最終更新:2012-09-08 (土) 04:29:27 (4473d)  

Top / OpenICC


OpenICC has two main goals. The first goal is to work out a common set of settings for color savvy applications to share profiles and settings. The second goal is to bring together those developers in areas like printing, display and desktop applications to work together to make color management end to end work for open source applications.


  • ArgyllCMS?, an experimental, open source, ICC compatible color management system.
  • CinePaint, a 16-bit photo retouching application, best suited for video.
  • colord?, a system service to manage, install and generate color profiles
  • CUPS, printing software.
  • GraphicsMagick, is the swiss army knife of image processing.
  • GIMP, popular pixel manipulation application
  • Ghostscript, an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF
  • Gutenprint?, a set of very high quality drivers for printers, with particular emphasis on inkjets.
  • ImageMagick, image editing collection.
  • Inkscape, a vector graphics editor.
  • Krita, and Karbon?, the raster and vector image manipulation applications of the KOffice suite.
  • LittleCMS?, a widely used open source color management system.
  • Poppler, a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.
  • LPROF?, an open source profiler that uses LCMS.
  • Scribus, an open source page layout application.
  • Oyranos?, a colour management system intended for configuration, user interfaces and profile distribution.


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