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Top / bluealsa-aplay


Capture audio streams from Bluetooth devices (via bluealsa(8)) and play them to an ALSA playback device.

  bluealsa-aplay [OPTION]... [BT-ADDR]...

  -h, --help		print this help and exit
  -V, --version		print version and exit
  -v, --verbose		make output more verbose
  -l, --list-devices	list available BT audio devices
  -L, --list-pcms	list available BT audio PCMs
  -B, --dbus=NAME	BlueALSA service name suffix
  -D, --pcm=NAME	playback PCM device to use
  --pcm-buffer-time=INT	playback PCM buffer time
  --pcm-period-time=INT	playback PCM period time
  --profile-a2dp	use A2DP profile (default)
  --profile-sco		use SCO profile
  --single-audio	single audio mode

If one wants to receive audio from more than one Bluetooth device, it is
possible to specify more than one MAC address. By specifying any/empty MAC
address (00:00:00:00:00:00), one will allow connections from any Bluetooth
device. Without given explicit MAC address any/empty MAC is assumed.


  • The simplest usage of bluealsa-aplay is to run it with no arguments. It will play audio from all connected Bluetooth devices to the default ALSA playback PCM.
  • bluealsa-aplay is not duplex. It captures from bluetooth and plays back to a local speaker.