interface design |
The Centre for Computational Medicine | Solr Backend for MedSavant? |
The Centre for Computational Medicine | Parallelization of Queries in MedSavant? |
The Centre for Computational Medicine | Extraction of Ontologies terms from free form clinical notes |
The CGAL Project | More point generators in CGAL |
The CGAL Project | Improved design and new features for the Mesh_2 package |
The CGAL Project | Visibility Polygon Implementation |
The CGAL Project | Curve-Skeletonization Algorithm into CGAL |
The CGAL Project | Visibility Polygon Implementation in CGAL using Algorithm with Arrangement Preprocessing |
The CGAL Project | 2D AABB Tree |
The CGAL Project | Adding point set consolidation algorithms into CGAL |
The Concord Consortium | Expansion of SPARKS HTML5 circuit simulator to include non-linear and active devices |
The Eclipse Foundation | Eclipse JDT - Java Code Blocks |
The Eclipse Foundation | Usage Data Collection for Code Completion |
The Eclipse Foundation | Eclipse Orion: Adding Git Blame Functionality |
The Eclipse Foundation | Source code migration and generation tools to make use of Java 8 features |
The Eclipse Foundation | Eclipse Platform: Implementing generic in JFace viewers |
The Eclipse Foundation | Error Markers and Quick Fixes in eTrice State Chart Diagrams |
The Eclipse Foundation | Re-Writing SnipMatch? Code Completion Engine |
The Eclipse Foundation | Eclipse Code Recommenders - Models API |
The Eclipse Foundation | Code Recommenders for Javadoc |
The Eclipse Foundation | Drag and Drop implementation for SWTBot |
The Eclipse Foundation | New text editor for SnipMatch? |
The Fedora Project | Event management system for Fedora |
The Fedora Project | Package GitLab for Fedora |
The Fedora Project | Geeklog CrowdTranslation? |
The Fedora Project | Fedora Gooey Karma |
The Fedora Project | Fedora Blocker Bug Tracking App |
The Fedora Project | GlitterGallery? |
The Fedora Project | Darkserver Improvement |
The Fedora Project | Improving MATE desktop environment |
The Fedora Project | Financial IS for Fedora project |
The Honeynet Project | Thug Distributed Task Queuing |
The Honeynet Project | Extending Beeswarm |
The Honeynet Project | Network Analyzer |
The Honeynet Project | Integration of Pwnypot into Cuckoo |
The Honeynet Project | Improvements for project IMALSE |
The Honeynet Project | IPv6 attack detector |
The Honeynet Project | Platform independent binary-focused debugger frontend |
The Honeynet Project | HoneyProxy? |
The Honeynet Project | Proposal for SHIVA: Spam Honeypot with Intelligent Virtual Analyzer |
The Honeynet Project | Scriptable debugger stub based on binary instrumentation |
The Honeynet Project | AfterGlow? Cloud Project |
The Honeynet Project | Standard Variable and Type Inference Lib |
The Honeynet Project | "Project 11: HpfeedsHoneyGraph? for visualizing malicious intention" Proposal by Vincent Kao |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Visual JPF |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Habanero Deadlock Detector |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Computing Observable Modified Condition/Decision Coverage |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Abstract Model Checking |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Verifying Probabilistic Programs |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Analysis of biological models in Symbolic PathFinder? |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Human assisted Parameterized Unit tests for GUI Testing |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Combining JDart and Randoop |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Automated Model Generation for Library Code |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Verification of LTL properties of Java code |
The Java Pathfinder Team | JPF as Concurrency Teaching Assistant |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Secure Information Flow by Symbolic PathFinder? |
The Java Pathfinder Team | An Eclipse Plug-in for Library Specifications Learning through Testing and Model Checking |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Java Platform Debugger Architecture for Java Pathfinder |
The Java Pathfinder Team | Invariant Discovery |
The Linux Foundation | foomatic-rip: Replace the universal print filter by an easy-to-maintain CUPS filter |
The Linux Foundation | OpenPrinting? web site: web application for printer and driver administration |
The Linux Foundation | Penguin with Dragon Wings: Check Before Take-off |
The Linux Foundation | Verification of Linux file systems drivers by combination of static and dynamic analysis |
The Linux Foundation | Generation of Environment Model for Verification of Multi-module Device Drivers |
The Linux Foundation | A partial rebuild feature for Btrfs filesystem |
The Linux Foundation | Efficient sparse file handling in the page cache |
The Linux Foundation | OpenPrinting? web site: Usability and backend enhancements |
The Linux Foundation | Color Management Printing Extension for CUPS |
The Linux Foundation | Improving performance of the KernelStrider? tools |
The Linux Foundation | Formalization of Correct Usage of Kernel Core API |
The Linux Foundation | LSB projects, Extend and Update LSB Core Test Suite |
The Linux Foundation | Automatic Construction of Kernel Core Model |
The Linux Foundation | Improve multi-version support in automatically generated LSB test suites |
The NetBSD Foundation | System upgrade |
The NetBSD Foundation | Defragmentation for FFS in NetBSD |
The NetBSD Foundation | Implement file system flags to scrub data blocks before deletion |
The NetBSD Foundation | Port Linux's drm/kms/gem/i915 |
The ns-3 Network Simulator Project | UE Measurement, Initial Cell Selection, and Handover Algorithms for ns-3 LTE Module |
The ns-3 Network Simulator Project | Implementation of WAVE 1609.4/802.11p for ns-3 |
The Open Motion Planning Library | Combining OMPL and MORSE to Enhance the Motion Planning Experience |
The Open Motion Planning Library | Generalized Optimal Path Planning Framework |
The Privly Foundation | Privly iOS app for Content Posting and Social Networks and Email Content Reading |
The Privly Foundation | Development of a Mobile Version of Privly |
The Wiselib | Wiselib: NS-3 Port |
The Wiselib | Javascript Interface for Remote Controlling WISEBED Nodes |
The Wiselib | IPv6 extension with Distributed Protocol Stacks |
The Wiselib | Wiselib Online Editing Service |
The Wiselib | Implement CoAP (Conditional-)Observe in Wiselib |
The Wiselib | Completing Arduino Port |
ThinkUp? | YouTube Plugin |
ThinkUp? | Develop plugins and exciting new insights for ThinkUp? |
TimVideos?.us | Developing Python API for GST-SWITCH |
TimVideos?.us | EDID Database Website |
Tor | Run With Limited Capabilities Project |
Tor | HTTPS Everywhere Mixed Content Detection and Handling |
Tor | Reduce RTT for preemptively built circuits |
Tor | Steganography Browser Addon |
Tor | Create an Internet Censorship Virtual Machine Based Simulator |
Tor | Searchable Tor descriptor archive |
Tux4Kids | Mobile and Visual Programming Game |
Tux4Kids | Accessibility extensions for TuxMath? and TuxType? |
Tux4Kids | TuxBlocks? |
Mesos - Security and Authentication Support | |
Netty Asynch DNS | |
Scalding: Matrix optimizations | |
TYPO3 Association | FluidBoilerplate? |
TYPO3 Association | TYPO3 Flow meets Ember.js (previously named: Kickstarter for Flow/Ember.js applications) |
TYPO3 Association | Fluid : Cut dependencies on Flow. |
TYPO3 Association | Create a oAuth layer |
Wikimedia | Refactoring of Proofread Page extension |
Wikimedia | Bayesian Spam Filter |
Wikimedia | VisualEditor plugin for source code editing |
Wikimedia | MediaWiki-Moodle Extension |
Wikimedia | Language Coverage Matrix Dashboard |
Wikimedia | Section handling in Semantic Forms |
Wikimedia | VisualEditor Math Equation Plugin |
Wikimedia | Incremental updates for Kiwix (offline Wikipedia) |
Wikimedia | Wikidata language fallback and conversion |
Wikimedia | Improve support for book structures |
Wikimedia | Internationalization and Right-To-Left Support in VisualEditor |
Wikimedia | UploadWizard?: Book upload customization( from ideas page) |
Wikimedia | Android app for MediaWiki translation |
Wikimedia | jQuery.IME extensions for Firefox and Chrome |
Wikimedia | Mobilize Wikidata |
Wikimedia | Pronunciation Recording Extension |
Wikimedia | Prototyping inline comments |
Wikimedia | Incremental data dumps |
Wine Project | Registry - implement merging between HKCR and HKCU\Software\Classes |
Wine Project | Implement ITextDocument? in Richedit |
Wine Project | MSXML - Implement MSXML without libxml2 |
Wireshark | JSONshark Project |
Wireshark | QtShark? student programmer |
Wireshark | Improved Fuzzing |
WordPress | Code Revisions |
WordPress mobile app for BlackBerry 10 devices | |
Enhance Profiles.WordPress.org | |
Port WordPress for WebOS to Firefox OS | |
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) | Validator.nu Java API |
W3C Internationalization Checker - An API rewrite in Java | |
JSON-LD~ | |
WorldForge? | Environment dependent camera animations |
[Ryzom] Programmable shader pipeline and material editor tool | |
Account Management Web Application With Ticketing System And Its Integegration into Ryzom App. | |
CEGUI - Custom-shape drawing (vector-graphics ready) + SVG support | |
Replace current terrain manager with Ogre terrain component | |
GUI navigation and visual focus | |
X.Org Foundation | DRM Render/Modeset Nodes |
Reverse engineering NVidia's performance counters and exposing them via nv_perfmon. | |
Implementing GL_EXT_direct_state_access | |
XBMC | Improved Support for Linux Windowing Systems |
Improved Database Layout |