最終更新:2024-06-30 (日) 15:43:05 (97d)  

Top / apt-file

APT package searching utility -- command-line interface


sudo apt-get install apt-file
apt-file update


$ apt-file search libssl.so
  • apt-file searchapt-file find?Search in which package a file is included.
    apt-file listapt-file show?List the contents of a package matching the pattern pattern.
    apt-file purge?Remove cache files
    apt-file updateResynchronize the package contents from their sources.


  • apt-file [options] action [pattern]
    apt-file [options] -f action <file>
    apt-file [options] -D action <debfile>
    Configuration options:
        --architecture     -a  <arch>       Use specific architecture
        --cache            -c  <dir>        Cache directory
        --cdrom-mount      -d  <cdrom>      Use specific cdrom mountpoint
        --dummy            -y               run in dummy mode (no action)
        --fixed-string     -F               Do not expand pattern
        --from-deb         -D               Use file list of .deb package(s) as
                                            patterns; implies -F
        --from-file        -f               Read patterns from file(s), one per line
                                            (use '-' for stdin)
        --ignore-case      -i               Ignore case distinctions
        --non-interactive  -N               Skip schemes requiring user input
                                            (useful in cron jobs)
        --package-only     -l               Only display packages name
        --regexp           -x               pattern is a regular expression
        --sources-list     -s  <file>       sources.list location
        --verbose          -v               run in verbose mode
        --help             -h               Show this help.
                           --               End of options (neccessary if pattern
                                            starts with a '-')
        update                              Fetch Contents files from apt-sources.
        search|find        <pattern>        Search files in packages
        list|show          <pattern>        List files in packages
        purge                               Remove cache files


  • apt
  • libapt-pkg-perl?
  • liblist-moreutils-perl?
  • libregexp-assemble-perl?
  • perl

