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hostapd for Debian

This package provides two methods for managing hostapd process(es); an
initscript and an ifupdown hook. Both methods require creation of a
hostapd daemon configuration file (/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf) to
function correctly.

An example hostapd.conf may be used as a template but _must_ be edited
to suit your local configuration. An example is located at:

To use the example as a template:
  # zcat /usr/share/doc/hostapd/examples/hostapd.conf.gz > \
  # $EDITOR /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

If you're running systemd, you need to unmask the hostapd unit by running:

    systemctl unmask hostapd

If you want to run multiple instances of hostapd with different
configurations, consider using a service template hostapd@.service
shipped with the package. E.g. for a hostapd configuration file named
/etc/hostapd/wifi.conf, the service name will be hostapd@wifi.service.

The previously supported configuration setting DAEMON_CONF in
/etc/default/hostapd is deprecated and its support will be removed.

To use the ifupdown method, the path to hostapd configuration file can
be specified in a network interfaces configuration stanza in
/etc/network/interfaces like so:

iface eth1 inet static
	hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

The hostapd process will be started in the pre-up phase of ifup, and be
terminated in the post-down phase of ifdown.

Please note:
* If you want to use hostapd with a Prism2/2.5/3 card in WPA mode, you'll need
  STA firmware version >= 1.7.0.
