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Top / bluealsa







  • Linux/lib/systemd/system/bluealsa.service?


  • 1.4
      bluealsa [OPTION]...
      -h, --help		print this help and exit
      -V, --version		print version and exit
      -B, --dbus=NAME	D-Bus service name suffix
      -S, --syslog		send output to syslog
      -i, --device=hciX	HCI device to use
      -p, --profile=NAME	enable BT profile
      --a2dp-force-mono	force monophonic sound
      --a2dp-force-audio-cd	force 44.1 kHz sampling
      --a2dp-keep-alive=SEC	keep A2DP transport alive
      --a2dp-volume		control volume natively
    Available BT profiles:
      - a2dp-source	Advanced Audio Source (SBC)
      - a2dp-sink	Advanced Audio Sink (SBC)
      - hfp-hf	Hands-Free (v1.7)
      - hfp-ag	Hands-Free Audio Gateway (v1.7)
      - hsp-hs	Headset (v1.2)
      - hsp-ag	Headset Audio Gateway (v1.2)
    By default only output profiles are enabled, which includes A2DP Source and
    HSP/HFP Audio Gateways. If one wants to enable other set of profiles, it is
    required to explicitly specify all of them using `-p NAME` options.
  • 1.7
      bluealsa [OPTION]...
      -h, --help		print this help and exit
      -V, --version		print version and exit
      -B, --dbus=NAME	D-Bus service name suffix
      -S, --syslog		send output to syslog
      -i, --device=hciX	HCI device(s) to use
      -p, --profile=NAME	enable BT profile
      --a2dp-force-mono	force monophonic sound
      --a2dp-force-audio-cd	force 44.1 kHz sampling
      --a2dp-keep-alive=SEC	keep A2DP transport alive
      --a2dp-volume		native volume control by default
      --sbc-quality=NB	set SBC encoder quality
      --ldac-abr		enable LDAC adaptive bit rate
      --ldac-eqmid=NB	set LDAC encoder quality
    Available BT profiles:
      - a2dp-source	Advanced Audio Source (LDAC, SBC)
      - a2dp-sink	Advanced Audio Sink (SBC)
      - hfp-ofono	Hands-Free handled by oFono (hf & ag)
      - hfp-hf	Hands-Free (v1.7)
      - hfp-ag	Hands-Free Audio Gateway (v1.7)
      - hsp-hs	Headset (v1.2)
      - hsp-ag	Headset Audio Gateway (v1.2)
    By default only output profiles are enabled, which includes A2DP Source and
    HSP/HFP Audio Gateways. If one wants to enable other set of profiles, it is
    required to explicitly specify all of them using `-p NAME` options.

Raspberry Pi OS/2020-12-02

Ubuntu 21.10