最終更新:2013-08-19 (月) 16:25:41 (3911d)  

Top / UPX




Compression algorithms

  • UCL?, LZMA (both LZbased dictionary models)


  •                        Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
                              Copyright (C) 1996 - 2013
    UPX 3.09w       Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser   Feb 18th 2013
    Usage: upx [-123456789dlthVL] [-qvfk] [-o file] file..
      -1     compress faster                   -9    compress better
      -d     decompress                        -l    list compressed file
      -t     test compressed file              -V    display version number
      -h     give more help                    -L    display software license
      -q     be quiet                          -v    be verbose
      -oFILE write output to 'FILE'
      -f     force compression of suspicious files
      -k     keep backup files
    file..   executables to (de)compress
    Type 'upx --help' for more detailed help.
    UPX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details visit http://upx.sf.net


  •                        Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
                              Copyright (C) 1996 - 2013
    UPX 3.09w       Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser   Feb 18th 2013
    Usage: upx [-123456789dlthVL] [-qvfk] [-o file] file..
      -1     compress faster                   -9    compress better
      --best compress best (can be slow for big files)
      -d     decompress                        -l    list compressed file
      -t     test compressed file              -V    display version number
      -h     give this help                    -L    display software license
      -q     be quiet                          -v    be verbose
      -oFILE write output to 'FILE'
      -f     force compression of suspicious files
      --no-color, --mono, --color, --no-progress   change look
    Compression tuning options:
      --brute             try all available compression methods & filters [slow]
      --ultra-brute       try even more compression variants [very slow]
    Backup options:
      -k, --backup        keep backup files
      --no-backup         no backup files [default]
    Overlay options:
      --overlay=copy      copy any extra data attached to the file [default]
      --overlay=strip     strip any extra data attached to the file [DANGEROUS]
      --overlay=skip      don't compress a file with an overlay
    Options for djgpp2/coff:
      --coff              produce COFF output [default: EXE]
    Options for dos/com:
      --8086              make compressed com work on any 8086
    Options for dos/exe:
      --8086              make compressed exe work on any 8086
      --no-reloc          put no relocations in to the exe header
    Options for dos/sys:
      --8086              make compressed sys work on any 8086
    Options for ps1/exe:
      --8-bit             uses 8 bit size compression [default: 32 bit]
      --8mib-ram          8 megabyte memory limit [default: 2 MiB]
      --boot-only         disables client/host transfer compatibility
      --no-align          don't align to 2048 bytes [enables: --console-run]
    Options for watcom/le:
      --le                produce LE output [default: EXE]
    Options for win32/pe, rtm32/pe & arm/pe:
      --compress-exports=0    do not compress the export section
      --compress-exports=1    compress the export section [default]
      --compress-icons=0      do not compress any icons
      --compress-icons=1      compress all but the first icon
      --compress-icons=2      compress all but the first icon directory [default]
      --compress-icons=3      compress all icons
      --compress-resources=0  do not compress any resources at all
      --keep-resource=list    do not compress resources specified by list
      --strip-relocs=0        do not strip relocations
      --strip-relocs=1        strip relocations [default]
    Options for linux/elf:
      --preserve-build-id     copy .gnu.note.build-id to compressed output
    file..   executables to (de)compress
    This version supports:
        AMD64-darwin.macho               Mach/AMD64
        ARMEL-darwin.macho               Mach/ARMEL
        amd64-linux.elf                  linux/ElfAMD
        amd64-linux.kernel.vmlinux       vmlinux/AMD64
        arm-linux.elf                    linux/armel
        arm-linux.kernel.vmlinux         vmlinux/armel
        arm-wince.pe                     arm/pe
        armeb-linux.elf                  linux/armeb
        armeb-linux.kernel.vmlinux       vmlinux/armeb
        armel-linux.kernel.vmlinuz       vmlinuz/armel
        fat-darwin.macho                 Mach/fat
        i086-dos16.com                   dos/com
        i086-dos16.exe                   dos/exe
        i086-dos16.sys                   dos/sys
        i386-bsd.elf.execve              BSD/386
        i386-darwin.macho                Mach/i386
        i386-dos32.djgpp2.coff           djgpp2/coff
        i386-dos32.tmt.adam              tmt/adam
        i386-dos32.watcom.le             watcom/le
        i386-freebsd.elf                 BSD/elf386
        i386-linux.elf                   linux/elf386
        i386-linux.elf.execve            linux/386
        i386-linux.elf.shell             linux/sh386
        i386-linux.kernel.bvmlinuz       bvmlinuz/386
        i386-linux.kernel.vmlinux        vmlinux/386
        i386-linux.kernel.vmlinuz        vmlinuz/386
        i386-netbsd.elf                  netbsd/elf386
        i386-openbsd.elf                 opnbsd/elf386
        i386-win32.pe                    win32/pe
        m68k-atari.tos                   atari/tos
        mips-linux.elf                   linux/mipseb
        mipsel-linux.elf                 linux/mipsel
        mipsel.r3000-ps1                 ps1/exe
        powerpc-darwin.macho             Mach/ppc32
        powerpc-linux.elf                linux/ElfPPC
        powerpc-linux.kernel.vmlinux     vmlinux/ppc32
    UPX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details visit http://upx.sf.net