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Google Summer of Code 2013
Top / Google Summer of Code 2013



52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbHTrajectory Analysis in R
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH52°North Web Processing Service Admin Web Module
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH52north - Open Sensor Search Idea proposal
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbHSeismic Data Modeling in SOS
abiwordMath improvements to Abiword
abiwordTable Improvements
abiwordOpenMedSpel? plugin for AbiWord
AerospaceResearch?.NetSpace Top Trumps
AerospaceResearch?.NetDevelop a reusable solution for numerical aerospace problems
Ankur IndiaImproving accuracy of Bengali OCR tools
Ankur IndiaImproving information retrieval methods for OCR data sets consisting of Indic scripts
Ankur IndiaTo implement a tool for improving the aesthetic quality of fonts of Indic scripts
Ankur IndiaSpeech based query and result retrieval system for Indian languages
Apache Software FoundationFreebase Entity Disambiguation in Apache Stanbol
Apache Software FoundationIncremental Graph Handling
Apache Software FoundationImplementing a HTML5 Whiteboard for Apache OpenMeetings?
Apache Software FoundationBloodhound: Embeddable tickets/objects
Apache Software FoundationApache Gora support for Oracle NoSQL datastore
Apache Software FoundationGiraph integration with Tinkerpop
Apache Software FoundationGeneric Naked Objects app in JavaScript for Apache ISIS
Apache Software FoundationLUCENE-3069 Lucene should have an entirely memory resident term dictionary
Apache Software Foundation#TAJO-34 - Outer Join
Apache Software FoundationAMQP Messaging protocol support for Airavata WS-Messenger
Apache Software FoundationApache Cassandra backend for Sling
Apache Software FoundationFOAF Co-reference Based Entity Disambiguation Engine In Apache Stanbol
Apache Software FoundationA generic (Naked Objects) Android app, to run against Isis' Restful Objects interface
Apache Software FoundationBenchmark and Framework for Parallel XQuery
Apache Software FoundationRefactor Apache Rat Core to a Classic Object Oriented Design
Apache Software FoundationJames Administration Console
Apache Software FoundationApache Celix Event admin implementation [GSoC] Event Admin Celix-48
Apache Software FoundationImplementation of Online Collaborative Filtering on top of Hama
Apache Software FoundationCloudstack: LDAP user provisioning
Apache Software FoundationXPath1.0 Implementation On Top of XMLStream
Apache Software Foundationjena-spatial: Simple Spatial Query with SPARQL
Apache Software FoundationImproving CloudStack Support for Apache Whirr and Incubator-provisionr in Hadoop Provisioning
Apache Software FoundationNew Spring integration for Apache Axis2
Apache Software FoundationImprove REST support for Axis2/C
Apache Software FoundationAgent Based Modeling based geo-profiling of criminology projects
Apache Software FoundationAdd Xen/XCP support for GRE SDN controller
Apache Software FoundationCMIS(Content Management Interoperability Services) UCP(Univeral Content Provider) for Apache OpenOffice using Apache Chemistry
Apache Software FoundationOODT-219 [1] - Monitor that plugs into ganglia
Apache Software FoundationWider spectrum of data sources for Apache Giraph using Apache Gora
Apache Software FoundationImplementation of a Semi-Clustering Algorithm In Apache Hama
Apache Software FoundationApache OODT: Upgrade the CAS-Product Web Application to use JAX-RS via Apache CXF
Apache Software FoundationXalan-J - Complete Support for StAXSource / StAXResult
Apache Software FoundationWeb-based Workflow Execution Interface for Apache Airavata
Apache Software FoundationImplementing Hybrid Hash Join Operator in TAJO
Apache Software FoundationIntroducing a JSON interface to Airavata Client side and Registry component
Apache Software FoundationA new modular UI for Apache CloudStack
Apache Software FoundationVXQuery integration with Apache Lucene
Apache Software FoundationImprove Derby's Code Coverage
Apache Software FoundationA Web-based Workflow Composition UI for Apache Airavata
Apache Software FoundationVersioning of Synapse Configuration Artifacts
Apache Software FoundationCreate an Email connector for Apache ManifoldCF
Apache Software FoundationWeb Based Workflow Monitoring Tool
Apache Software FoundationApache Airavata Gateway Monitoring Dashboard
Apache Software FoundationA better plan/data flow visualizer
ApertiumApertium Turkish-Uzbek
ApertiumRule-based finite-state disambiguation
ApertiumA Sliding-Window Drop-in Replacement for the HMM Part-of-Speech Tagger in Apertium
ApertiumImprovements in lexical-selection module
ApertiumChinese-to-Spanish Apertium System
ApertiumDanish-Norwegian (Bokmål) language pair
ApertiumVisual interface for editing transfer rules
ApertiumHindi-English Language Pair
ApertiumUkrainian-Russian language pair
ApertiumApplication for "Interface for creating tagged corpora" GSOC 2013
Battle for WesnothAI: Refactor recruitment algorithm
Battle for WesnothRethink the addon server from scratch
Battle for WesnothMultiplayer campaign improvements
BeagleBoard.orgCreate Linux userspace libraries for use with Wiring/Processing environment using the Arduino IDE
BeagleBoard.orgArduino Libraries for the Beaglebone (in Userspace)
BeagleBoard.orgMinix I2C drivers for the BeagleBone Black
BeagleBoard.orgAndroid based boot system
BeagleBoard.orgIIO, ADC, PMIC, LCD debug/patchwork
BEAM CommunityErlang Package Manager (pakx)
BEAM CommunityElixir - Debugger and Inspection
BEAM CommunityMongooseIM: Implementation of XEP-0313 Message Archive Management
BEAM CommunityZotonic Moules Repository Integration
BEAM CommunityRebalancing for Disco’s Distributed File System
BenetechTecla Accessibility Support in Go Read
BenetechAchieve Word level Highlighting Synchronized with TTS
BenetechMathML Support for Go Read
Bioconductor open source software for bioinformaticsShiny Bioconductor Objects Project
Bioconductor open source software for bioinformaticsApplication for Project 3: BiocParallel? / BatchJobs? integration
Blender FoundationVSE Improvements
Blender FoundationDependency Graph and Evaluation Engine Refactor
Blender FoundationSketch Mesh Editing
Blender FoundationCycles - Add new shader nodes and shading features
Blender FoundationViewport FX II
Blender FoundationPainting tool improvements
Blender FoundationBGE Level of Detail and Bug Fixing/Polishing
Blender FoundationTexturing for Volume Rendering in Cycles
Blender FoundationThreaded dependency graph
Blender FoundationRigid Body Simulation Improvements
Blender FoundationExpand and improve Blender's motion tracking module
Blender FoundationTowards a full action replay system
Bloomington, IN, USAImplementing an SMS-based interaction module for uReport based on Open311 Standard
Bloomington, IN, USANew user interface and map-based browsing or GeoReporter? for iPad
Bloomington, IN, USAFeature Enhancement to the GeoReporter? Android Open311 Client
Bloomington, IN, USAMapping module on uReport - City of Bloomington
Boost C++ LibrariesBoost.uBlas - Parallelized computations with MPI technology
Boost C++ LibrariesMultiple-source shortest paths for planar graphs
Boost C++ LibrariesParallel Backends for odeint
Boost C++ LibrariesBoost AFIO
Boost C++ LibrariesBoost.Trie
Boost C++ LibrariesBoost.Math Bernoulli Numbers and Applications to Special Functions
Boost C++ LibrariesuBlas Performance Math Library
BRL-CADMatrix Pull Routine for performing the opposite of the Matrix Push on Geometry.
BRL-CADWeb Interface of BRL-CAD
BRL-CADImplementation of a heart primitive
BRL-CADNURBS Intersection
BRL-CADNew Cross-Platform 3D Display Manager
BRL-CADConsolidating and Adding the Image Processing Functions to LIBICV
BuildbotNew master-salve protocol
BuildbotComplete Master-Side Source Steps
Catroid ProjectImplementation of a simple object recognizer for Catroid
Catroid ProjectCreate your own bricks and edit existing bricks in Catroid
Catroid ProjectTagging and Recommender System
Catroid ProjectRemix Visualization
Catroid ProjectBrick cut, copy and paste functionality across projects + smart multiselection move
Catroid ProjectLayers in Paintroid
Catroid ProjectSound- and Speechrecognition for Catroid
Catroid ProjectCatrobat textual language representation
CERN SFTHEPunion filesystem implementation as Linux module
CERN SFTPerformance Monitoring on User-defined ROI
CERN SFTMarketplace for VM Contextualization Artifacts
CERN SFTAdd the ability to accept LaTeX and Markdown/MathJax formulas in Indico abstract editor
CERN SFTImplement Pre-run Verification In Cling
CERN SFTAutomatic Differentiation Library Using Cling
CERN SFTCERN app for Android proposal
CERN SFTTFormula class for CERN
Cesium communityAdding support for the KML standard
Cesium communityNavigation Widget for Cesium
ChromiumAdd Multi-line text rendering support to RenderText?
ChromiumDevelop a standalone GUI for running Dr. Memory
ChromiumDr. Memory Hybrid Native and Non-Native Execution
ChromiumImplement Google Drive client as a Chrome App
ChromiumSystemInfo? Storage "watch" API Implementation
ChromiumSystem-wide hot key api support for platform app.
Clojurecore.typed: Extensions and Documentation
ClojureClojure Compiler port to clojure (CinC)
ClojureClojureScript? optimization and source maps support
ClojureAlgebraic Expressions
ClojureImplementation of core.matrix-compatible multidimensional array in Clojure
ClojureEnhance Neko for Android
Code for AmericaOpen311 Visualization Tools and 311 API Tools
Code for AmericaMake Data Matching Easy
Code for AmericaJReport: A java wrapper of the Open311 API
Code for AmericaAutomated Data Matching - Building Web Interface for Data Matching Client
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienSkeptik: subsumption-based proof compression algorithms
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienOpenPixi?: Parallelization of the Simulation Using OpenCL
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienVIM: Integration of Survey Design Facilities into a Gtk2-based R-package VIM
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienOpenEngSB: Query transformation for multiple tool models based on Common Concept Model
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienPython Interface for ViennaMesh?
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienEclipse Array Explorer Improvement
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien[IoTSyS] A Discovery Service in OBIX Standardization
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienMOST: NoSQL Solution for Building Data Warehouses
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienGDAL/OGR: Rigorous Support of Vertical Datums within OGRSpatialReference?
Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien[IOTSYS] oBIX 1.1 Specification WD Implementation
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienNomacs Plug-in System
Computational Science and Engineering at TU WienIntegrating ViennaCL into the Python scientific ecosystem
corebootTest set-up for the coreboot distributed firmware test environment featuring greater extensibility, enhanced automation, concurrent high speed firmware flashing and decentralized operation.
corebootPrepare for the lack of super-io UARTs and serialports on new mainboards
corebootA universal USB-based FWH/LPC/SPI programmer
corebootflashrom: infrastructure improvements galore
Creative CommonsProposal - Media Fingerprint Library
Creative CommonsCreative Commons Pasteboard
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research InstituteConvert Gene Wiki Bot to write to Wikidata
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research InstituteDeveloping an interactive decision tree builder for The Cure
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research InstituteSemantic BioGPS
Crowdsourcing Biology at the Scripps Research InstituteNew Version of the Game Dizeez as a Facebook Application
Crypto StickOpenPGPjs integration
Crypto StickTrue Crypt improvement
Crystal SpaceAdvanced Post-Processing Techniques
Crystal SpaceOpenGL ES renderer support
Crystal SpaceWater Simulation
Crystal SpaceImproving hardware culling support
Crystal SpaceVideo recording support
DBpedia & DBpedia SpotlightHadyElsahar? - WikiData?+DBpedia Idea proposal
DBpedia & DBpedia SpotlightType inference to extend coverage
DBpedia & DBpedia SpotlightInterface / Power tool for DBpedia testing metadata
DBpedia & DBpedia SpotlightDBpedia: Design a better / interactive display page (+ Search)
DBpedia & DBpedia SpotlightInput Formats Generalization and Graph-Based Disambiguation Integration and Improvements
Debian ProjectImprovements to Debian Search and the Search Interface
Debian ProjectBootstrappable Debian
Debian ProjectZFS on Linux integration
Debian ProjectMIPS N32/N64 ABI Port
Debian ProjectLeiningen & Clojure packaging
Debian ProjectAdd OCRA support to oath-toolkit and dynalogin
Debian ProjectOpenRC init system in Debian
Debian ProjectImplementation of message passing in the Debian infrastructure
Debian Projectscan-build on the Debian archive
Debian ProjectRedesign metapackage creation for Debian Blends
Debian ProjectPTS rewrite in Django
Debian ProjectOpenJDK and Debian
Debian ProjectDebian GNU/Hurd Debianish initialization
Debian ProjectDebian Android Application
Debian ProjectEnabling free multimedia real-time communications (RTC) with Debian
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory UniversityInteractive Visual Interface Development to Explore Large Quantities of Time Series Data and Patient State in Intensive Care Units
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory UniversityA Timeline Viewer of Patient Medical Records
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory UniversityHigh Performance CPU and GPU Microscopy Image Analysis Algorithms and Implementations
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory UniversityCustomized XML to JSON & JSON to XML Conversion Utility
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory UniversityLarge Scale Biomedical Data Integration
Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, Emory UniversityProposal for Hadoop-GIS: Extending Hive with Spatial Queries
Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE)Attach the PSurface Library of DUNE to ParaView?
Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE)Performance testing framework
Django Software FoundationRevamping validation functionality and merging django-secure
Django Software FoundationComposite Fields, vol. 2
Django Software FoundationAdd Google App Engine support and improvement for django-deployer
DragonFly? BSDBlock compression feature in HAMMER2
DragonFly? BSDCapsicum kernel implementation
DragonFly? BSDUserland System V Shared Memory / Semaphore / Message Queue implementation
DragonFly? BSDImplement hardware nested page table support for vkernels
DragonFly? BSDMake vkernels checkpointable
Drizzle DatabaseImproving Replication Policy in drizzle
Drizzle DatabaseMySQL Replication into Drizzle
Drizzle Database"AlsoSQL":Extend JSON server to support more than just key-value operations
Drizzle DatabaseParallelization and Automation of Drizzle Continuous Integration Infrastructure
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Spec platform/framework Independence
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Mars 1.0
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Debugger Improvements
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Graph-ET
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)UIPainter
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Better rewriting rule tool
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Improving Roassal Scalability
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Athens implementation in Amber with HTML5 Canvas
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)SciSmalltalk? - Solving Ordinary Differential Equations in Smalltalk
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)DBXTalk on NativeBoost?
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)A new trait implementation
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Animation Library based on Athens
ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group)Tools for developing Amber web clients from Pharo
FreeBSDIntelligent Download manager service for the Ports Collection
FreeBSDpackagekit backend for pkgng
FreeBSDPkgNG pluggable solver framework
FreeBSDPort data compression services and video codecs to Capsicum
FreeBSDPort GlusterFS to FreeBSD
FreeBSDVirtualBox shared folder support for FreeBSD guests
FreeBSDWrite new features for Capsicum
FreeBSDnet80211 rate control API - 802.11n extensions
FreeBSDUSB device passthrough support on BHyVe?
FreeBSDAHCI device model in userspace for bhyve
Freenet Project IncAndroid support for darknet connections
Freenet Project IncTransport Layer Improvements project
Freenet Project IncThe Tahrir Project
Freenet Project IncDistributed Version Control Improvements with WoT and Infocalypse
Freenet Project IncFile sharing/searching for Freenet
Funf.orgExternal peripherals and high bandwidth probe support
Funf.orgCustomizable Push Surveys for Funf
GanetiBetter openvswitch Ganeti support
GanetiAllocate or rebalance VMs based on CPU load metrics
GCC - GNU Compiler CollectionOptimizing large applications with LTO
GCC - GNU Compiler CollectionCompleting C++11 regex
Genome InformaticsReactome Smartphone Application
Genome InformaticsWormBase? iOS App/Mobile web site
Genome InformaticsGenome Informatics - Improving UX of GMOD
Genome InformaticseQTL Pipeline and Visualisation For The Galaxy Project
Gentoo FoundationLDAP front-end web interface
Gentoo FoundationR_Overlay: Automated overlay maintenance
Gentoo FoundationGentoo On Android
Gentoo FoundationFramework for automated ebuild generators
Gentoo Foundationidentity.gentoo.org OpenID provider
Gentoo FoundationPuppet module for gentoo
Gephi ConsortiumStatistics Unit Tests
Gephi ConsortiumGraphstore benchmark and Tuning
Gephi ConsortiumCompleting Legend Module
GNOMEAdd Bookshelf View & Tiling support to Evince
GNOMEGnome Tweak Tool UI Refresh
GNOMEGXml: easy and ready-to-use
GNOMEImplement a new avatar picker dialog that will pull from online sources
GNOMEDesign implementation of Gnome Music
GNOMEComplete redesign of GNOME Shell's app picker
GNOMEBreak Timer application for GNOME 3
GNOMEImprove gnome-clocks world view (pictures, geolocation)
GNOMEImplement support for custom functions in GNOME Calculator
GNOMEGObject Introspection for java-gnome
GNOMEGSoC 2013 - Porting GTG and Liblarch to Gtk3 and Python3
GNOMEOverhaul the Date & Time panel in System Settings
GNOMEGNOME Archives Integration
GNOMEGNOME Sound Recorder
GNOMEImplement Caret and Focus Tracking for GNOME Shell
GNOMERedesign and port Gtranslator to Vala
GNOMEGeneral bug fixing in pitivi.
GNOMETrip planning in GNOME Maps
GNOMEA Web Application for Getting Things GNOME!
GNOMEGoogle Tasks support to libgdata and Evolution
GNOMERAW developer integration for the f-spot photo manager
GNOMEModular encryption support
GNOMEDual screen capable presentation in gnome-documents
GNOMESupport advanced operations (rebase, format-patch) in Gitg
GNOMEImplementation of Gnome Music
GNOMEGtkSourceView?: add regex search and modernize existing features
GNOMEBanshee: Integrate with more REST API Services (SongKick? and FanArt?.TV)
GNOMEAdd Lua support for Grilo plugins
GNOMESupport for Wayland in WebKit2GTK+
GNSS-SDRImprove the acquisition sensitivity of a GNSS receiver
GNU Image Manipulation ProgramImplement the combined Selection Tool
GNU Image Manipulation ProgramRefinement of support for PSD files in GIMP
GNU Image Manipulation Programn-point image deformation
GNU ProjectBlogging System for MediaGoblin?
GNU ProjectGNU Octave The "Agora"
GNU ProjectOctave - Tex/LaTeX markup
GNU ProjectGNU Octave: Improve binary packaging
GNU ProjectLibreDWG Decode Refactoring
GNU ProjectGuile-Emacs
GNU ProjectOctave: Fix audio processing
GNU ProjectOctave - image processing of ND images
GNU ProjectImproving GNUnet's adhoc connectivity with a bluetooth transport
GNU ProjectEmacs XWidgets
GNU ProjectWget: Move Test Bench Suite from Perl to Python.
GNU Project[GNU Classpath] New Gtk3 Look and Feel for OpenJDK
GNU ProjectAPI for LibreDWG
GNU ProjectOctave Numerical Project - General purpose Finite Element library
GNU Project[HURD] Improve the GDB Port for GNU Hurd
GNU Project[GNU Classpath] Caciocavallo Jenkins-Plugin and Merging to OpenJDK
GNU ProjectGnucap
GNU ProjectGNUstep: Opal-backed rendering system for gnustep-gui in gnustep-back
GNU ProjectGNU Octave: Improve JIT compiling
GNU ProjectRecutils - Add Python bindings to Recutils
GNU Project[GNU Classpath] Port the GTK+ AWT support for GTK+ 3
GNU ProjectBison - partial orders precedence and associativity
GNU ProjectSearch Interface for MediaGoblin?
GNU ProjectProlog For Java - Rewrite The Parser
GNU ProjectMediagoblin Pluggable User Authentication & Implementations
GNU ProjectEmacsy, An Embeddable Emacs-like Library for GNU Guile Scheme
GNU ProjectGNU Octave - Incomplete sparse factorizations ichol, ilu
GNU ProjectGNUnet - Creation of a GUI for the GNUnet PlanetLab?/Parallel Deployment tool
GNU ProjectIntegrating GNUnet and PSYC
GNU ProjectEmacs - VC Modernization
GNU RadioImproving the GNU Radio companion (GRC)
GNU RadioGNU Radio FPGA Co-processing with the Xilinx Zynq System-on-Chip
GNU RadioLDPC codes and more FEC in GNURadio
GNU RadioGNU Radio: 802.11a/n/g Receiver and Wireshark Connector
GNU RadioImplementation of LDPC encoder and decoder in GNU Radio
Google Open Source Programs OfficeTyped Lua
haskell.orgOverloaded record fields for GHC
haskell.orgEnhancing Darcsden
haskell.orginteractive-diagrams and a paste site with the ability for dynamic rendering of diagrams
haskell.orgHaddock extension for Pandoc compatibility
haskell.orgPort Charts to use Diagrams
haskell.orgCommunicating with mobile devices
haskell.orgImprove the feedback of the cabal-install dependency solver
haskell.orgHaskell Qt Binding Generator
haskell.orgExtending GHC to support building modules in parallel
haskell.orgParallelise 'cabal build'
Health Information Systems ProgrammeAndroid application for DHIS 2
Health Information Systems ProgrammeMobile visualizer
Health Information Systems ProgrammeDialplan (PBX) generation for patient communication
Health Information Systems ProgrammeCreate Metadata sharing tools to Export & Import subsets of DHIS2 Metadata
illumosUnionfs Implementation
illumosRearchitect and replace interrupt distribution
illumosFile system disturber
Inclusive Design InstituteAccessible WebRTC Collaboration with Infusion
Inclusive Design InstituteAContent LTI OAuth Integration
Inclusive Design Institutetagin! API on Google App Engine
Inclusive Design InstituteGitHub Based Patcher
Inclusive Design InstituteMedia Player Update for ATutor
Inclusive Design InstituteTypeOver? for communication
Inclusive Design InstituteDrupal Plugins for Infusion Components Project
Inclusive Design InstituteInclusive Web-Based Music Development Environment
Inclusive Design InstituteUI Redesign (Usability Research and Development)
Inclusive Design InstituteAdmin Tools to create custom templates in AContent
InkscapeRecolor Artwork Interactive Tool: Proposal for Inkscape - GSoC 2013
InkscapeElectronics CAD support
InkscapeRefactoring and Improvement of Unit Support
InkscapeNew from Template widget
InkscapeImplement a new raster-to-vector algorithm and integrate it in Inkscape as a new option aside from Potrace
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating FacilityBrianDROID - Neural simulation on mobile devices
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating FacilitySmart image uploader
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating FacilityG-Node Client for INCF Dataspace
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating FacilityAlgorithm Improvements to Diffusion Guided Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating FacilityOpen source, cross simulator, models of cortical circuits.
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating FacilityAndroid Conference Mobile Application
Iowa Flood CenterAugmented Reality Application for Interactive Flood Simulation
Iowa Flood CenterFlood Inundation Simulator on Google Maps using WebGL
Italian Mars SocietyUsing an EEG neuroheadset to control rovers
Italian Mars SocietyImplementing three optimized artificial neural networks with back propagation for 'Solar storms forecasting'
JBoss CommunitySupport for the Gradle build system as a plugin for Forge
JBoss CommunityImproved Ceylon support for the JS-VM Ecosystem
JBoss CommunityJBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
JBoss CommunityThe chart component for RichFaces?
JBoss CommunityIntegration and functional testing of native Android applications on Arquillian testing platform
JBoss CommunityJBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)Improve Form Fields
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)Support for Cloud Storage APIs
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)Convert JavaScript from MooTools to jQuery
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)Creating com_services for front end website administration for CMS 3
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)Improvements to the Template Manager for CMS 3
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)Module Modernization
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)Improve Joomla! frontend Semantics & Accessibility
Joomla! (Open Source Matters)WebDriver System Test for CMS
JRubyImplementing Ruby 2.0 DTrace Support and other new features for JRuby
JRubyImplementation of krypt Provider API for JRuby and Refactor the ASN.1 parser/encoder to use more Ruby code
JRubyRSense, JRuby-Parser : Better Tooling for Rubyists
JRubyBringing JRuby up-to-date and faster than ever!
JRubyShoes4 support for Hackety Hack
JRubyVisualization of the JRuby Interpreter and Compiler
JRubyJRuby for Embedded
JRubyKrypt Cipher development
JRubyRuboto: JRuby on Android
JRubyShoes4 - pushing towards 1.0
KDEMarble KML Map Editor
KDEImprovements and enhancements for Plasma Media Center
KDEIntegrate Android with KDE
KDESend SMS messages using ModemManagerQt? and Telepathy
KDEMarble meets ownCloud
KDEExtending Muon to different platforms
KDELocalization team management Tool
KDERevamp Amarok Scripting Interface
KDEPort a KDE game to QML/QtQuick?
KDEImprove Cantor Backend for Scientific Programming in Python
KDEPort Image Editor Canvas Classes to Qt Model/View for digiKam
KDEImage Quality Sorter for digiKam
KDEKStars GSOC: data pipelining and OpenCL
KDEPorting plasmoids to plasma2
KDE[Plasma/KWin] Shell switching and conditional component loading
KDEImprove ePub support for Okular
KDETouchscreen friendly NetworkManager applet and network settings module
KDEPolishing Calligra (Sheets)
KDERewrite KWin Desktop Effects (kcmkwincompositing)
KDEReimplement Amarok importers on top of StatSyncing? framework, add Amarok 2.x and Rhythmbox as synchronization targets.
KDEImplement Change Tracking Backend
KDEVideo Metadata Write support for Digikam
KDEPolish Kontact Touch “Mail” to fit Plasma Active UI / UX
KDEImproving polkit integration in KDE
KDEAmarok: Audio СD collection refactoring.
KDEExiv2 "Cloud Ready" Project
KDEKMix2 Sound Menu
KDEPort libqzeitgeist to libzeitgeist2
KDEAssisting in the first release of Artikulate
KDEIntegrate Trojita to KDE
KDEPolishing file structure, Application Actions and UI features in Khipu.
KDEMarble: An OpenGL SceneGraph? for Marble
KDEImproving the filter module of Krita and adding more filters to it
KDEBetter touchpad support
KDEdigiKam:Cloud Integration Export Plugin
KDELocal Adjustment Tool in digiKam
KDECollaborative text editor based on KTextEditor? and kde-telepathy
KDEAdding Friction force and Pulley-cord Object in STEP
KDEimprove keyboard layout preview.
KDEdigiKam - Tag Manager
KDEMake the Create > Play > Discuss workflow work in Gluon Porject
KDEAnimation support in Krita
KDEHDR Composer for Digikam
KDEA New Query Parser and Auto-Completed Input Field for Nepomuk
KDEAmarok MTP Collection Rewrite With Emphasis on Android Device Support
KDEEnchantments to Bodega Content System
KDEWeb interface plus service - Simple Project Report
KDE[digiKam] Port Showfoto Thumb bar to Qt4 Model/View
KDEownCloud storage and synchronization for Marble
KDEKeyboard Layouts Project: Provide "in-line" keyboard layout indicator
LibreOfficeImplement Firebird SQL connector for LibreOffice Base
LibreOfficeImplementing Proper Table Styles in Writer
LibreOfficeImproved Android / Impress Remote Control
LibreOfficeImplementing an about:config functionality
LibreOfficeImprove toolbars in LibreOffice
LibreOfficeImpress Remote Control for iOS
LibreOfficeExtend support for Document Management Systems
LibreOfficeVLC integration into LibreOffice
LibreOfficeUse Widget Layout for the Start Center
LibreOfficeSlide Layout Extendibility
LibreOfficeWriter: Border around characters
Linux Trace Toolkit next generation project (LTTng)Dynamic instrumentation support in UST
Liquid Galaxy ProjectSystem, Network and Caching Performance Benchmarking
Liquid Galaxy ProjectOpen Data & Open Dai link to Liquid Galaxy
Liquid Galaxy ProjectImmersive multi-screen video conference
LLVM Compiler InfrastructureFlang.
LLVM Compiler InfrastructureEnhancing Giri: Dynamic Slicing in LLVM
LLVM Compiler InfrastructureImproving Clang C++ Modernizer (f.k.a C++11 Migrator)
LLVM Compiler InfrastructureFastPolly?: Reducing LLVM-Polly Compile-Time Overhead
lmonade: scientific software distributionNew decoding error-correcting codes algorithm for Sage
lmonade: scientific software distributionA C++ wrapper for FLINT using expression templates
lmonade: scientific software distributionNightly testing for maths software based on lmonade & Buildbot
lmonade: scientific software distributionBinary decision diagrams for Boolean polynomial rings
LyX – The Document ProcessorHorizontal scrollbar for tables and math for LyX
LyX – The Document ProcessorImproved XHTML Export and ePub Support
MacPortsConsolidation of the testing framework
MariaDBKerberize MariaDB -- add kerberos authentication support to MariaDB
MariaDBRegex enhancements
MariaDBRoles Project
Maryland Institute for Technology in the HumanitiesData presentations and interactive demos MITHgrid
Maryland Institute for Technology in the HumanitiesMEI to VexFlow?
Measurement Lab (M-Lab)Rewrite M-Lab-ns in Go
Measurement Lab (M-Lab)An alternate client for the NDT
Measurement Lab (M-Lab)Add RTT-based metric to mlab-ns
MelangeImplement a Messaging System in Melange
MelangeFunctional Testing focusing on BDD
MelangeLists Enhancement in Melange
MercurialAdvanced hgweb features
MercurialC implementation of command server API
MercurialImprovement of record API and User Interface
MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.Rearchitect/Improve the Release Editor
MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.Repository for music reviews
MetaBrainz Foundation Inc.MBS-6200: Add a "place" entity
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance)Server-side pagination and Sorting
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance)Data Import Tool for Mifos X
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance)User Generated Documents at MifosX platform
Mifos (The Community for Open Source Microfinance)XBRL Reporting Integration
Mixxx DJ SoftwareMixxx Loop Recorder
Mixxx DJ SoftwareTrack Suggestions Based On Last.fm Data, Set History, and Sonic Similarity
Mixxx DJ SoftwareNon-Blocking Database Access
Mixxx DJ SoftwarePerfect the MIDI Mapping Workflow: Support Searching Presets from API Engine Server
mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning libraryAutomatic benchmarking of mlpack methods
mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning libraryCollaborative Filtering Framework for mlpack
mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning libraryMLPACK: Bindings
MLton.orgSIMD Support for MLton
MLton.orgMLRTEMS: Embedded Standard ML
MoinMoin WikiMail/Notification related functionality
MoinMoin WikiChanging API and UI for itemids and revids / Improving the namespaces and multiple names support
MoinMoin WikiImprovements to the User Interface
Monkey ProjectFuture-proof Monkey for new Protocols.
Monkey ProjectProxy Reverse Plugin
Monkey ProjectAdd MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL extensions to Duda I/O
Monkey ProjectCaching Filesystem
Mono ProjectAdding features to Pinta
Mono ProjectImplement a replacing write barrier for sgen
Mono ProjectMonoDevelop / Xamarin Studio - CSS Support
Mono ProjectImprove Rainy, the Tomboy sync server, and bring to a deployable state
Mono ProjectA Workflow Foundation 4 Implementation
Mono ProjectInspect MonoDevelop - More C# Code Actions and Code Issue Inspections
Mono ProjectFSharp Refactor
Mono ProjectSource Analysis Improvements in MonoDevelop
Mono ProjectImprove mono-fastcgi, allowing use in massive shared hosting
Mono ProjectOn the Fly Formatting and Indentation Engine
Mono Projectcocos3d for XNA
Mono ProjectAdding positional tags and face detection to F-Spot
Mono ProjectImproved analysis UI for Xamarin Studio
Mono ProjectAutomated bindings using GObject introspection
MoodleSelf-assessment activity using the question bank
MoodleScorm Player Rewrite
MoodleGlobal Search
MoodleCourse Search
MoodlePortfolio Plugin for Evernote
MoodleA Moodle Plugin for Determining Quiz Authorship
Mozillaabout:memory For Real People
MozillaFirefox OS Sample apps for Firefox Marketplace Developer Hub
MozillaLocalization Dashboard
MozillaBackend Connectors for Ensemble
MozillaUnit Tests for Mozbase
MozillaMDN CSS Generation Tools
MozillaSecurity Report
MozillaMake Firefox Developer Tools compatible to Thunderbird
MozillaImplement Branch Prediction in IonMonkey
MozillaRust Debug Symbol Generation
MozillaHTTP/2 prototype server implementation
MozillaImplementation of Profile in the Cloud (PiCl?) Client for Firefox OS
MozillaInstantbird Awesometab
MozillaAdditional JavaScript Protocol Plug-ins (Yahoo!)
MozillaEnhanced Customization APIs
MozillaClearer Add-on Installation
MozillaAutosuggest Search Engines
MozillaDynamically Configurable actions add on
MozillaDesign Hacktivities
MozillaImproving text selection and rotation in PDF.js
MuseScoreMuseScore in the browser (EmScripten?)
MuseScoreImproved MIDI import for MuseScore notation program
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)Imran's proposal to Extend PhyML to use the BEAGLE library
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification and Feature Selection in mothur
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)Identifying problems with gene predictions
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)Extend PartitionFinder? to automatically partition DNA and protein alignments.
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)Codon Alignment and Analysis in Biopython
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)Phylogenetics in Biopython: Filling in the gaps
National Library of the Czech RepublicOverhauling the Web Interface
National Library of the Czech RepublicExtending and Improving DIFFER features
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Implementation of Fuzzy Clusters in Cytoscape
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)iPhone application for viewing of public/private results in the Virtual Cell
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Implementing a Cytoscape 3.0 app for the HyperModules? algorithm
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Bird's eye view pan control for Cytoscape.js
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Automated pathway-creation plugin for PathVisio?
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Multiplication of nodes and directed graphs in Cytoscape 3
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Idea 26: CentiScaPe? Development and addition of extra Centrality parameter called Eigenvector Centrality.
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Idea 24: Compound Graph Layout Algorithm for Cytoscape.js
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)IDEA 25: Specialized Layout Algorithm for SBGN Process Description Diagrams
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)SBML Importer Plugin for PathVisio?
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)WikiPathways? client plugin for PathVisio?
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Identifier Mapping App for Cytoscape 3.0
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Idea 31 : Visualization of Dynamic Graphs in Cytoscape
National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)Idea 27: Modeling and Visualizing Cell Signaling Networks with SigViz?
Netfilter ProjectRule-set synchronization daemon
Netfilter ProjectGSoC 2013, Detect rule-set inconsistencies
Netfilter ProjectSupport for JSON in libnftables
Network Time FoundationTesting of NTP and study how it works
Network Time FoundationNew Timestamp Format and API
Network Time FoundationImprove ./scripts directory in NTP distribution
Network Time FoundationGsoc 2013 Proposal : System clock startup analysis
Network Time FoundationImproving NTP's logging/debugging system
Nmap Security ScannerBringing Lua to ncat.
Nmap Security ScannerImprove WinPcap library for Nmap
Nmap Security ScannerNmap Scripting Engine - Web scanning specialist
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing FrameworkEfficient Optimal Bend Minimization
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing FrameworkAdding Support for Widely Used Graph File Formats
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing FrameworkMulti-Layer Crossing Minimization
OGDF - Open Graph Drawing FrameworkPorting OGDF to Web - OGDF.js
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)Ogre 2.0
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)OpenGL 3+ and Advanced Graphic Samples
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)Resource System Redesign & Replacement
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)DirectX 11,Tessellation Samples
OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)Improve Progressive Mesh algorithm
Open Lighting ProjectOLA tk User Interface for the Lighting Designer
Open Networking LabAutomated creation of virtual network based on real network
Open Networking LabFlowVisor? GUI
Open Networking LabReplace SQL DB by NOSQL DB
Open Networking LabWeb Interface to Share Mininet Systems
Open Networking LabLink (wire & wireless) simulator support using ns-3
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)OpenCV-Python Tutorials
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)High Dynamic Range imaging
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Hand Tracking with Kinect
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Matlab Code Generator for OpenCV
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Implementation and Validation of the Shape Context Descriptor
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Long-term optical tracking api in OpenCV
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Implementation of Neumann & Matas algorithm for scene text detection and recognition
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Generic numerical optimization module
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Augmented Reality OpenCV Android Sample
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Visualizer for Structure From Motion
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)Implementation of "Parallel Tracking and Mapping"
Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)SfM integration: PTAM implementation project
Open Source Robotics FoundationDevelop new Parameter API for C++ ROS client
Open Source Robotics FoundationFluid Dynamics
Open Source Robotics FoundationGeneric layer for different cloud providers and OpenStack for using CloudSim? in local clouds
OpenMRSData Comparison Module
OpenMRSIntuitive User interfaces for Report Designer
OpenMRSChart Search
OpenMRSPatient Narratives Upload
OpenMRSPatient Matching Module Strategy Enhancements
OpenMRSData integrity workflow module
OpenMRSValidation Module Enhancements
OpenMRSOpenMRS+DHIS2+SDMX-HD integration
OpenMRSImproving Mobile Development - Security
OpenMRSDe-Identified Patient Data Export
OpenNMSUse key-value store for service assurance with pollerd
OpenNMSDistribute an instance of OpenNMS across different physical machines to improve availability and scalability.
OpenNMSIntegrate OpenNMS with Open Computers and Software Inventory Next Generation (OCS)
OpenNMSOpenNMS Android client improvements
OpenNMSFinish converting OpenNMS to use Hibernate
openSUSEAutomatic Resizing of LVM and File Systems
openSUSEOSEM (Open Source Event Manager) Improvements & Enhancements
openSUSEownCloud - Media app replacement - introduce a RESTful API for music
openSUSEProfile management tool for AppArmor
openSUSE[Hedgewars] New Mission Campaign
openSUSEsyslog-ng: MySQL destination driver
openSUSEImproving the User Interface for the Files and User Management modules in ownCloud.
openSUSEBuild a discussion system for the Open Build Service
openSUSEsyslog-ng: redis destination
openSUSEGit-review: A Github code review tool for CLI lovers
OpenwallSupport for coprocessor boards for John the Ripper
OpenwallSupport for coprocessor boards for John the Ripper
OpenwallLow-level GPU programming for John the Ripper
OpenwallImplementation of candidate password generation on GPU for fast hashes.
Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL)Modularity, packaging and installation of Ganeti Web Manager
Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL)Adding Visualization to Clusters, Nodes and Virtual Machines in Ganeti Web Manager
Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL)Adding Ganeti provider to Vagrant - GSOC 2013 OSUOSL Proposal
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationDesign and implement an API for tiled vectorial support of POIProxy for gvSIG Mini
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationSupport for UTFGrid output in MapServer
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationScribeUI: A GUI and tools for MapServer mapfile editing
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationEnhancements to the DebianGIS and UbuntuGIS packages and repositories
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationJava Surface Model Library/API For GeoTools?
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationAdd Raster Format to scripting in gvSIG
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationProfile dataset support for istSOS
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationTemporal GIS Algebra for raster and vector data in GRASS
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationHydrologically controlled shallow landslides - a statistical forecasting algorithm for the uDig Spatial Toolbox
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationObject based Image Fusion and Change Detection tools for Opticks.
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationA partitioned approach to on demand increment graph assembly for pgRouting.
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationOSM: Cached API proxy
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationSurveying mobile application for OpenStreetMap mappers (Field Papers-like)
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationOceanography Circulatory model using PyOSSIM and PlanetSasha? for OSSIM
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationExtend OSGeo4W Installer
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationRepository and Tool for Resource Sharing in Quantum-GIS
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationGRASS GIS Interactive Scatter Plot Tool
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationCreate a title block from the library in the Layout of gvSIG
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationAdding Voronoi Diagrams to GEOS
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationCreating a stable and improved OpenTripPlanner? Android client for walk, bike, and transit routing based on OpenStreetMap and GTFS data
OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial FoundationImplementation of VRP Solution in pgRouting
OWASPOWASP OWTF - Unit Test Framework
OWASPOWASP OWTF - Multiprocessing
OWASPEnhanced HTTP Session Handling and users/roles awareness
OWASPZAP - Exploring Advanced reporting using BIRT
OWASPZAP Proxy : CMS Scanner
OWASPOWASP ModSecurity CRS - Port to Java
OWASPOWASP PHP Security Project
OWASPPlugin api and plugin actions interface in OWASP Hackademic Challenges
PaGMO / PyGMOInteractive Cloud Optimisation via Google Talk (XMPP)
PaGMO / PyGMOHyperfast hypervolumes for Multi-objective optimization
PaGMO / PyGMOConstraints Handling Techniques in Evolutionary Algorithms
PaGMO / PyGMORacing Population Individuals and Algorithms
PaGMO / PyGMOExpanding the multi-objective capabilities of PaGMO
Parrot FoundationImprove Web UI of app-parrot-create
Parrot FoundationJavaScript backend for NQP (and Rakudo Perl 6).
Parrot FoundationParrot VM bindings to the libgit2 0.18 API
phpBB Forum SoftwareSession Backend Abstraction & Integration into Existing Cache Framework
phpBB Forum SoftwareGetting phpBB 3.1 to releasable state
phpBB Forum SoftwareAn API for phpBB
phpBB Forum SoftwareAuthentication Plugin Refactoring and OAuth Authentication
phpBB Forum SoftwareExample Extension Implementing a Karma System
phpMyAdmin?Automated Testing
phpMyAdmin?Automated Testing
phpMyAdmin?phpMyAdmin? Interface Improvements
phpMyAdmin?AJAX error reporting with client and server sides
phpMyAdmin?Refactoring: SQL Executor, Column's Structure Manipulation
phpMyAdmin?Re-factoring: server view
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurpleGObjectification Projects
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurpleFile Transfer between Libpurple/Non Libpurple Clients.
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurpleEasy Plugins Website
Pidgin, Finch, and libpurpleQuail - A Qt GUI for libPurple
PiTiVi? video editorProxy editing
PiTiVi? video editorMotion ramping / Time stretching
PiTiVi? video editorImplement complex layer management and waveforms in pitivi.
Plan 9 from Bell LabsDis interpreter for web browsers
Plan 9 from Bell LabsHTML5 based draw server
Plan 9 from Bell LabsInferno: java on dis project
PLASMA @ UMassCheckCell? support for Google Spreadsheets
PLASMA @ UMassAWT/Swing support in Doppio
PLASMA @ UMassAdd support for graphical Java applications using Swing to Doppio
Plone FoundationProposal for Plone HUD display
Plone FoundationReStructured? text parser for robot framework
Portland State UniversityExtending the Weave Data Framework
Portland State UniversityReal-time Analytics in Malls
Portland State UniversityControl and Navigation of Autonomous Quadcopter
Portland State UniversityMachine Learning, Clustering Analysis, Statistical Analysis, and Raster Algebra Modeling of image data for mineral identification, based on optical microscope images and/or elemental data from scanning electron microscopes from rock thin sections
Portland State UniversityA Mobile App for Enhancing Scientific Field Research
Portland State UniversityImplement Interactive Rendering of Medium-To-Large Graphs in Weave
Portland State UniversityPort the Weave core code from ActionScript to Haxe.
Portland State University"Design and implementation of computational support for large datasets in Weave using the R project"
PostgreSQL ProjectCube extension improvement
PostgreSQL ProjectEfficient KNN search through high-dimensional indexing with iDistance
PRISM Model CheckerModel checking for stochastic games
PRISM Model CheckerMarkov decision process strategy/policy generation functionality for PRISM
Processing"TweakMode?" - a new mode for the Processing IDE
ProcessingSerial library revamping (64-bit etc) & Creation of a test suite
ProcessingA Graphical User Interface Library for Processing
ProcessingExperimental Mode Plus
Public Laboratory for Open Technology and ScienceWeb service for NDVI and NRG compositions from visible and infrared images.
Public Laboratory for Open Technology and ScienceFind closest match spectra from database
Public Laboratory for Open Technology and ScienceAndroid Aerial Acquisition App
PulseAudioRewrite of module-tunnel
PulseAudioResampling Improvements
Python Software Foundationscikit-image : Implementation of STAR and Binary Feature Detectors and Descriptors
Python Software FoundationKivy: Kivy Designer
Python Software FoundationAstroPy?: Extending the functionality of the photutils package.
Python Software FoundationStatsmodels: Discrete choice models
Python Software FoundationSfePy?: Enhancing the solver to simulate solid-liquid phase change phenomenon in convective-diffusive situations
Python Software FoundationSciPy/NumPy : Performance parity between numpy arrays and Python scalars
Python Software FoundationPyramid - Better Debug tools
Python Software Foundationscikit-image: Image Inpainting for Restoration
Python Software FoundationImprovements to the sparse package of Scipy: support for bool dtype and better interaction with NumPy
Python Software FoundationData Driven Mentorship App
Python Software Foundationscikit-image: Segmentation Algorithms as a basis for an OpenCL feasible study
Python Software FoundationSunPy?: Database of local data
Python Software FoundationPySoy?: Improve Android and HTML5 Soy clients
Python Software FoundationSubstance D improvements
Python Software FoundationTwisted: Switching to Formal Parsers
Python Software FoundationPyOBJus
Python Software FoundationIDLE Improvements
Python Software FoundationASCEND: dynamic modelling improvements
Python Software FoundationTwisted: Deferred Cancellation
Python Software FoundationAstropy: Develop the Astroquery toolkit into a coherent package
Python Software FoundationReal-time Machine Learning for MEG in MNE-Python
Python Software FoundationUpload Strategy of Happiness in Tahoe-LAFS
Python Software FoundationGNU Mailman - Integration of OpenPGP
Python Software Foundationscikit-learn: Biclustering algorithms, scoring, and data generation
Python Software FoundationSunPy? - Interfacing with Heliocphysics Databases
Python Software FoundationMailman: Authenticated REST-API in Postorius/Django.
Python Software FoundationPorting to gtk3 and GUI improvements
Python Software FoundationIDLE Improvements
Python Software FoundationStatsmodels: Time Series Analysis Extensions (esp. regime-switching models)
Python Software FoundationMNE-Python: Implement time-frequency beamformers
Python Software FoundationOpenHatch?: Rewrite training missions using oppia (Training missions, version 2)
Python Software FoundationPyDy?: Visualization of the simulated motion of multibody systems
Python Software FoundationwxPython Bindings for PyPy using CFFI
QEMU.orgAdd MTP emulation to QEMU
QEMU.orgConverting coroutines to Continuation Passing C
QEMU.orgMore intelligent virsh auto-completion
QEMU.orgLibvirt RPC protocol Wireshark dissector
QEMU.orgIntegrating Kconfig to Qemu
QEMU.orgIntroduce API to query IP addresses for given domain
QEMU.orgCopy/Paste Integration
QEMU.orgIntegrated Copy/Paste
QEMU.orgApply for GSoC'13 - Nested Virtualization Project
Quagga @ OpenSourceRouting? / ISCIS-IS testing replay tool
R Project for statistical ComputingImplement/Port Spectral Unmixing Methods to R
R Project for statistical ComputingLinear factor model for asset returns
R Project for statistical ComputingImprovements to data construction, subsetting, and manipulation for time series data.
R Project for statistical ComputingHighfrequency: add inferential methods to highfrequency
R Project for statistical ComputingA package extension for Exponential Random Graph Model with block structure
R Project for statistical ComputingProfiling Tools for Parallel Computing with R
R Project for statistical ComputingImproving rapport and pander packages
R Project for statistical ComputingCollection of functionality ported from the MATLAB code of Attilio Meucci
R Project for statistical ComputingAddressing IID Assumptions in Finance: Autocorrelation and Drawdowns in Performance Analysis
R Project for statistical ComputingProposal_PortfolioAnalytics_Ross _Bennett
R Project for statistical ComputingR Interactive Graphics via HTml
R Project for statistical ComputingAddressing IID Assumptions in Finance: Autocorrelation and Drawdowns in Performance Analysis
R Project for statistical ComputingImprove display of imported vector graphics in R
R Project for statistical ComputingImprove rendering of animated/interactive ggplots in d3 using animint
R Project for statistical ComputingHandle parallel (vectorized) objective functions in a new optimization wrapper package
R Project for statistical ComputingCAMEL: Calibrated Machine Learning
R Project for statistical Computingrobgpu
R Project for statistical ComputingBiodiversity data visualization in R
RaxaIVR and 2 way SMS for patients
RaxaReport Module
RaxaImplementing a faster, node.js-based search
RaxaRaxa - Patient Medical Timeline
RoboComp?Multi-physics support
RoboComp?Build a Model Driven Development (MDD-)based component management tool to connect, deploy and monitor graphs of RoboComp? components
RouteFlow?A Master/Slave configuration of OpenFlow controllers for IP routing with RouteFlow?
RTEMS ProjectAtomic Operations and SMP lock debug tool for RTEMS
RTEMS ProjectEnhance low-level API of libmm (Memory Protection & Caches)
RTEMS ProjectPorting CAN driver, LinCAN, to RTEMS
RTEMS ProjectRTEMS Runtime Loader
RTEMS ProjectParavirtualization layer in RTEMS
RTEMS ProjectApplication Configuration GUI for RTEMS.
RTEMS ProjectSMP Aware Scheduler
RTEMS ProjectUnified APIs
Ruby on RailsRails Web Console
Ruby on RailsThe Path to Faster And Better HTML Sanitization
Ruby on RailsSplit out ActionView? from ActionPack and add Support for View classes.
Ruby on RailsREST Actions for Resource Collections
Ruby on RailsReworking the Initialization of Rails
Ruby Science FoundationStatSample? Revamping
Ruby Science FoundationMachine Learning & Data Mining Algorithms for Ruby
Ruby Science FoundationSemantic Web Gem for Bioinformatics
Ruby Science FoundationRuby port of D3 visualization package
Sage Mathematical Software SystemMathematical Functions Library
Sage Mathematical Software SystemGet Sage ready for Linux distributions
Sage Mathematical Software SystemOverall improvement of the Sage Android application
Sahana Software FoundationNative Synchronization between Vesuvius Instances
Sahana Software FoundationMerge Kilauea and Vesuvius Trunks
Sahana Software FoundationDisaster Specific Resource Page
Sahana Software FoundationSimplifying ImageStats? Code
Sahana Software FoundationTranslation
Sahana Software FoundationPortable App Dynamic Creation for Vesuvius Platform
Sahana Software FoundationDemo Instance(s) of vesuvius
Sahana Software FoundationAutomatic Test Framework
Sahana Software FoundationSearch Project
SambaImprove smbclient tar/archive support
SambaMaking Samba 4 DC clients aware
SambaSMB3 durable handles and leases for CIFS Linux kernel module
Scaffold HunterVisual Feature Selection/Dynamic Visualization
Scaffold HunterLappenschaar: Ramachandran Plots, Treemaps, and Heatmaps
Scala Teamparboiled2: a macro-based PEG parser generator for Scala
Scala TeamComprehensive Comprehensions
Scala TeamSpecializing parallel collections with customized work-stealing and Scala Macros and developing micro-benchmarking suite for collections.
Scala TeamNumerically Solving Partial Differential Equations
Scala TeamCross-language refactorings for the Scala IDE
Scala TeamConstraint Solver in Scala
Scala TeamSlick migration projects
Scala TeamScript Tracing with Kojo IDE
Scala TeamScala Library as a Deep EDSL Module
ScummVMIntegrating Marisa Chan's Z-Engine Implementation into the ScummVM set of Engines
ScummVMGUI Extensions and Improvements, mainly focusing on Touchscreen Devices
ScummVMImprove Wintermute Engine for Scummvm
ScummVMAvalanche Engine
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxProposal for "Develop interactive machine learning demos"
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxFast Reading and writing of shogun features / objects in standard file formats
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxImplement Metric Learning Algorithms with Applications to Metagenomics
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxImplement algorithms for Blind Source Separation (BSS) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based on Approximate Joint Diagonalization (AJD) of matrices.
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxLarge-Scale Learning of General Structured Output Models
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxImplement estimators of large-scale sparse Gaussian densities
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxMy Proposal for "Large Scale Learning: loglinear time kernel expansion (aka Fast Food)"
Shogun Machine Learning ToolboxGaussian Processes for Classification
SigmahCreation of Private Support System for sigmah.org
SigmahAdvanced project model and privileges management
SigmahGWT Sigmah application [ A user-friendly reply to the need of flexible humanitarian projects ]
Simple DirectMedia? LayerMulti-platform meta-build system for SDL 2.0
Simple DirectMedia? LayerInteractive and Visual Test Automation for SDL 2.0
SimpleCVSimpleCV javascript companion product development
SimpleCVCore Developments in SimpleCV
SimpleCVRevisiting the Rendering System
SimpleCVMaking SimpleCV faster
SimpleCVRevisiting the Rendering System
Steel Bank Common LispModernising register allocation in SBCL
Steel Bank Common LispEfficient Interpretation for SBCL
Sugar LabsProject Sharing WebSite? for SugarLabs?
Sugar LabsSocial Sugar
Sugar LabsTranslation Server
Sugar LabsImplement help mechanism for activities using Mallard
Sugar LabsOpen Video Chat Cross Platform Port
Sugar LabsTurtle Blocks Python export
Sugar LabsSugar Framework for wrting HTML5 activities
SuperTuxKart?Graphical improvements
SuperTuxKart?Network core for SuperTuxKart?(STK)
SuperTuxKart?Networking Lobby
Swathanthra Malayalam ComputingPorting remaining modules & separation of template dependencies in flask based silpa
Swathanthra Malayalam ComputingGSoC 2013 Proposal : Building a system and API's for accessing and updating Malayalamgrandham Bibliography Data.
Swathanthra Malayalam ComputingAutomated rendering testing
SymPyRisch algorithm for symbolic integration
SymPyFaster Algorithms for Polynomials over Algebraic Number Fields
SymPyImproved ODE Solver
SymPyLie Algebras
SymPyVector calculus module
SymPyAddition of electromagnetism features to sympy.physics
SymPyDiophantine Equation Module for SymPy
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute CommunityModern Web Interface for Systers member's area
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute CommunityAdministrative Features - create/modify monthly dlist stat scripts
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute CommunityImplementing RSS feed for Mailman and increasing test coverage
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute CommunityImplementing New Administrative Features
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute CommunitySetting up automated test environment for the Systers Mailman Project
Systers, an Anita Borg Institute CommunityUser Interface design
The Centre for Computational MedicineSolr Backend for MedSavant?
The Centre for Computational MedicineParallelization of Queries in MedSavant?
The Centre for Computational MedicineExtraction of Ontologies terms from free form clinical notes
The CGAL ProjectMore point generators in CGAL
The CGAL ProjectImproved design and new features for the Mesh_2 package
The CGAL ProjectVisibility Polygon Implementation
The CGAL ProjectCurve-Skeletonization Algorithm into CGAL
The CGAL ProjectVisibility Polygon Implementation in CGAL using Algorithm with Arrangement Preprocessing
The CGAL Project2D AABB Tree
The CGAL ProjectAdding point set consolidation algorithms into CGAL
The Concord ConsortiumExpansion of SPARKS HTML5 circuit simulator to include non-linear and active devices
The Eclipse FoundationEclipse JDT - Java Code Blocks
The Eclipse FoundationUsage Data Collection for Code Completion
The Eclipse FoundationEclipse Orion: Adding Git Blame Functionality
The Eclipse FoundationSource code migration and generation tools to make use of Java 8 features
The Eclipse FoundationEclipse Platform: Implementing generic in JFace viewers
The Eclipse FoundationError Markers and Quick Fixes in eTrice State Chart Diagrams
The Eclipse FoundationRe-Writing SnipMatch? Code Completion Engine
The Eclipse FoundationEclipse Code Recommenders - Models API
The Eclipse FoundationCode Recommenders for Javadoc
The Eclipse FoundationDrag and Drop implementation for SWTBot
The Eclipse FoundationNew text editor for SnipMatch?
The Fedora ProjectEvent management system for Fedora
The Fedora ProjectPackage GitLab for Fedora
The Fedora ProjectGeeklog CrowdTranslation?
The Fedora ProjectFedora Gooey Karma
The Fedora ProjectFedora Blocker Bug Tracking App
The Fedora ProjectGlitterGallery?
The Fedora ProjectDarkserver Improvement
The Fedora ProjectImproving MATE desktop environment
The Fedora ProjectFinancial IS for Fedora project
The Honeynet ProjectThug Distributed Task Queuing

The Honeynet ProjectExtending Beeswarm
The Honeynet ProjectNetwork Analyzer
The Honeynet ProjectIntegration of Pwnypot into Cuckoo
The Honeynet ProjectImprovements for project IMALSE
The Honeynet ProjectIPv6 attack detector
The Honeynet ProjectPlatform independent binary-focused debugger frontend
The Honeynet ProjectHoneyProxy?
The Honeynet ProjectProposal for SHIVA: Spam Honeypot with Intelligent Virtual Analyzer
The Honeynet ProjectScriptable debugger stub based on binary instrumentation
The Honeynet ProjectAfterGlow? Cloud Project
The Honeynet ProjectStandard Variable and Type Inference Lib
The Honeynet Project"Project 11: HpfeedsHoneyGraph? for visualizing malicious intention" Proposal by Vincent Kao
The Java Pathfinder TeamVisual JPF
The Java Pathfinder TeamHabanero Deadlock Detector
The Java Pathfinder TeamComputing Observable Modified Condition/Decision Coverage
The Java Pathfinder TeamAbstract Model Checking
The Java Pathfinder TeamVerifying Probabilistic Programs
The Java Pathfinder TeamAnalysis of biological models in Symbolic PathFinder?
The Java Pathfinder TeamHuman assisted Parameterized Unit tests for GUI Testing
The Java Pathfinder TeamCombining JDart and Randoop
The Java Pathfinder TeamAutomated Model Generation for Library Code
The Java Pathfinder TeamVerification of LTL properties of Java code
The Java Pathfinder TeamJPF as Concurrency Teaching Assistant
The Java Pathfinder TeamSecure Information Flow by Symbolic PathFinder?
The Java Pathfinder TeamAn Eclipse Plug-in for Library Specifications Learning through Testing and Model Checking
The Java Pathfinder TeamJava Platform Debugger Architecture for Java Pathfinder
The Java Pathfinder TeamInvariant Discovery
The Linux Foundationfoomatic-rip: Replace the universal print filter by an easy-to-maintain CUPS filter
The Linux FoundationOpenPrinting? web site: web application for printer and driver administration
The Linux FoundationPenguin with Dragon Wings: Check Before Take-off
The Linux FoundationVerification of Linux file systems drivers by combination of static and dynamic analysis
The Linux FoundationGeneration of Environment Model for Verification of Multi-module Device Drivers
The Linux FoundationA partial rebuild feature for Btrfs filesystem
The Linux FoundationEfficient sparse file handling in the page cache
The Linux FoundationOpenPrinting? web site: Usability and backend enhancements
The Linux FoundationColor Management Printing Extension for CUPS
The Linux FoundationImproving performance of the KernelStrider? tools
The Linux FoundationFormalization of Correct Usage of Kernel Core API
The Linux FoundationLSB projects, Extend and Update LSB Core Test Suite
The Linux FoundationAutomatic Construction of Kernel Core Model
The Linux FoundationImprove multi-version support in automatically generated LSB test suites
The NetBSD FoundationSystem upgrade
The NetBSD FoundationDefragmentation for FFS in NetBSD
The NetBSD FoundationImplement file system flags to scrub data blocks before deletion
The NetBSD FoundationPort Linux's drm/kms/gem/i915
The ns-3 Network Simulator ProjectUE Measurement, Initial Cell Selection, and Handover Algorithms for ns-3 LTE Module
The ns-3 Network Simulator ProjectImplementation of WAVE 1609.4/802.11p for ns-3
The Open Motion Planning LibraryCombining OMPL and MORSE to Enhance the Motion Planning Experience
The Open Motion Planning LibraryGeneralized Optimal Path Planning Framework
The Privly FoundationPrivly iOS app for Content Posting and Social Networks and Email Content Reading
The Privly FoundationDevelopment of a Mobile Version of Privly
The WiselibWiselib: NS-3 Port
The WiselibJavascript Interface for Remote Controlling WISEBED Nodes
The WiselibIPv6 extension with Distributed Protocol Stacks
The WiselibWiselib Online Editing Service
The WiselibImplement CoAP (Conditional-)Observe in Wiselib
The WiselibCompleting Arduino Port
ThinkUp?YouTube Plugin
ThinkUp?Develop plugins and exciting new insights for ThinkUp?
TimVideos?.usDeveloping Python API for GST-SWITCH
TimVideos?.usEDID Database Website
TorRun With Limited Capabilities Project
TorHTTPS Everywhere Mixed Content Detection and Handling
TorReduce RTT for preemptively built circuits
TorSteganography Browser Addon
TorCreate an Internet Censorship Virtual Machine Based Simulator
TorSearchable Tor descriptor archive
Tux4KidsMobile and Visual Programming Game
Tux4KidsAccessibility extensions for TuxMath? and TuxType?
twitterMesos - Security and Authentication Support
twitterNetty Asynch DNS
twitterScalding: Matrix optimizations
TYPO3 AssociationFluidBoilerplate?
TYPO3 AssociationTYPO3 Flow meets Ember.js (previously named: Kickstarter for Flow/Ember.js applications)
TYPO3 AssociationFluid : Cut dependencies on Flow.
TYPO3 AssociationCreate a oAuth layer
WikimediaRefactoring of Proofread Page extension
WikimediaBayesian Spam Filter
WikimediaVisualEditor plugin for source code editing
WikimediaMediaWiki-Moodle Extension
WikimediaLanguage Coverage Matrix Dashboard
WikimediaSection handling in Semantic Forms
WikimediaVisualEditor Math Equation Plugin
WikimediaIncremental updates for Kiwix (offline Wikipedia)
WikimediaWikidata language fallback and conversion
WikimediaImprove support for book structures
WikimediaInternationalization and Right-To-Left Support in VisualEditor
WikimediaUploadWizard?: Book upload customization( from ideas page)
WikimediaAndroid app for MediaWiki translation
WikimediajQuery.IME extensions for Firefox and Chrome
WikimediaMobilize Wikidata
WikimediaPronunciation Recording Extension
WikimediaPrototyping inline comments
WikimediaIncremental data dumps
Wine ProjectRegistry - implement merging between HKCR and HKCU\Software\Classes
Wine ProjectImplement ITextDocument? in Richedit
Wine ProjectMSXML - Implement MSXML without libxml2
WiresharkJSONshark Project
WiresharkQtShark? student programmer
WiresharkImproved Fuzzing
WordPressCode Revisions
WordPress mobile app for BlackBerry 10 devices
Enhance Profiles.WordPress.org
Port WordPress for WebOS to Firefox OS
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Validator.nu Java API
W3C Internationalization Checker - An API rewrite in Java
WorldForge?Environment dependent camera animations
[Ryzom] Programmable shader pipeline and material editor tool
Account Management Web Application With Ticketing System And Its Integegration into Ryzom App.
CEGUI - Custom-shape drawing (vector-graphics ready) + SVG support
Replace current terrain manager with Ogre terrain component
GUI navigation and visual focus
X.Org FoundationDRM Render/Modeset Nodes
Reverse engineering NVidia's performance counters and exposing them via nv_perfmon.
Implementing GL_EXT_direct_state_access
XBMCImproved Support for Linux Windowing Systems
Improved Database Layout